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The Magazine

Africa Will Not Save Spengler's West.

The subject of "Africa" is one that is it is almost impossible to breach without the rancid stench of sentimentality choking out the critical faculties of any potential interlocutor. A perfect case in point can be found, unsurprisingly, in one of Ross Douthat's recent columns, "The West and What Come After." Against the backdrop of Trump's speech in Poland, Douthat writes: This nationalist argument comes in racist forms, but it need not be the white nationalism that Trump’s liberal critics rea

Dunkirk: Can the English Get Home?

The Enemy has the English and French armies surrounded at Dunkirk. We never see the faces of the Enemy. The score of Dunkirk is incessant and driving. The film is a masterpiece. I was skeptical that this military disaster could be rendered as something heroic. Christopher Nolan has captured a change in the zeitgeist. This may be first patriotic movie of the 21st Century. “When 400,000 men couldn’t get home, home came for them.” The Enemy had bombed the British fleet and the main port facilities

The Things They Carried

When looking for something to read, either for myself or a recommendation for someone else, I usually look for something old. The older the better, in fact, because even aside from questions of historical significance the test of time is the surest quality filter I’m aware of. Now, though I’m quite comfortable ignoring the New York Times bestseller list, occasionally I do find something worthwhile among new works (“new” relative to the literary canon, that is, so to clarify, I basically just mea

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Fritz Pendleton

Fritz Pendleton has implored reactionaries to take note of a well-known Corsican, believing his significance to be unjustly downplayed. His essay "The Napoleonic Touch" (also linked from his blog) asks us to reconsider the Napoleonic legacy. I shall take up his challenge. Interpretations of Napoleon still largely converge on one of two axes: Adolphe Thiers' and Hippolyte Taine's. A republican admiration for Napoleon the liberator juxtaposed to contempt for Napoleon the egoist, leveller and adven

The Blog

Idolaters at the Freedom Shrine

We have spoken a lot in the past about the liberal progressive being a quintessentially religious being, as was recognized by Moldbug et al. This astute observation recognizes that liberal ideals form their own kind of dogma and function as a social religion, performing the same functions that any normal religion would, in placing restrictions on what is acceptable, branding heretics, and announcing the absolutes to which men must aspire. We have also mentioned that while most today don’t even r

Tara McCarthy: Trad Thot of the Deep State?

The dissident right has grown, strip-mined the edges of the population for eclectic wackos, concerned fathers and NEETs. As the array of ‘red pilling’ content purveyors waxes and differentiates, the space of potential converts widens, becoming less marginal and more invested in The System. Against this backdrop of increasing propagandistic specialization, a new content-organism has arisen: the Trad Thot. Yes, the Trad Thot has always been with us, but she has evolved, adapted to the growing ma

Brahmin Blues: Thoughts on Neoreaction's "Imperial Mindset"

Over at Social Matter Michael Perilloux wrote a very interesting primer on Hestia's new initiative which they have begun referring to as "Imperial Mindset." From the piece: Without imperial mindset, we think that all politics requires of us is that we show up and fight, that we can do it for fun, and that it won’t make large demands of self-reconstruction. Thinking about politics seriously, though, we have to take a personal responsibility for the full consequences and scope of political actio

Michael Sebastian's 'Staying Married in a Degenerate Age'

To say my review of this book is much belated would be an understatement. Michael Sebastian, a writer on men's issues who made his name on the Return of Kings website where he created some of the most engaging content, had sent me the PDF copy of his 'guide for traditional men and women' prior to the book's release on Amazon. I'm glad to say I finally got around to reading it. 182 pages in total, it isn't an incredibly long read. The book is divided into 14 chapters, beginning with more politica

The Podcast

Episode 20: Dugin Mindset

P.T. Carlo is joined by Nina Kouprianova to discuss the life and times of Alexandr Dugin and his ideas.

Go West Old Man

P.T. Carlo discusses Laura Loomer, Trump's Speech in Poland, the concept of "the West," the future of Africa, current events in Syria and other issues with Nathan Duffy, Alex Nicholson and special guest TV KWA.