- published: 17 Jan 2009
- views: 14072
Mary Clare Absalom (17 July 1892 – 29 August 1970) was a British actress, who performed in films, on the stage and later on television.
Absalom was born in 1892. She trained at a dramatic school and began her career on the London stage at the age of 18 in 1910. She appeared in the film The Black Spider in 1920, and thereafter divided her time between the stage and the cinema. In September 1936 she played the leading role in the play Laura Garnett, by Leslie and Sewell Stokes, at the Arts Theatre Club, London.
In the theatre, she played the lead role of the victim in Agatha Christie's 1945 play Appointment with Death.
In films, she was mainly a character actress and in later life often portrayed mature ladies who had strength of character or were autocratic. In April 1927, she appeared in Packing Up, a short film produced in the DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process. The short featured Malcolm Keen and was directed by Miles Mander.
In 1938, she was featured opposite Robert Donat and Rosalind Russell in The Citadel. She appeared in two of the British-made Alfred Hitchcock films, Young and Innocent, playing a nightmare of an aunt who demands that everyone enjoy themselves at her young daughter's birthday party, and The Lady Vanishes, in which she plays a sinister Countess; two vastly different characters. She played the part of Linda Singer in two different versions of The Constant Nymph and had previously been in the stage version. In 1956, she was in several TV episodes in British television.
Mary may refer to:
Clare may refer to:
Mary Clare Malloy - Dolores Keane
Mary Clare Sweet Yoga Hippy Hippy Power
Mary Clare is gymnastics.
JDRF CC17 Delegate Mary Clare KS
"You Make Loving Fun," Yoga with Mary Clare Sweet
Why Art Becomes Us | Maryclare Heffernan | TEDxSalveReginaU
Day 160 - Mary Clare - Patti Kusturok's 365 Days of Fiddle Tunes
Full Ecology, with Author Gary Ferguson and Mary Clare, Ph.D
Mary Clare Sweet Dancing with the Omaha Stars 2015
The senior piano recital of Mary Clare Horst (Part 5)
Actors: Virginia Friedman (writer), Virginia Friedman (producer), Brian Higdon (director), Brian Higdon (writer), Gordana Rashovich (actress), Barbara Andres (actress), Judith Boxley (actress), Naelee Rae (actress), Leo Kao (actor), Cristiano Magni (actor), Stephen Hess (writer), Virginia Rubey (actress),
Genres: Short,"Mary Clare Malloy" sung by Dolores Keane from Tom Russell's album "The Man From God Knows Where". Lyrics: A stor mo chroi when you're far away from the home you will soon be leaving... My name is Mary Clare Malloy, I was born in County Cork At 18 years of age I sailed for the shores of old New York With 700 picture brides torn tween hope and fear At last we spied Manhattan and the famous Isle of Tears My first taste of the New World turned to ashes very fast The ones who entered freely were from first and second class We steerage folk remained on board as if we were exiles The captain turned the ship around and sailed to Ellis Isle We disembarked and stood in line with chalk marks on our coats X for mental illness, if E back on the boat They asked us what our br...
Mary Clare Sweet Yoga Hippy Hippy Power, See the Full Length Video Here: http://myyoga.tv/vqyK Mary Clare Sweet brings you this vinyasa class for your hips. Your hips are like the "junk drawer" of your body, holding onto a lot of stress, anxiety, and depression. De-clutter your junk drawer and let go with this firey power class. Stretch, strengthen, and detoxify! Featuring music by Logical Drift
MC, age will-be-3-next-week
The urge and need to create art is programmed into the DNA of all human beings. We may not always understand the abilities that exist within us and may not realize our need to be creative. to problem solve and design new images. But when we open ourselves up to our innate potential the creative force that we tap into in each of us will take our breath away. We are never too young or too old to realize our potential. We are never too disabled, elderly, distracted, unhappy, satisfied, disinterested or present to know what else we can learn and do. We, each of us, are still learning until the moment our human life ends. I come from a family of artists, musicians and cooks. A rich collection of humans who can't help but make new stuff, create new music, new art, new cookies. What can w...
