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Macho Boys

MRR Radio #1562 • 6/18/17

Dan digs for choice new tracks, as Paul tries new ways to record. Intro song: THE DOGS - Fed Up First Dig: FEMME KRAWALL ...

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CAUSA (photo by Arnold Galvez)


“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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The Younger Lovers

MRR Radio #1561 • 6/11/17

Substitute teacher Sam steps in when the scheduled DJ goes AWOL and plays some of his favourite tunes featured on ...

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Maximum Rocknroll #410 • July 2017

Maximum Rocknroll #410, the July 2017 issue, has arrived! We hang out with Mexico City’s RIÑA and talk art and ...

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Teenage girl wearing a Ginsberg poem paper dress

MRR Radio #1560 • 6/4/17

Layla has numerous radio related technical disasters that make her question the reality of continued existence, however there's a soundtrack ...

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MRR Archive Update

January 9th, 2017 by

One of 4 brand new LP shelves, with space to grow the collection

It’s been half a year since the end of the Indiegogo fundraiser for the MRR Archive. Since June, we’ve been busy inventorying, cleaning, rehousing, green taping, and cataloging all 49,955 records we own. We’ve been digitizing back issues, scanning special covers made by Tim Yo, conducting dozens of research requests for punks and scholars, and tracking down records we’re missing from the collection. Hundreds of shitworkers from all over the world have helped us out, some for just an hour once and some for 5 hours each week.

Old shelves crammed with LPs

Each month, we get in 80-120 records for review and the constant growth of the collection was overwhelming our shelf capacity. With the money earned in the fundraiser, we were able to buy four new shelves to accommodate thousands more LPs. We bought tens of thousands of poly bags and put them on every single LP. We’ve purchased new shelf liners, baskets for supplies, a library kick stool for hard-to-reach top shelves, and custom wood alphabet dividers.

Archival boxes for our collection of back issues

These funds have also made it possible for us to buy archival boxes for our paper collections. Our full run of magazine back issues is now properly stored in acid-free containers, and our collection of letters, postcards, and newspaper clippings will soon be rehoused in acid-free folders and boxes. Much of the paper ephemera we have is truly one-of-a-kind, consisting of hand drawn art and flyers, and its long-term survival is crucial. Digitizing and rehousing these materials is a smart move to increase access and decrease handling of fragile papers.

We will be launching the MRR Archive website on June 1, 2017. The first phase of the launch will have the fully digitized MRR back issue archive, with over 400 issues dating back to 1982! Shortly thereafter, we’ll be launching a searchable database of our record collection, with reviews for every record we’ve ever reviewed.

Want to help out? We need Bay Area shitworkers to help out with inventory and rehousing, and remote shitworkers can contribute data entry. We especially need some database and technology help! Do you have any experience with CollectiveAccess? Can you fix a Mac? Please get in touch with us at .

We’re having a work day on January 21 at MRR HQ. You can find more information and RSVP here.

MRR Archive and Database Fundraiser

June 13th, 2016 by
A selection of rare records from our collection!

A selection of rare records from our collection!

As MRR enters its 40th year, we are undertaking our most ambitious project ever: creating a comprehensive online database of our record collection and music reviews. The project will also see out-of-print issues of the magazine fully digitized. You’ll be able to access it all online for free. We’re in the home stretch of a fundraising campaign, and we just passed our reach goal of $25,000. The money will ensure that we can do this project quickly, accurately, and efficiently. Consider donating if you have the means, and spread the word! More information is available here.

Threat by Example. An interview with Martin Sprouse by Martin Sorrondeguy.

October 6th, 2015 by

This originally ran in MRR #291/Aug ’07. The 25th Anniversary Issue which you can order here

All photos courtesy of Martin Sprouse.

OK, Martin, why don’t you start off by talking a little about yourself—tell me who you are and how you first got into punk.

