- published: 05 Jul 2017
- views: 2562
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN). Its purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter. It is the heir of the League of Nations' International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.
UNESCO has 195 member states and nine associate members. Most of its field offices are "cluster" offices covering three or more countries; national and regional offices also exist.
UNESCO pursues its objectives through five major programs: education, natural sciences, social/human sciences, culture and communication/information. Projects sponsored by UNESCO include literacy, technical, and teacher-training programmes, international science programmes, the promotion of independent media and freedom of the press, regional and cultural history projects, the promotion of cultural diversity, translations of world literature, international cooperation agreements to secure the world cultural and natural heritage (World Heritage Sites) and to preserve human rights, and attempts to bridge the worldwide digital divide. It is also a member of the United Nations Development Group.
Israel Forces UN Members To Stand For Holocaust Victims After UNESCO Calls It An "Occupying Power"
UNESCO History
04/07/2017 UNESCO - Cuba répond à Israël
The History of UNESCO
Okinoshima: island where women are banned gets Unesco listing
World's largest, UNESCO World Heritage: Old Town Square [Battle Trip / 2017.07.28]
Why UNESCO Matters
A UNESCO, a educação e o controle psicológico - Jornada #3.4
Boomerang | UNESCO eradicates Jewish history
Unesco - ¿Que es la Unesco?
Ten countries voted in favor of a UNESCO decision labeling Israel an "occupying power" in Jerusalem and criticizing archeological excavations in the city on Tuesday. Three countries voted against the motion, while eight others abstained. The Israeli speaker used the Holocaust excuse as a weapon to attack the decision. Support Benny Labamba’s Investigative Research. Use this affiliate link to shop for any items on Amazon ➜ http://amzn.to/2r9fgfN FNN - Fake News Network T-shirts Now On Sale ➜ http://bennylabamba.com/store The Greatest Untold Story ➜ Get my new eBook at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYFYN2S “What If I Told You My Dog Is A Russian Agent” T-shirt ➜ http://bit.ly/2p7TZWD #1 Survival Items: LifeStraw Personal Water Filter. Get it with my affiliate link ➜ http://amzn.to/2oyTJw...
The c was born on 16 November 1945 UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO'S mission and activities.
04/07/2017 UNESCO - Cuba répond à Israël qui exigea une minute de silence pour les 6 millions de morts de la Shoah et demande en retour une minute de silence pour tous les Palestiniens qui sont mort durant toutes ces années. Pour soutenir ERTV : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Faire-un-don-23797.html
An overview of the principal events that helped create UNESCO. In 1945, UNESCO was created in order to respond to the firm belief of nations, forged by two world wars in less than a generation, that political & economic agreements are not enough to build a lasting peace. It is in the minds of men and women that the defenses of peace & the conditions for sustainable development must be built.
A sacred island in south-west Japan that bans women and where male visitors must strip naked before going ashore has been declared a Unesco world heritage site. Subscribe to Guardian Wires ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub The 700-square-metre island, along with three nearby reefs and four other related sites were given world heritage status at the UN body’s annual summit in Krakow, Poland, at the weekend, bringing the number of Japanese cultural and natural sites on the list to 21. Become a Guardian supporter ► http://bit.ly/GDNmembers The Guardian ► http://is.gd/guardianyt Owen Jones talks ► https://www.youtube.com/owenjonestalks Guardian Football ► http://is.gd/guardianfootball Guardian Culture ► http://is.gd/guardianculture Guardian Tech ► http://is.gd/guardiantech Guardian Music ► h...
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Thom Hartmann is joined by George Papagiannis, UNESCO External Relations and Information Liason Office in NY (former head of the UNESCO office in Baghdad, Iraq) Website: http://unesco.usmission.gov live from UN Day, who shares about the important work of the United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization. If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! http://www.thomhartmann.com Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thom_hartmann Subscribe to The Thom Hartmann Program for more: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thomhartmann
Neste capítulo da jornada literária sobre o livro maquiavel pedagogo veremos como a UNESCO age para aplicar a reengenharia social através das escolas. Para apoiar o canal acesse https://apoia.se/profepaulamarisa Você também pode colaborar fazendo um depósito CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL AG 0490 OP 13 Conta Poupança 00021341-9 Para comprar o livro do cenário acesse https://www.amazon.com.br/gp/product/8563160273/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=8563160273&linkCode;=as2&tag;=paulmari-20&linkId;=23aab52fce561205913feea41493e4b9 ✿ SIGA NAS REDES SOCIAIS ・Blog: http://www.paulamarisa.com ・Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profepaulamarisa ・Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/paulamaris ・Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/paulamarisa26 ・Skoob: http...
UNESCO continue to lie about Jewish connection to the Holy Land Support our work: http://land.boomerang-israel.org.il/en-new/ “Boomerang” will create change! Boomerang - The Vision The boomerang is an ancient weapon designed to be chucked and eventually return to its pitcher. The phrase “returned like a boomerang” resonates as a sort of poetic justice describing the boomerang returning and stinging the sender. ‘Boomerang’ is an NGO that will return fire to Israel’s detractors around the world by producing unique and viral videos on social media within 24 hours, and more.. Boomerang - Objectives In this new age of constantly changing events and instant information, Boomerangs’ main objective is - relevancy. ‘Boomerang’ will spearhead Israel’s ‘public diplomacy’ warfare on social media...
They will be back again
They will be back in the night
You won't escape again with no more than a fright
I need a cover, I need a shelter
I need you to pretend we're really strong
All the safety will be gone
Before the darkness gets a chance to bite
Sing me a song and hold me tight
I am now where I have been
And I see what I've already seen
'Cause this is a nightmare this is not a dream
You will scream, you have to scream
I think I have gone monstercrazy
You will scream, you have to scream
From darkness into the light
We have survived a narrow escape
Out of the jaws of death
One moment that takes your breath
Out of the jaws of death
One moment that takes your breath
Before the darkness gets a chance to bite
Sing me a song and hold me tight
I am now where I have been
And I see what I've already seen
'Cause this is a nightmare this is not a dream
You will scream, you have to scream
I think I have gone monstercrazy
You will scream, you have to scream
A cry
Under the screen of the dark
A scare, a chase, a mystery
Like a child I stay up in fright
Stay up all night
Stay up every night
So don't wonder what it was
These shadows called your name
And nothing will be the same
They will be back again
They will be back again
You will scream, you have to scream
This is not a dream this is a nightmare
They will be back again
They will be back again in the night