Another Jerry Holland tune for today. :)
Mary Clare Sweet, owner of Lotus House of Yoga, performing with professional Derek Pasqualetto of Omaha Ballroom at Dancing with the Omaha Stars charity event. For more information on this event or dance lessons please see our website www.omahaballroom.com
Prelude and Fugue by Clara Schumann ~Prelude: allegretto
When the financial crisis hit in 2008, architects Mary Clare DeReuil & Carlos Tardio were without work, but determined to continue creating buildings. “We were scouring the city all the time looking for cheap land, land that no one wanted to deal with because it was problematic,” explains DeReuil. They finally picked up property near downtown Atlanta that was “problematic” and “unbelievably cheap” because there was no driveway access. Over the course of 4 years, the two architects (Tardio Architecture) worked 10 hour days to create an experimental glass dream home using materials easily accessible in industrialized settings: steel beams, cast concrete, 2 by 6 milled lumber and lots of recycled glass. “We scrapped this thing together with personal loans, brother and sister loans, loan shar...
An appeal from the district court's judgment, after a jury trial, in an action under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Mary Clare Ahearn is an Agricultural Economist with the Economic Research Service. Her primary areas of expertise are the economic well-being of farm operators and their households, the structure and the performance of the agricultural sector, and policies affecting structure and well-being. She also has experience in valuation of nonmarket goods and services and rural health care.
This holy matrimony was on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at Victory Church of Christ. The sermon that the pastor delivered is vital for sustaining a marriage. Be blessed as you watch.
Título original Young and Innocent (The Girl Was Young) Año 1937 Duración 82 min. País Reino Unido Director Alfred Hitchcock Guion Charles Bennett, Alma Reville (Novela: Joséphine Tey) Música Louis Levy Fotografía Bernard Knowles (B&W;) Reparto Derrick de Marney, Nova Pilbeam, Percy Marmont, Edward Rigby, Mary Clare, John Longden, George Curzon, Basil Radford Productora Gaumont British Género Intriga. Thriller | Crimen Sinopsis Robert Tisdall encuentra en la playa el cuerpo sin vida de una joven. Corre en busca de ayuda, pero dos muchachas lo ven y, creyendo que es el asesino, lo denuncian a la policía. Robert se ve obligado a huir, a pesar de su inocencia. En su desesperado intento de probar que no es el culpable, sólo contará con la ayuda de una chica.
This holy matrimony was on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at Victory Church of Christ. The sermon that the pastor delivered is vital for sustaining a marriage. Be blessed as you watch.
Speaker: Lieutenant Colonel Shannon D. Beebe, Professor Mary Kaldor, Clare Short, Rory Stewart MP This event was recorded on 26 May 2010 in Old Theatre, Old Building A panel of speakers explore an idea for stabilising the dangerous neighbourhoods of the world through the implementation of human security ideas. The event celebrates the publication of The Ultimate Weapon is No Weapon: Human Security and the New Rules of War and Peace written by Shannon D Beebe and Professor Mary Kaldor, published by Perseus Books. We apologise for the poor audio quality of this video. An mp3 audio podcast of this lecture is available to download at the following url - http://richmedia.lse.ac.uk/publicLecturesAndEvents/20100526_1830_theUltimateWeaponIsNoWeaponHumanSecurityAndTheNewRulesOfWarAndPeace.mp3
La Signora Scompare (1938) Se ti piace, supporta gli autori: http://amzn.to/2qf8q9o Info: La signora scompare (The Lady Vanishes) è un film inglese del 1938 diretto da Alfred Hitchcock, il cui soggetto è tratto dal romanzo Il mistero della signora scomparsa (The Wheel Spins) di Ethel Lina White. Nel 1979 ne è stato realizzato un remake intitolato Il mistero della signora scomparsa, diretto da Anthony Page, con Angela Lansbury nel ruolo di Miss Froy. Trama: Durante un viaggio in treno dai Balcani verso Londra, Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood), una giovane inglese, si mette alla ricerca di un'anziana signora, Miss Froy, conosciuta durante il viaggio e poi misteriosamente scomparsa. Tutti i passeggeri, così come il personale di bordo, negano di averla mai vista, e cercano di convincere l...