My very first exposure to punk was in 1977. My next-door neighbor was an art student, and he became punk overnight—like crazy Sid Vicious punk—overnight. I had just seen something about punk on the news, and all of a sudden one day he shows up—he’s got a punk rock girlfriend, a Sid Vicious look head-to-toe, messy hair and spiked jacket and harnesses and boots—the whole Vivenne Westwood type of thing. They looked amazing, like the most outrageous thing in the world. He played some music for me; I didn’t understand it at all. I was just a skater kid, and I was just thinking, “That is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen.” But it was also cool, because he was the nicest guy in the world. This had to be ’77. So that was my first exposure, and I had a positive impression of it, but I didn’t understand it at all. It was just too crazy. And I was probably just a little too young to get into it, you know? Later on, when hardcore came out in the early ’80s, it all made sense. It was kind of connected through skateboarding. Punk and hardcore kind of fused for me, being young and in Southern California where everything was happening. It was like, “This is it!”



Where did you grow up?

San Diego.

You got into hardcore when hardcore pretty much started, so what was your first show? What was that experience like?

It was a local San Diego show, just San Diego punk bands.

Do you remember who played?

No. I remember seeing Black Flag early on, and that was life-changing. It was crazy. Southern California was really violent at the time, but we were young, so it all kind of made sense, but at the same time it was really sketched-out, you know? So it had this crazy energy, really exciting, really underground, really small, really young, youthful, violent. Rebellious in all the right ways. You know, when you get older, you over-think everything, everything’s theory and process. This was full-on energy, Southern California hardcore punk rock. It was scary too, but in a good way. It just defined you immediately. Everyone that you were friends with didn’t like you anymore, you know, because you were a “punk rock faggot.” I think that was my name for most of the rest of high school.

1984 Leading Edge crew

1984 Leading Edge crew

When did you start Leading Edge zine—how did that come about?

A couple of us who grew up together, we all got into punk and hardcore about the same time. It just sort of happened; it was very spontaneous. We weren’t really the fucked-up kinda kids, we were all skater kids. We didn’t really become the stereotypical early-’80s punk rock asshole guys. We immediately became friends with people that put on the shows, we started reading the little underground xeroxed fanzines, we became friends with the bands. It became a natural extension for us to do something. We’d go to LA and get these fanzines from all over the place and that’s how you’d learn about everything. So immediately, it was like, “We should do it,” once we started going to LA. We started Leading Edge in like ’82 or ’83. It was a while after we’d seen some shows. The first issue must have come out the summer of ’83.

Why did you do it?

Just to do our own thing. It was obvious to us…’cause San Diego had the military there, so a lot of punk guys were in the military, it had the violence, a lot of drugs, a lot of fuck-ups, y’know? It just had a bad reputation. There were a lot of fights in LA, but there were twice as many fights in San Diego. It just sucked. Out natural extinct was not to be a part of that. We didn’t want to be the stereotypical SD “Self-Destruct,” “Slow Death,” fight-starting, maybe shaved-head, junkie thug, beating everybody up. None of that had anything to do with us—but we liked the energy of the hardcore scene. There were also a lot of young hardcore bands that weren’t part of that; younger bands that weren’t doing stupid shit, but still playing really fucking great hardcore. They kind of identified with us and vice versa, and we started a fanzine that would represent that, while at the same time respect all the other stuff that was going on. I wasn’t just focused on skate punk or straight edge punk or positive punk, we were covering bands from all over.

84 interviewing Tim for L.I

84 interviewing Tim for L.I

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Blast From the Past: The Homostupids

June 24th, 2015 by

This originally ran in MRR #307, December 2008, this issue is sold out

In the few years the Homostupids have been around, they’ve grabbed the harrowing task of deconstructing rock ’n’ roll by the balls, diving head first into a tiff with our venerated verse/chorus/verse conservatism, asserting themselves as perhaps the best purveyors of an entirely counterintuitive brand of aggressive music that they haven’t even gotten their heads around yet—in the process paving their way to leaving a pretty significant stain on underground punk of the ’00s. This interview was conducted at Steve’s marvelous summer home after a night of burgers and bowling in the mistake by the lake. Tape recorder in one hand and mixed drink in the other, this is what became of our discussion of Cleveland’s finest. Now go out and buy all their fuckin’ records. Intro and interview by Brandon Gaffney.


MRR: So, the Homostupids. A lot of people like you guys, despite your always insisting that you’re a real shitty act. Any thoughts? Are we a bunch of retards?

