- published: 20 Dec 2014
- views: 1405648
ASIC is an integrated circuit developed for a particular use, as opposed to a general-purpose device.
ASIC may also refer to:
An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) /ˈeɪsɪk/, is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. For example, a chip designed to run in a digital voice recorder or a high-efficiency Bitcoin miner is an ASIC. Application-specific standard products (ASSPs) are intermediate between ASICs and industry standard integrated circuits like the 7400 or the 4000 series.
As feature sizes have shrunk and design tools improved over the years, the maximum complexity (and hence functionality) possible in an ASIC has grown from 5,000 gates to over 100 million. Modern ASICs often include entire microprocessors, memory blocks including ROM, RAM, EEPROM, flash memory and other large building blocks. Such an ASIC is often termed a SoC (system-on-chip). Designers of digital ASICs often use a hardware description language (HDL), such as Verilog or VHDL, to describe the functionality of ASICs.
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are the modern-day technology for building a breadboard or prototype from standard parts; programmable logic blocks and programmable interconnects allow the same FPGA to be used in many different applications. For smaller designs or lower production volumes, FPGAs may be more cost effective than an ASIC design even in production. The non-recurring engineering (NRE) cost of an ASIC can run into the millions of dollars.
How to BitCoin mine using fast ASIC mining hardware
Выгодно ли покупать Асики (Asic) для майнинга? Ну очень подробный разбор полетов!
USB ASIC miner unboxing and testing
Asic Antminer S9 асик для майнинга биткон, арифметика для майнеров, стоит ли покупать асики
What is ASIC?
GPU Mining V.S ASIC Mining!! Which One Should You Choose??
Fastest Asic Litecoin Miner - $150 per day profit
Bitmain AntMiner S9 13Th/s 13000Gh/s Asic Miner Bitcoin Miner
BITMAIN AntMiner S9 14TH HD | asicbot.ru
Bi•Fury - Fastest USB ASIC Bitcoin Miner in the world!
Что лучше ASIC или видеокарты? Antminer L3+ с окупаемостью 23 дня
Raspberry Pi Mini Bitcoin ASIC Mining Rig
What is an ASIC (CISCO Switch)
1TH Dragon Bitcoin Miner (ASIC) - Basic Overview, Configuration & Performance Video
Bitmain AntMiner S9 Best Asic Miner for Bitcoin Miner - 13Th/s 13000Gh/s
Asic под ZCASH и ETHEREUM (Кидос)
Asic VS GPU. Часть 2
Что лучше: собрать майнинг ферму, купить asic; вложить в облачный майнинг; купить биткоины, bitcoin?
ОБЗОР | ASIC Antminer S7 4.73 GHs как настроить майнинг биткоин
I recently got into crypto currency after FinalHash contacted me and offered to teach me anything I wanted to know and provide me with some ASIC miners to get comfortable with. Now I'm sharing my experience with you! ▼ Support me by sending BitCoin (Wallet Address) ▼ 18Su2PV63BabMZWwYEhgXC8obK1XBVveCp Steps to get started in BitCoin mining! 1) Create account on Coinbase @ http://bit.ly/BarnCoinBase 2) Create account on BitcoinAffiliateNetwork @ http://bit.ly/BitAffNet 3) Add your Coinbase wallet address to BitcoinAffiliateNetwork account 4) Create workers for your ASIC hardware on BitCoinAffiliateNetwork 5) Configure your ASIC miner through web interface to point at BitcoinAffiliateNetwork pool (see help page) and worker you created. 6) Sit back and let your hardware mine for coins! 7)...
https://nenene.biz/ - отличный обменник криптовалют! Тот самый кошелек: https://new.nicehash.com/miner/18hkSA8nZbi9vMwVJxqf1pXgJCXHZ7TruG https://vk.com/protonmining - группа для начинающих майнеров https://vk.com/maksym.tsvetkov - индивидуальные консультации, помощь в настройке ферм (майнинга)
Mine bitcoins from you computer(Still profitable in 2016) https://minergate.com/a/ccf412576a0f203332f3a1eb I joined Maker Studios & so can you! Click here to see if your channel qualifies for RPM Network/Maker Studios http://awe.sm/fHTfR Here is my unboxing and review of the USB Asic miner. EVGA Nvidia 550 Ti http://full.sc/14AQuI3 Gigabyte AMD 6670 http://full.sc/14AQE2b XFX AMD 6870 http://full.sc/17zVoDe USB Asic Miner Driver http://ge.tt/4rxgbXj/v/0
Единственная характеристика, важная для ASIC-майнеров — это количество гигахешей на доллар стоимости #майнера. Ее можно узнать из Калькулятор доходности #Bitcoin майнеров: https://asictrade.com/calc.html ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Именно от нее зависит, будет ли #antminer #s9 #асик #майнер приносить вам сотни долларов или почти ничего. Но кроме этой характеристики есть еще две, которые от майнера никак не зависят. Это цена #биткоина на бирже и сложность #майнинга. Bitcoin Difficulty History: https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ICOTRACKER.NET специализируется на оценке компании с запланированным ICO "ИКО". Анализ #icotracker является тщательным и объективным анализом компаний в качеств...