The Clairvoyant auditions & performances on America's Got Talent 2016! Could they win the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Got Talent Global brings together the very best in worldwide talent, creating a central hub for fans of the show to keep up to date with the other sensational performances from around the world. Subscribe to Got Talent Global: http://www.youtube.com/user/gottalentglobal Watch more Got Talent Global videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-z5mbZ-yCI&list;=PLF-BDTAHX0p5xf2caJw3l9oPmuHI0PJRA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gottalentglobal Twitter: https://twitter.com/gottalentglobal
EX:Change Project: 100 voices. 100 Days. An American roadtrip to connect the nation in a dialogue about change. Quote from Video Interview with Mary Clare -- Portland, OR, August 2009 The EX:Change journey had been completed for 3 months when Rob Bednark of the Portland Upside asked to interview me about the project. Here are stories and thoughts of the people and the adventure that showed up in what I said that day. Part of the EX:Change09 Project, links below will take you to The EX:Change Website (in the works) and Blog: http://www.exchange09.com/ http://exchange2pt0.wordpress.com/ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/p...
A short interview with Mary-Clare Deane, Chief Executive of the Grand Opera House.
Monthly singing showcase in hollywood
EX:Change Project: 100 voices. 100 Days. An American roadtrip to connect the nation in a dialogue about change. Mary Clare -- Portland, OR, August 2009 The EX:Change journey had been completed for 3 months when Rob Bednark of the Portland Upside asked to interview me about the project. Here are stories and thoughts of the people and the adventure that showed up in what I said that day. Part of the EX:Change09 Project, links below will take you to The EX:Change Website (in the works) and Blog: http://www.exchange09.com/ http://exchange2pt0.wordpress.com/ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/p...
Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville and Allen Leech perform a scene from "Downton Abbey" using good ol' American accents, and it's unsettling.
Clare Boothe Luce (March 10, 1903 -- October 9, 1987) was the first American woman appointed to a major ambassadorial post abroad. A versatile author, she is best known for her 1936 hit play The Women, which had an all-female cast. Her writings extended from drama and screen scenarios to fiction, journalism, and war reportage. She was the wife of Henry Luce, publisher of Time, Life, and Fortune. Politically, Luce was a Republican, who became steadily more conservative in later life. In her youth, however, she briefly aligned herself with the Democratic liberalism of Franklin D. Roosevelt, as a protege of Bernard Baruch. Although she was a strong supporter of the Anglo-American alliance in World War II, she remained outspokenly critical of the British presence in India. A charismatic and f...
Clare Mackintosh joins the BBC Breakfast team to discuss her debut novel, I Let You Go.
Go behind the scenes with Selena Gomez at her cover shoot. SUBSCRIBE to Marie Claire: https://goo.gl/Jf13L9 More Than a Pretty Face. Find out what's new in the world of fashion, beauty, music, movies, politics, relationships, health, celebs, and style.
Identical twins Taylor and Tricia share how they see themselves, and each other and what they feel about their disease as they battle matching eating disorders. http://drphil.com Subscribe to Dr. Phil: http://bitly.com/SubscribeDrPhil LIKE us on Facebook: http://bitly.com/DrPhilFacebook Follow us on Twitter: http://bitly.com/DrPhilTwitter Dr. Phil uses the power of television to tell compelling stories about real people. The Dr. Phil show provides the most comprehensive forum on mental health issues in the history of television. For over a decade, Dr. McGraw has used the show's platform to make psychology accessible and understandable to the general public by addressing important personal and social issues. Using his top-rated show as a teaching tool, he takes aim at the critical issues...