Steve: I think you are a retard. How do you like that? Our band is great. Of course a lot of people like our band, our band is very good. All of our records are better than most other bands’ records.

MRR: Last time I was in Cleveland you told me that your band’s forte is the dialectic of simplicity and complexity, that they’re one and the same. Fingers connected to the same palm—you know, all that LSD bullshit. You think it’s people’s ability to paint their own understanding of such simple, caveman music?

Steve: Hang on there, I was supposed to call our guitar player Josh when we started the interview. Hang on a sec and I’ll put him on speakerphone so we can all talk. [speaking into phone] Hi, Josh?

Josh: Lemme call you back.

Steve: Alright, forget that for now. What were you asking? Something about LSD, right? Stay away from the stuff. Bad for your body. How does the song go? “Don’t do drugs, be a hero not a zero, drugs are no good, get ’em out the neighborhood.” Is that what you’re talking about? ‘Cause that other shit you said doesn’t make any sense.

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Blast From the Past: Brilliant Colors

June 20th, 2015 by

This originally ran in MRR 319 / December 2009 you can pick it up here

Brilliant Colors was formed in 2007 by Jess Scott, inspired equally by old Postcard 45s, the Shop Assistants, and early ’80s San Francisco lesbian separatist punks, Wilma. Several line up changes ensued, documented by two 7”s on the Make a Mess and Captured Tracks labels, but now the line up is final, with Jess on guitar and vocals, Diane on drums, and Michelle on bass. There’s a forthcoming LP on Slumberland which is worth investigation if you are intrigued by that mysterious post-punk girl sound… Plus Michelle is the touring guitarist for the Slits!
Interview by Layla Gibbon.


MRR: Brilliant Colors has existed in various forms for a while now, and this current line up is the first time it has really felt like more than just the Jess Scott experience-do you wanna talk about the many mutations of Brilliant Colors?
Jess: I’ve been at a computer for eight hours, then had a tall boy. I’m not exactly at the mental peak right now. I guess there’ve been a shit ton of people. Two or three bassists, two or three drummers…

MRR: So you’re basically Spinal Tap
Jess: Yeah. We got together, me and Michelle maybe a year ago, and Diane came just after New Years of this year. All of our recorded stuff so far is from the two original people, from late 2007, so it’s actually pretty old. Now there’s new stuff, which features this line up.

MRR: Do you feel like…
Jess: No. I don’t feel.

MRR: How do you feel about the older line-ups compared to now?
Jess: It was just really random. It was just my friends, whoever was around kind of, and then…

MRR: Did you write together?
Jess: No, I have always written everything until now, I feel like we’ve moved beyond that now. But basically I wrote songs, then I got a band together. I finally found people who wanted to play music more than like, “Spring Break!” or whatever.

MRR: All of you have been playing music for a while, what was the first band you were in, or more how did you start playing music?
Michelle: The first band I was in was in New York with my friend Phil, who was in this band called the Nurse, and Matt who plays in Matt and Kim now.
Diane: You could be famous right now!
Michelle: I could be famous! We all got boyfriends and girlfriends, and then the band broke up. Then I came out here and played in this band…


MRR: But you also play in the Slits right?
Michelle: Yeah
Jess: Don’t be modest-you are in the Beatles right?
Michelle: Jen and Shell from Shellshag set up a tour to South by Southwest with them, and the Slits’ guitarist backed out at the last minute, so they called everyone that they knew that played guitar, and I was the one that said yes. Suckers! No, seriously, that sounds mean. It was actually really fun, it was stressful but it was fun—it wasn’t like a tour I’d ever done before. Normal tour for me is sleeping on floors, eating out of dumpsters, rather than like staying in hotels and having a per diem, showering… Sitting in a car, navigating with an iPhone…
Jess: This was in the seventies right? (Laughter) Speaking of which, I saw this thing online, where you can listen to music, last.fm, I don’t know what it is, but I was trying to find Brilliant Colors videos from this fest we played. So I clicked on this page, and people had left comments, “Listening… Don’t like!” and someone had left this comment, “Wow you guys look really good for being from the early ’80s.” I was trying to think of what they could be talking about, Brilliant Corners maybe? I was laughing, like how could someone possibly think something like that, I wasn’t even born then. It must be the hair gel…

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