I hope this video helped you chose or at least know the differences between gpus vs asic's. Donations are much appreciated as they help me allocate more time to helping you!! Ubiq: 0x68415cC94Ad035Fa55C667CcC9B1FcbF80bf4262 Eth: 0xb29Fb07Bf94e9895a0d148cd693F81A04C92B711 BTC: 1KmCjgh4xHbhw7KokWx48dY9oUUQkER7vC Zcash: t1QT1CoomBhC1Z5LdJopZmRPkzA7Fv84nu4 Any questions just post them below I'll try to get to them. Thanks.
Bitmain Antminer S9 – это ASIC-майнер нового поколения, способный просчитывать хеш-алгоритмы с невероятной скоростью в 14 TH/S (к примеру Antminer S7 старого поколения достигал максимальной скорости всего в 4.8 TH/S) Заказать майнер можно на сайте: http://asicbot.ru Bitcoin Wallet: 1PcnAUqFEjGqWKWEVDXDST3itByH1oQeRJ
Unit testing facility. Tested miners available IN STOCK on: www.cryptostore.io
This video demonstrates how I'm using a Raspberry Pi to control a Bitcoin ASIC mining system.
Unboxing, Config & Performance Video: 1TH Dragon Miner from IKETC Output: 1.08 TH/s @ 1130 watts
Форум про майнинг http://miningclub.info Платная консультация и платная настройка майнера (майнинг) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz9KDemt-d0 Видеокарты покупаю тут. РЕФ http://www.onlinetrade.ru/welcome662871.html Видео ПРО видео и МЕНЯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc1ZA8DoUuM Skype: (ValeraTVmining) Цена: 1000р консультация 1000р настройка Спасибо присылать сюда BTC: 1PV2KLL4CM389jzLvEBs7gZbjbKHHEYaef ETH: 0x7ffd4ba68d70176de9aff0c615f07125ac11caa3 410012004817894 это яндекс деньги) чтобы я мог покушать в Бургер Кинге )
Ещё один сравнительный пример того, что видеокарты безнадёжно проигрывают асикам. КОНТАКТЫ Mob: +48 720-842-322 WhatsApp: +48 720-842-322 Viber: +38(050)400-86-78 E-mail: wantpoland@gmail.com
Что лучше: собрать майнинг ферму, купить asic; вложить в облачный майнинг; купить биткоины, bitcoin? --- Neverwinter - http://c.cpl11.ru/cVMs --- Мой сайт - http://vsezarabotky.ru/?page_id=227 --- Hashflare - https://goo.gl/Xn1ph3 Обмен криптовалюты на обычные (фиатные) деньги: --- Exmo - https://goo.gl/7A1NX1 --- Bestchange - https://goo.gl/3Om8hd Где можно приобрести «железо» и расходники для майнинга: --- Райзер (удлинитель для разъема видеокарты) - https://goo.gl/0gKU4N --- XFX Видеокарты RX 470 4 Г GDDR5 256Bit - https://goo.gl/BjNAMK --- XFX Видеокарт R9 380X4 Г GDDR5 256Bit - https://goo.gl/P5dBBj --- ETH 120M/S miner Ethereum Multifunction AMD chip R9 380 4G card * 6 with 1200W gold PSU - https://goo.gl/e6LMk5 Рекомендуемое к просмотру: --- Майнинг - https://www.youtube.com/playl...