"Mary Clare Malloy" sung by Dolores Keane from Tom Russell's album "The Man From God Knows Where". Lyrics: A stor mo chroi when you're far away from the home you will soon be leaving... My name is Mary Clare Malloy, I was born in County Cork At 18 years of age I sailed for the shores of old New York With 700 picture brides torn tween hope and fear At last we spied Manhattan and the famous Isle of Tears My first taste of the New World turned to ashes very fast The ones who entered freely were from first and second class We steerage folk remained on board as if we were exiles The captain turned the ship around and sailed to Ellis Isle We disembarked and stood in line with chalk marks on our coats X for mental illness, if E back on the boat They asked us what our br...
Mary Clare Sweet Yoga Hippy Hippy Power, See the Full Length Video Here: http://myyoga.tv/vqyK Mary Clare Sweet brings you this vinyasa class for your hips. Your hips are like the "junk drawer" of your body, holding onto a lot of stress, anxiety, and depression. De-clutter your junk drawer and let go with this firey power class. Stretch, strengthen, and detoxify! Featuring music by Logical Drift
MC, age will-be-3-next-week
The urge and need to create art is programmed into the DNA of all human beings. We may not always understand the abilities that exist within us and may not realize our need to be creative. to problem solve and design new images. But when we open ourselves up to our innate potential the creative force that we tap into in each of us will take our breath away. We are never too young or too old to realize our potential. We are never too disabled, elderly, distracted, unhappy, satisfied, disinterested or present to know what else we can learn and do. We, each of us, are still learning until the moment our human life ends. I come from a family of artists, musicians and cooks. A rich collection of humans who can't help but make new stuff, create new music, new art, new cookies. What can w...
Another Jerry Holland tune for today. :)
Mary Clare Sweet, owner of Lotus House of Yoga, performing with professional Derek Pasqualetto of Omaha Ballroom at Dancing with the Omaha Stars charity event. For more information on this event or dance lessons please see our website www.omahaballroom.com
Prelude and Fugue by Clara Schumann ~Prelude: allegretto
When the financial crisis hit in 2008, architects Mary Clare DeReuil & Carlos Tardio were without work, but determined to continue creating buildings. “We were scouring the city all the time looking for cheap land, land that no one wanted to deal with because it was problematic,” explains DeReuil. They finally picked up property near downtown Atlanta that was “problematic” and “unbelievably cheap” because there was no driveway access. Over the course of 4 years, the two architects (Tardio Architecture) worked 10 hour days to create an experimental glass dream home using materials easily accessible in industrialized settings: steel beams, cast concrete, 2 by 6 milled lumber and lots of recycled glass. “We scrapped this thing together with personal loans, brother and sister loans, loan shar...
An appeal from the district court's judgment, after a jury trial, in an action under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Mary Clare Ahearn is an Agricultural Economist with the Economic Research Service. Her primary areas of expertise are the economic well-being of farm operators and their households, the structure and the performance of the agricultural sector, and policies affecting structure and well-being. She also has experience in valuation of nonmarket goods and services and rural health care.
This holy matrimony was on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at Victory Church of Christ. The sermon that the pastor delivered is vital for sustaining a marriage. Be blessed as you watch.
Título original Young and Innocent (The Girl Was Young) Año 1937 Duración 82 min. País Reino Unido Director Alfred Hitchcock Guion Charles Bennett, Alma Reville (Novela: Joséphine Tey) Música Louis Levy Fotografía Bernard Knowles (B&W;) Reparto Derrick de Marney, Nova Pilbeam, Percy Marmont, Edward Rigby, Mary Clare, John Longden, George Curzon, Basil Radford Productora Gaumont British Género Intriga. Thriller | Crimen Sinopsis Robert Tisdall encuentra en la playa el cuerpo sin vida de una joven. Corre en busca de ayuda, pero dos muchachas lo ven y, creyendo que es el asesino, lo denuncian a la policía. Robert se ve obligado a huir, a pesar de su inocencia. En su desesperado intento de probar que no es el culpable, sólo contará con la ayuda de una chica.
