- published: 11 Jun 2016
- views: 49623
Albanian (shqip [ʃcip] or gjuha shqipe [ˈɟuha ˈʃcipɛ], meaning Albanian language) is an Indo-European language spoken by five million people, primarily in Albania, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia, and Greece, but also in other areas of Southeastern Europe in which there is an Albanian population, including Montenegro and the Preševo Valley of Serbia. Centuries-old communities speaking Albanian-based dialects can be found scattered in Greece, southern Italy,Sicily, and Ukraine. As a result of a modern diaspora, there are also Albanian speakers elsewhere in those countries as well as in other parts of the world, including Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Turkey.
The first written mention of the Albanian language was on 14 July 1285 in Dubrovnik (modern-day Croatia), when a certain Matthew, witness of a crime, stated "I heard a voice shouting on the mountainside in the Albanian tongue" (Latin: Audivi unam vocem, clamantem in monte in lingua albanesca). The first audio recording of Albanian was made by Norbert Jokl on 4 April 1914 in Vienna. During the five-century period of the Ottoman presence in Albania, the language was not officially recognized until 1909, when the Congress of Dibra decided that Albanian schools would finally be allowed.
Top Channel is a national commercial television station from Tirana, Albania, founded in 2001 by businessman Dritan Hoxha. A part of Top Media Group, in January 2008 Top Channel was awarded national frequency coverage by making it the third such channel in Albania. Top Channel prides itself for being at the edge of technological innovation. In 2009, it was the first Albanian channel to become available in 16:9 widescreen high-definition television for selected programs. Since September 2003, Top Channel has been present on satellite by broadcasting all over Europe through Digit-Alb, and North America through TV ALB and Shqip TV. The channel is available through IPTV in Europe and North America, and through local cable in Switzerland. Top Channel forms part of Top Media Group together with Top Albania Radio, Top Gold Radio, My Music Radio, daily newspaper Shqip, Shqip Magazine, part of pay TV platform DigitAlb, Top News, VGA Studio, musicAL, and Imperial Cinemas.
Top Channel began experimental broadcasts on 30 July 2001 at the International Center for Culture (Qendra Ndërkombëtare e Kulturës) also known as "the Pyramid" or former mausoleum of Enver Hoxha in Tirana (shortly called "Piramida"). Since then it has seen a very fast growth and success as it has become preferable by a growing number of people through the qualitative level of broadcasting technology and programs.
Composer : Flori Mumajesi. Lyrics: Flori Mumajesi. Audio Production : Threedots Productions. https://www.facebook.com/www.threedots.al Video Production : Digitalb. https://www.facebook.com/Digitalb Copyrights owned by Digitalb. Music video for Kuq e zi je ti ft. Flori performed by Elvana Gjata. Site: http://www.threedots.al Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elvanagjatazyrtare/timeline Instagram: http://instagram.com/elvanagjataaaa Copyright (C) 2015 Digitalb.
Pjesë të errëta, apo jo mirë të plotësuara të historisë së Shqipërisë, fshihen padyshim në arkivat e vendeve të ndryshme europiane. Ndaj, Arkiva e shtetit shqiptar, pas një marrëveshjeje me atë turke, do të përpiqet të hedhë dritë mbi disa prej tyre. Por, cila është përmbajtja e këtyre 57 regjistrave, që do t’i shtohen fondit të Arkivës dhe çfarë do të mund të sjellin të re në historinë e shtetit shqiptar?
Shqipëria është prezantuar në 45 minutat e një dokumentari për publikun gjerman. Prodhimi, i realizuar në bashkëpunim me Top Channel dhe i quajtur “Shqipëria e egër” ka në fokus natyrën dhe faunën.
Të jetosh në të shkuarën bëhet normale, nëse e tashmja të mënjanon. E kështu ka ndodhur me banorët e Labinot Malit që harresën e sotme e mbushin me kohën kur ishin protagonistë të një organizimi, që do të shënjonte jo pak historinë e mëpasshme të Shqipërisë.
Albania/Austria 2012 // Runtime: 72 min // HD color A place of dictatorial isolationists and trigger-happy masses, archaic family structures and trans-generational family feuds: to this day, thanks to decades of anti-communist propaganda and mass media sensationalism, Albania is still regarded as backwards and dangerous. This oversimplified prejudice stands in contrast with a reality a thousand times more complex. It’s a place of extraordinary paradoxes, where an exhilaratingly beautiful, unspoiled countryside, plentiful resources, the peaceful coexistence of religions and a largely organic farming method are juxtaposed with inadequate waste disposal and water purification systems, architectural eyesores and the political extravagances of old and new power cliques. SHQIPËRIA – NOTES FROM...