Обзор Asic майнер прошлого поколения BITMAIN Antminer S 7 4.73 GHs. Также в этом видео рассмотрим как его подключить и настроить майнинг Bitcoin или других валют на алгоритме SHA 256. ССЫЛКИ Skype Arshanchik VK https://vk.com/artchie GOOGLE + https://plus.google.com/u/1/+WebInvest TWITTER https://twitter.com/ArturBryanskiy VK - WEB INVEST - все о криптовалюте https://vk.com/wicrypto Информационная платформа о криптовалютах INVESTLIFE TV http://webinvest.investlife.tv/
I recently got into crypto currency after FinalHash contacted me and offered to teach me anything I wanted to know and provide me with some ASIC miners to get comfortable with. Now I'm sharing my experience with you! ▼ Support me by sending BitCoin (Wallet Address) ▼ 18Su2PV63BabMZWwYEhgXC8obK1XBVveCp Steps to get started in BitCoin mining! 1) Create account on Coinbase @ http://bit.ly/BarnCoinBase 2) Create account on BitcoinAffiliateNetwork @ http://bit.ly/BitAffNet 3) Add your Coinbase wallet address to BitcoinAffiliateNetwork account 4) Create workers for your ASIC hardware on BitCoinAffiliateNetwork 5) Configure your ASIC miner through web interface to point at BitcoinAffiliateNetwork pool (see help page) and worker you created. 6) Sit back and let your hardware mine for coins! 7)...
https://nenene.biz/ - отличный обменник криптовалют! Тот самый кошелек: https://new.nicehash.com/miner/18hkSA8nZbi9vMwVJxqf1pXgJCXHZ7TruG https://vk.com/protonmining - группа для начинающих майнеров https://vk.com/maksym.tsvetkov - индивидуальные консультации, помощь в настройке ферм (майнинга)
Mine bitcoins from you computer(Still profitable in 2016) https://minergate.com/a/ccf412576a0f203332f3a1eb I joined Maker Studios & so can you! Click here to see if your channel qualifies for RPM Network/Maker Studios http://awe.sm/fHTfR Here is my unboxing and review of the USB Asic miner. EVGA Nvidia 550 Ti http://full.sc/14AQuI3 Gigabyte AMD 6670 http://full.sc/14AQE2b XFX AMD 6870 http://full.sc/17zVoDe USB Asic Miner Driver http://ge.tt/4rxgbXj/v/0
Единственная характеристика, важная для ASIC-майнеров — это количество гигахешей на доллар стоимости #майнера. Ее можно узнать из Калькулятор доходности #Bitcoin майнеров: https://asictrade.com/calc.html ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Именно от нее зависит, будет ли #antminer #s9 #асик #майнер приносить вам сотни долларов или почти ничего. Но кроме этой характеристики есть еще две, которые от майнера никак не зависят. Это цена #биткоина на бирже и сложность #майнинга. Bitcoin Difficulty History: https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ICOTRACKER.NET специализируется на оценке компании с запланированным ICO "ИКО". Анализ #icotracker является тщательным и объективным анализом компаний в качеств...
I hope this video helped you chose or at least know the differences between gpus vs asic's. Donations are much appreciated as they help me allocate more time to helping you!! Ubiq: 0x68415cC94Ad035Fa55C667CcC9B1FcbF80bf4262 Eth: 0xb29Fb07Bf94e9895a0d148cd693F81A04C92B711 BTC: 1KmCjgh4xHbhw7KokWx48dY9oUUQkER7vC Zcash: t1QT1CoomBhC1Z5LdJopZmRPkzA7Fv84nu4 Any questions just post them below I'll try to get to them. Thanks.
Bitmain Antminer S9 – это ASIC-майнер нового поколения, способный просчитывать хеш-алгоритмы с невероятной скоростью в 14 TH/S (к примеру Antminer S7 старого поколения достигал максимальной скорости всего в 4.8 TH/S) Заказать майнер можно на сайте: http://asicbot.ru Bitcoin Wallet: 1PcnAUqFEjGqWKWEVDXDST3itByH1oQeRJ
Unit testing facility. Tested miners available IN STOCK on: www.cryptostore.io
This video demonstrates how I'm using a Raspberry Pi to control a Bitcoin ASIC mining system.