This holy matrimony was on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at Victory Church of Christ. The sermon that the pastor delivered is vital for sustaining a marriage. Be blessed as you watch.
Speaker: Lieutenant Colonel Shannon D. Beebe, Professor Mary Kaldor, Clare Short, Rory Stewart MP This event was recorded on 26 May 2010 in Old Theatre, Old Building A panel of speakers explore an idea for stabilising the dangerous neighbourhoods of the world through the implementation of human security ideas. The event celebrates the publication of The Ultimate Weapon is No Weapon: Human Security and the New Rules of War and Peace written by Shannon D Beebe and Professor Mary Kaldor, published by Perseus Books. We apologise for the poor audio quality of this video. An mp3 audio podcast of this lecture is available to download at the following url - http://richmedia.lse.ac.uk/publicLecturesAndEvents/20100526_1830_theUltimateWeaponIsNoWeaponHumanSecurityAndTheNewRulesOfWarAndPeace.mp3
La Signora Scompare (1938) Se ti piace, supporta gli autori: http://amzn.to/2qf8q9o Info: La signora scompare (The Lady Vanishes) è un film inglese del 1938 diretto da Alfred Hitchcock, il cui soggetto è tratto dal romanzo Il mistero della signora scomparsa (The Wheel Spins) di Ethel Lina White. Nel 1979 ne è stato realizzato un remake intitolato Il mistero della signora scomparsa, diretto da Anthony Page, con Angela Lansbury nel ruolo di Miss Froy. Trama: Durante un viaggio in treno dai Balcani verso Londra, Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood), una giovane inglese, si mette alla ricerca di un'anziana signora, Miss Froy, conosciuta durante il viaggio e poi misteriosamente scomparsa. Tutti i passeggeri, così come il personale di bordo, negano di averla mai vista, e cercano di convincere l...
The Clairvoyant auditions & performances on America's Got Talent 2016! Could they win the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Got Talent Global brings together the very best in worldwide talent, creating a central hub for fans of the show to keep up to date with the other sensational performances from around the world. Subscribe to Got Talent Global: http://www.youtube.com/user/gottalentglobal Watch more Got Talent Global videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-z5mbZ-yCI&list;=PLF-BDTAHX0p5xf2caJw3l9oPmuHI0PJRA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gottalentglobal Twitter: https://twitter.com/gottalentglobal
Du siehst im Schlaf wie'n kleiner Engel aus
Und Susi liegt gleich neben dir
'Ne Woche lang war ich jetzt nicht zu Haus
Ich schau dich an und denk' bei mir
'S war wie 'ne kleine Ewigkeit
So wie verlor'ne Zeit
Hab' dich total vermißt
Und das war jetzt 'ne Woche bloß
Doch kleine Mädchen werden groß
Wer weiß wo du dann bist
Marie-Claire oh Marie-Claire
Gib das Licht in deinem Herzen nicht her
Marie-Claire solang' es scheint
Wirst du stärker als das Leben sein
Daß du Recht und Unrecht spürst
Deinen Glauben nie verlierst
Und dir selber treu bleibst - wünsch' ich dir
Marie-Claire bist du mal sehr allein
Holen meine Träume dich schon ein
Eines Tages wenn sich unser Weg mal teilt
Geh deinen Weg hab keine Angst
Bis die Erinnerung die Wunden heilt
Geh geradeaus so gut du kannst
Glaub' an Ehrlichkeit und Fantasie
Schäm' dich der Tränen nie
Denn sie gehör'n dazu
Zu Liebe und zu Zärtlichkeit
Zum Leben hier in dieser Zeit
Genau - genau wie du
Marie-Claire oh Marie-Claire
Gib das Licht in deinem Herzen nicht her
Marie-Claire solang' es scheint
Wirst du stärker als das Leben sein
Marie-Claire oh Marie-Claire
Meine Liebe läßt dich nie allein
Seh' dich selig schlafen
Geb' dir 'n Kuß und denke mir
Bald bist du kein kleines Mädchen mehr
Na dann träum' schön Marie-Claire