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Single lane road between Butler and Yanchep to be upgraded to four lanes

Hannah Barry

Published: August 6 2017 - 2:11PM

Marmion Avenue between Butler and Yanchep will be widened to four lanes, as the State Government announced it would spend $23 million on the upgrade.

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti announced the current single lane 11km carriageway would be upgraded on Sunday.

"We recognise the area is one of the fastest growing regions in Perth, and that is why we are committed to getting the access right with both road and rail," she said.

"We've seen the significant congestion in this area. The City of Wanneroo and member for Butler John Quigley have raised this issue over many years as there's been further development and further housing all the way through to Yanchep, and now it's a great pleasure to be able to make that commitment of $23 million."

The State Government will provide the funding to the City of Wanneroo, subject to the council's approval.

Design and planning works will commence this year, with construction due to start in 2018 for completion in 2020.

City of Wanneroo mayor Tracey Roberts said she was hopeful the construction would bring more jobs to the northern corridor.

"This is the largest growing corridor in WA, and one of the largest in Australia. It will certainly be well received by the community," she said.

"The recent Connect Wanneroo campaign, which is a community driven campaign, clearly indicated the need for Marmion Avenue to be dualled. This is a really great announcement for our community, and I would like to say a big thank you to the residents who do get behind the council in their campaigns you make sure that our voices are heard.

"It should create opportunities for  businesses to invest in the area to create much needed local employment."

Member for Butler John Quigley said the project was needed to fix congestion in the area. 

"We are delivering a key election commitment to the northern suburbs, which have put up with congestion for too long," he said.

"During the campaign there was huge community demand for the dualling of Marmion Avenue.

"We're over 45 kilometres from the city and this intersection is gridlocked at 6.30 in the morning... everyone from Two Rocks, Yanchep, Eglington, Shorehaven - they've all got to come down this narrow stretch of road to get down to the freeway. 

"This is crucial infrastructure for the people of Butler."

He said the project would slash travel times from Yanchep and Alkimos and reduce driver frustration.

The project is expected to work alongside the planned METRONET rail extension to Yanchep, and is a part of a $146 million commitment to upgrade Perth's northern suburb roads. 

The announcement comes after the opening of the Mitchell Freeway extension through to Hester Avenue earlier this week.

Mr Quigley said his local community would continue to push for federal government funding for a further freeway extension.

"Of course we'd all like to see the Mitchell Freeway extended north to Romeo Road, but as we were preparing our budget and election promises it was beyond the economic reach of this government to do it straight away," he said.

"But [a further extension] is dependent on the lousy Feds giving us a few hundred million to do it. We've been robbed on the GST - if we had our GST money we'd have our freeway money. The further freeway extension is [all on] Prime Minister Turnbull opening up the GST wallet."

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/single-lane-road-between-butler-and-yanchep-to-be-upgraded-to-four-lanes-20170806-gxq9j8.html