Unboxing, Config & Performance Video: 1TH Dragon Miner from IKETC Output: 1.08 TH/s @ 1130 watts
Форум про майнинг http://miningclub.info Платная консультация и платная настройка майнера (майнинг) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz9KDemt-d0 Видеокарты покупаю тут. РЕФ http://www.onlinetrade.ru/welcome662871.html Видео ПРО видео и МЕНЯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc1ZA8DoUuM Skype: (ValeraTVmining) Цена: 1000р консультация 1000р настройка Спасибо присылать сюда BTC: 1PV2KLL4CM389jzLvEBs7gZbjbKHHEYaef ETH: 0x7ffd4ba68d70176de9aff0c615f07125ac11caa3 410012004817894 это яндекс деньги) чтобы я мог покушать в Бургер Кинге )
Ещё один сравнительный пример того, что видеокарты безнадёжно проигрывают асикам. КОНТАКТЫ Mob: +48 720-842-322 WhatsApp: +48 720-842-322 Viber: +38(050)400-86-78 E-mail: wantpoland@gmail.com
Что лучше: собрать майнинг ферму, купить asic; вложить в облачный майнинг; купить биткоины, bitcoin? --- Neverwinter - http://c.cpl11.ru/cVMs --- Мой сайт - http://vsezarabotky.ru/?page_id=227 --- Hashflare - https://goo.gl/Xn1ph3 Обмен криптовалюты на обычные (фиатные) деньги: --- Exmo - https://goo.gl/7A1NX1 --- Bestchange - https://goo.gl/3Om8hd Где можно приобрести «железо» и расходники для майнинга: --- Райзер (удлинитель для разъема видеокарты) - https://goo.gl/0gKU4N --- XFX Видеокарты RX 470 4 Г GDDR5 256Bit - https://goo.gl/BjNAMK --- XFX Видеокарт R9 380X4 Г GDDR5 256Bit - https://goo.gl/P5dBBj --- ETH 120M/S miner Ethereum Multifunction AMD chip R9 380 4G card * 6 with 1200W gold PSU - https://goo.gl/e6LMk5 Рекомендуемое к просмотру: --- Майнинг - https://www.youtube.com/playl...
Обзор Asic майнер прошлого поколения BITMAIN Antminer S 7 4.73 GHs. Также в этом видео рассмотрим как его подключить и настроить майнинг Bitcoin или других валют на алгоритме SHA 256. ССЫЛКИ Skype Arshanchik VK https://vk.com/artchie GOOGLE + https://plus.google.com/u/1/+WebInvest TWITTER https://twitter.com/ArturBryanskiy VK - WEB INVEST - все о криптовалюте https://vk.com/wicrypto Информационная платформа о криптовалютах INVESTLIFE TV http://webinvest.investlife.tv/
I recently got into crypto currency after FinalHash contacted me and offered to teach me anything I wanted to know and provide me with some ASIC miners to get comfortable with. Now I'm sharing my experience with you! ▼ Support me by sending BitCoin (Wallet Address) ▼ 18Su2PV63BabMZWwYEhgXC8obK1XBVveCp Steps to get started in BitCoin mining! 1) Create account on Coinbase @ http://bit.ly/BarnCoinBase 2) Create account on BitcoinAffiliateNetwork @ http://bit.ly/BitAffNet 3) Add your Coinbase wallet address to BitcoinAffiliateNetwork account 4) Create workers for your ASIC hardware on BitCoinAffiliateNetwork 5) Configure your ASIC miner through web interface to point at BitcoinAffiliateNetwork pool (see help page) and worker you created. 6) Sit back and let your hardware mine for coins! 7)...
https://nenene.biz/ - отличный обменник криптовалют! Тот самый кошелек: https://new.nicehash.com/miner/18hkSA8nZbi9vMwVJxqf1pXgJCXHZ7TruG https://vk.com/protonmining - группа для начинающих майнеров https://vk.com/maksym.tsvetkov - индивидуальные консультации, помощь в настройке ферм (майнинга)
Application Specific Integrated Circuit - Basic Frontend and Backend design steps. (Thanks to our Chancellor Dr.G.Viswanathan).
