Thought for the day 4 August 2017

Jupiter and Pluto's final dance together is in full swing. Jupiter brings optimism and opportunity to the partnership, while Pluto is the master of control, hidden power and regeneration. They make quite a couple. This is the last dance in a series that has highlighted many of the events of 2017. The extravagant celestial costumes, and thrilling footwork makes this dramatic, powerful and pleasurable too. It provides an opportunity - and an adventure - not to be missed.

To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!


Jan 21 - Feb 19


You have a natural talent for finding solutions to life's problems. Not just any old solution either. You like to find the perfect procedure �" you have the skills and the determination to make things work brilliantly, and in ways that work for as many situations as possible. This doesn't always mean that your efforts are appreciated. In fact sometimes you can create quite a hullaballoo! You can solve many things, but you can't solve people. They're complicated. Don't take anyone too seriously. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


You're in for a roller-coaster of a time. As Jupiter and Pluto now complete their series of sharp right-angles, finally the myriad of complex and contradictory emotions building up within you can be released. For a long time, you've been stumped by what looks as if it should be a simple issue. Resolving it has been impossible. Nothing has quite made sense. Here comes the understanding you need to turn things around. Now comes the adventure. Let go and enjoy the ride. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Yesterday we talked about closing chapters and new beginnings. You're feeling as if something isn't resolving how you'd like it to. You don't like the way the plot seems to be developing. But, as any seasoned TV box-set enthusiast will tell you, nothing guarantees loyalty and dedication, more than a good cliffhanger! Don't worry if it feels as if there's unfinished business to attend to. It's just setting the conditions to come together in the most delicious of tie-ups in the next episode. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!


Apr 21 - May 21


The twitter generation seem to have hash-tagged the acronym YOLO (that's 'You Only Live Once', to you and me). Although a horrified friend remarked that if you only live once, it makes more sense to live very carefully, this philosophy advocates seizing every opportunity, and living life to its limits. It might have a terrible name, but that doesn't mean we should disregard it. For too long you've endured setbacks. Get ready to seize the opportunities this weekend presents. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.


May 22 - June 22


If someone says, 'Sure, that's fine', but their arms are crossed, and their mouth is turned down, would you believe them? It's not uncommon for what a person actually says, and what they say with their body language, to be at odds. This weekend, it would be wise not to take everything you hear at face value. Not that you need to be distrustful. But someone may not be forthcoming with their truth. Pay attention to what their body is saying. Gentle questioning will help you find clarity. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


The 'Butterfly Effect' theory suggests that this delicate insect, just by flapping its wings, can spark a chain of events that results in a tornado. It underlines the principle that small decisions can have big effects. But this causal relationship is often viewed negatively. What if butterfly wings create winds that carry rains to the desert? It's impossible to know always how individual actions will shape our futures. But right now, the planets suggest you do know what you need to do. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


The indigenous people living in the frozen region, around the northernmost tip of the planet, are made up of many different peoples. From the Yupiks to the Inuits, their habitat is one of the most challenging environments you could find. It makes me wonder how we dared to create an expression about selling ice to these people. Like we might know better than them! You have charm and guile a-plenty today. Don't use it to mislead anyone. True power comes with integrity. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Virgos are blessed with natural intelligence. That doesn't necessarily mean you're a maths whizz, or a history buff. Contrary to popular belief, being clever isn't only about being academic. You have 'emotional intelligence', the ability to read people accurately and make decisions based on subtle indicators that most of us don't notice. It lies at the heart of your resourcefulness, intuition and wisdom, and is worth more than classically valued intelligence. Put your doubts away and trust yourself. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Although the first of Jupiter's aspects with Pluto may seem like a distant memory, as a Libran, you're reaping benefits from their gentle cosmic dance. This might surprise you - it's highly probable that you haven't seen or felt much in the way of positive movement yet. But you've been waiting in the wings. Now, as Jupiter, in your sign, makes its final 'square' with Pluto, the way to move becomes crystal clear. You have the skills to master the celestial dance-floor. Let the adventure begin. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


We talked yesterday about 'sticking plaster' solutions. As Jupiter makes the last of 2017's series of powerful squares with your ruler Pluto, it brings an opportunity to consider the themes that have flavoured your year so far. Not the surface scratches, but the deeper, significant events. Look at how well you've coped. Under your care, there have been some heart-healing developments. You're about to see that a tricky situation will be much easier to deal with than you think. Haven't had your horoscope cast? Treat yourself to a life-changing, eye-opening, in-depth personal reading unique to you. Get your very own inspirational reading now.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


J. Alfred Prufrock was right. 'I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,' he observes in a poem by T. S. Eliot. Every so often we become aware that - with each spoonful of coffee stirred or, with every teabag dunked - time is passing. When our battle with the eternal clock leaves us stressed, we have a perfect antidote: relax, unwind, loosen up, with a cuppa! This weekend, you can let go of something that has long been exasperating you. Take time to enjoy the moment: it heralds better things. To understand the world you must first understand yourself. There's so much more to your story than your Sun-sign. A full horoscope reading based on your birth details will give you the whole picture... and may just change your life. Download yours now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


People, even when we think we know them inside out never fail to surprise us. It's usually just when we think we know everything there is to know that they do something unexpected. It's worth remembering that, to others, you are someone of surprising and intriguing mysteries too. We never fully know ourselves, and you've tended to underestimate your potential of late. The planets this weekend trigger a moment of self-realisation. You'll be surprised by what you can achieve. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a full horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly accurate personal reading... Download yours now!