Traditional Britain Conference 2016

Saturday, 22nd October 2016 9:30am


Traditional Britain Conference 2016

Join us at a prestigious venue in central London on the 22nd October for the premier annual conservative and traditionalist event of the year – the Traditional Britain Conference.

This day-long conference will bring together members and supporters alike to listen to a range of old favourites and new speakers from the traditionalist, conservative, libertarian and European New Right.

Following the conference is an opportunity to socialise, have a drink and discuss the day’s themes with like-minded individuals in a friendly and stimulating environment.

Patron club members are invited to join our speakers for lunch at a nearby restaurant on the day of the conference.

>>Buy your tickets here <<

Our speakers include:

Lord Sudeley will be presiding and the conference will be chaired by Vice President, Professor John Kersey. 

David Keighley, former BBC news producer, BBC PR executive and head of corporate relations for TV-am, will speak on BBC bias. David is now the Director of News-watch. 

Professor Ricardo Duchesne,
will be speaking on 'Why and when did Western Nations decide to Become Multiracial Places.' Professor Duchesne teaches sociology and world history at The University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada. He is the author of The Uniqueness of Western Civilization, a product of 10 years research, released in February 2011. His book, Faustian Man in an Age of Multiculturalism, a study of the importance of race in the historical identification of Western civilization from prehistoric to contemporary times, has just been published by Arktos. He is now working on the the way Canadian history has been falsely rewritten as a nation created by diverse races to meet the current requirements of multiculturalism. He is also examining the Alt Right position on the historical legacy of Western Civilization in light of the suicidal path this civilization has currently taken.

Matteo Luini, who lives in Parma, is a 30 year-old graduate in Political Science, now studying law at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore. He is International Relations Officer for the Rinnovamento nella Tradizione cultural and traditionalist group in Rome, Italy. His speech will centre upon what they see as the way forward concentrating on the historical and cultural roots across Europe.

Stuart Millson, a former member of the old Monday Club Executive Council, veteran radical traditionalist, music critic and writer, now a TBG Vice-President, on the 'Why Brexit was necessary - the nationalist perspective.’

Isac Boman, with his roots in the Åland Islands in the middle of the Baltic Sea, has a varied background ranging from the banking sector, politics, NGOs and media. Lately he has become known as an economist who has gone against taboos surrounding monetary theory in contemporary economics. His master's thesis in economics, Money Power - A Force for Freedom or Slavery?, was originally written in 2015 at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. It was published as a book in Swedish by Arktos Media in August 2016, and an English version is currently under way. Isac's thesis will be the subject of his talk. 

Dr. Selby Whittingham, a renowned art expert, especially on Turner, will address the conference on the importance of art to our heritage, culture and identity. 



Tickets are only £30 (+£1.50 paypal fees)  if booked before October 1st, and £35 (+£1.50 paypal fees) thereafter, including tea and coffee and full day access. Students are entitled to tickets at just £25 (+£1.50 paypal fees).

Patron and Full Member tickets are only £29.99 for the day. We have also absorbed the PayPal fees. This includes reserved seating.

Patron club members are also invited to join our speakers for lunch at a nearby restaurant on the day of the conference.

In the evening the conference will be followed by drinks in the bar. 

Venue details will be confirmed with paying guests on the week of the event. The venue is easily accessible via public transport and is located in central London.

We look forward to seeing you on what will be an exhilarating and fascinating day of talks and discussion.

>>Buy your tickets here <<