The FPGA Design for ASIC Users course will help you to create fast and efficient FPGA designs by leveraging your ASIC design experience. This course will help you avoid the most common design mistakes of FPGA designers. It will also help you fit your design into a smaller FPGA or a lower speed grade for reducing system costs. For additional video and instructor-led trainings please visit: www.xilinx.com/training
This is a Litecoin Mining Asic ...Unboxing. I just received the Innosilicon A4 Dominator 280 Mh/s Scrypt Miner. Presently the worlds most powerful Asic Scrypt Miner. Specs: Part Number: INNOSILICON A4 Dominator Hashrate: 280Mhs per unit (+-10% performance, can be over-clocked at user's risk) Size: Length 28cm * Width 26cm * Height 13cm Gross weight: 9.2KG (without PSU) ASIC: A4, 80pcs Blade: 4pcs Voltage: +12V Required rated PSU: 1050W or above, 4 * PCI-E 6Pin Cooling: air-cooled with 2 fans Internet connection: Ethernet Power supply connection: 2 PCIE port per power board. It is recommended to use an independent power supply to the whole power supply. In case of non-independent power supply, each board can be connected to a different power supply, but each board shall not be connected w...
► ICO Mining Офицальный сайт - http://mng.network/ Инвестиции в токены MNG - это инвестиции в майнинг криптовалют и asic майнеры dash, litecoin (ltc), bitcoin (btc) - Полезные видео - ► Видео Владислава Стешенко "Сверхприбыльный майнинг в ICO MNG mining" - https://youtu.be/fZcnJW0sxIE ► Инструкция для участия в ICO mining https://youtu.be/jm_Kq3P-d70 ► ВНИМАНИЕ! Адрес кошелька WAVES для покупки токенов MINING на ICO - https://youtu.be/hzpI0VjQ9ug - Полезные ссылки - ► Чат в телеграме - https://goo.gl/1NKMeM ► Скачать кошелек WAVES - https://goo.gl/Evm15N ► Биржа BITTREX - https://bittrex.com/ ► Как создать биткоин кошелек BitGo? - https://youtu.be/1o-b-qvmFXc ► Сайт BitGo - https://www.bitgo.com/ ► Регистрация кошелька advcash - https://goo.gl/6Ui51k ► Агрегатор обменников электронных в...
I hope this video helped you chose or at least know the differences between gpus vs asics. Donations are much appreciated as they help me allocate more time . I recently got into crypto currency after FinalHash contacted me and offered to teach me anything I wanted to know and provide me with some ASIC miners to get . This is what you need in order to mine BitCoins or other crypto-currencies. This hardware guide tells you what you will need to buy to get started. Keep in mind . My thoughts on Bitcoin Mining vs. GPU Mining and How to Build a 6 GPU Ethereum, Litecoin, LBRY, Dash mining rig. Part 4 ***Make sure to subscribe to my .
Register for the workshop: http://cs.co/90038WO0T Check out the other episodes in our series on network programmability: http://cs.co/90088WOLw Custom hardware not only matters, it’s the future of software-defined networking. Programmable application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) deliver software flexibility for today’s high-powered networks. Learn more about these innovations at the heart of today’s most sophisticated network devices? This episode of TechWiseTV discusses all things ASICs, with guests Peter Jones, Principal Engineer for Cisco Unified Access Data Plane (UADP), and Distinguished System Engineer, Dave Zacks. Episode includes: • How modern ASICs are designed, tested, and manufactured • Why miniaturization increases performance as it lowers costs • ...
Muhammad Imam, Senior Manager Technical Marketing at Cisco, reviews the traditional role of fixed function ASICs at Cisco, and how programmability changes this mainstay. In 2013, they debuted the Catalyst 3850 switch, which had programmable pipelines. Muhammad reviews how the UADP ASIC architecture is able to achieve that programmability. Finally, he reviews the most recent feature updates for the Catalyst 3850 line. Recorded at Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live Europe in Berlin, Germany on February 20, 2017. For more information, please visit ciscolive.com/ or techfieldday.com/event/cleur17/
ASIC Insights 2016, for superannuation and managed investments, was hosted at ASIC offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide on Thursday 15 September 2016. This session updated stakeholders on ASIC's recent work program and regulatory issues in the managed investments and superannuation sectors.
View all my tutorials and videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mjlorton/videos?live_view=500&flow;=list&sort;=dd&view;=1 ------------------------------ Click "Show more" ------------------------------------------- In this video I take a look at Bitcoin mining hardware. I compare the performance and power usage between BFL SC ASIC vs FPGA vs GPU (Nvideo GTX 560 Ti and AMD ATI Radeon HD 8950) vs CPU (Intel Core i7 3930K). I demonstrate these in the Bitminter mining client and measure the power with a Kill-A-Watt. I show you the Bitcoin Wallet software. I then take a look inside (teardown / review) of the Butterfly Labs ASIC 5 GH/s Bitcoin Miner: BitForce 5 GH/s SC Model: BF0005G Pictures of the teardown on my forum: Link to be posted soon Butterfly Labs 5 GH/s Bitcoin Miner, BitForce 5 GH...
