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91% of people who could buy your products don't click on ads. People have changed, so must your marketing. Join us LIVE on Wednesday, 7/19 at 10:45am EST for the “Discover Growth” event. Comment below with your questions for our experts.
MWC: Rob Newlan
MWC: Jason Juma-Ross
Facebook Business était en direct — à New York.

91% of people who could buy your products don't click on ads. People have changed, so must your marketing. Join us LIVE on Wednesday, 7/19 at 10:45am EST for the “Discover Growth” event. Comment below with your questions for our experts.

Publié par Facebook Business
53 570 vues
53 K vues

For the first time, mobile purchases made up more than 50% of global online conversions last holiday. Unwrap more about the who, when and why of mobile holiday shopping.

For the first time, mobile purchases made up more than 50% of global online conversions last holiday. Unwrap more about the who, when and why of mobile holiday shopping.

Facebook Business était en direct — à New York.

91% of people who could buy your products don't click on ads. People have changed, so must your marketing. Join us LIVE on Wednesday, 7/19 at 10:45am EST for the “Discover Growth” event. Comment below with your questions for our experts.

Publié par Facebook Business
53 570 vues
53 K vues

Extend your reach with Messenger ads

Here's a recap from last week's Facebook Live @ Cannes #CollidingContent series, where we brought various creators together to discuss the future of content in a mobile world.

Publié par Creative Shop
52 536 vues
52 536 vues
Creative Shop
29 juin

Here's a recap from last week's Facebook Live @ Cannes #CollidingContent series, where we brought various creators together to discuss the future of content in a mobile world. #CreativeShop #FacebookCannes

Strategies for making mobile videos that move people.

In today's environment of fast, high-volume video watching, we want to help you make better creative decisions and stronger connections with people. We outlined our core recommendations for mobile video.