LIVE: Purchasing a Bitmain Antminer D3 ASIC Dash X11 Miner at 4AM Hello YouTube, It's 4AM UK time (11AM Chinese time). This is what it is like to buy an Antminer. DDOS by pressing F5 Units Available: 0,000 Estimated Delivery: Start of December Estimated price: $1,450 plus about $60 for shipping PSU is $115 plus $40 for shipping CASHBACK TopCashBack UK: https://goo.gl/AKqHhm TopCashBack US: https://goo.gl/Q7bg4S Quidco UK: https://goo.gl/Pnaq4u Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/vmailtk BTC: 1MCyEzczRZAxeWkacn6ztUPm6XkjoKJPhK ETH: 0x550c4626f515e5b4118516b963ab95e51f62e2ee ETC: 0xe959cc4c0b42796859807262bb9c8eff2c307d75 LTC: LNSBHDSASRaddLkzPmBv8QRSZFC64itHCE DGE: DDvXeGiHLNMXK92xknyNHTmu7DgarAyg7j
http://thebinarylab.net/highlow. You requested and here it is! I hope you like this detailed review of HighLow Markets, Australia! Australia's first Binary Broker, and ASIC-Regulated one at that. Ever since their recent website overhaul to include Turbo (sub 5min) trades and spread bets, they've opened up their doors to binary traders the world over, accepting even from Canada, Japan, and China, too! One of their key-benefits is fund safety. Asic requires HighLow to segregate their client funds and take up insurance policies against business risk, thereby eliminating the possibility of clients losing claim to un-withdrawn funds. Through the years many brokers have very briefly opened and closed their windows to these countries, and this comes as great news. Watch my video for all the accep...
Сайт - http://original-obuv.ru Группа ВК - http://vk.com/original_obuv Навигация по обзорам - http://original-obuv.ru/blog/navigacija_po_obzoram_obuvi/2015-10-03-123
ASICS Beat the Sun 2016, Nature's Toughest challenge, took place on June 21st in Chamonix. 8 intercontinental teams took part in a relay run around Mont Blanc on the longest day of the year. The objective: to circumnavigate Mont Blanc between the sunrise and the sunset. With only 2 of the teams running faster than the sun it was once again clear that Beat the Sun is not called nature's toughest challenge for nothing.
Building the future one transistor at a time. Click to subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/Scopes_Sub ◄ Daniel Bogdanoff and Mike Hoffman sit down with ASIC planner and chip sage Mike Beyers to learn a little more about the integrated circuit environment. Inspired by the blog post "Creating an ASIC - Our Quest to Make the Best Cheap Oscilloscope" https://community.keysight.com/community/keysight-blogs/oscilloscopes/blog/2017/05/15/creating-an-asic-our-quest-to-make-the-best-cheap-oscilloscope Now available on your favorite podcast platform and at https://EEsTalkTech.com This episode: https://EEsTalkTech.com/all-about-ASICs Twitter: @Keysight_Daniel https://twitter.com/Keysight_Daniel Learn more about using oscilloscopes: http://oscilloscopelearningcenter.com Check out the EEs Talk Tech e...
On Sunday 21st June 2015 - the longest day of the year - five continental teams took part in ‘ASICS Beat the Sun’, a unique relay race around the iconic Mont Blanc. Each team was made up of three expert and three amateur runners. They had to traverse multiple running environments including alpine, trail, road and vertical races whilst covering 8,350 metres of crippling ascent and descent. The challenge - to circumnavigate Europe’s highest peak in the time between sunrise and sunset - was captured on camera. The result is a film that follows the inspiring stories of a group of runners as they are pushed to their physical and mental limits to make it to the end.
Keep down by the ones who sat by your side
Guts blushing on a night shadow lonley pize
In the house with no home, cut to size
Hoplessly divided
I bent down into the knife
In the path of my foes, left to die
Visions of the highway
I bent back into the light
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can't sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
Ten seconds till the blackout parts with his crime
Got money don't buy in, dont buy the light
In the house with no home, cut to size
Hoplessly divided
I bent down into the knife
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can't sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
Lay down, got rythem
Where trying to find it
On stage like a luminous gunner
Where trying to find it
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can' sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies