Rodeo contestants Johnny King and Corrigan meet, their fathers having been members of the Range Busters. When Johnny is knocked unconscious, time reverts to their father's era and the Range Busters are soon involved in the scheme to get Railroad right-of-way across Mother Slocum's ranch. When she is tricked into signing a release, the Range Busters find their job more difficult as the Sheriff is in with the crooks.
Keywords: 1890s, 1940s, actor-shares-first-name-with-character, actor-shares-last-name-with-character, alternate-dimension, ambush, arizona, b-movie, b-western, badge
THE RANGE BUSTERS BUST LOOSE AGAIN! (original print media ad - all caps)
Prairie Piracy On The Rise...Until the Range-Busters Start Spitting Lead!
Range Gangsters Scattered Like Rats On The Run When Rangebuster Law Came To Town!
Joanna Newsom (born January 18, 1982) is an American harpist, pianist and singer-songwriter from Nevada City, California.
Newsom grew up in the small town of Nevada City, California. As a child, Newsom was not allowed to watch television or listen to the radio because she was raised by doctors who were "kind of idealists when it came to hoping they could protect us from bad influences, like violent movies, or stupid stuff". She was exposed to music from a young age. Her father played the guitar and her mother was a classically trained pianist who played the hammered dulcimer, the autoharp and conga drums. Newsom attended a Waldorf school where she studied theater and learned to memorize and recite long poems. This skill helps her to remember lyrics while on tour.
At the age of five, Newsom asked her parents if she could play the harp. Her parents eventually agreed to sign her up for harp lessons, but the local harp teacher did not want to take on such a young student and suggested she learn to play the piano first. Starting at the age of four, she began playing the piano and later the harp, which she "loved from the first lesson onward." From her instructor, Joanna learned composition and improvisation. She learned to play on smaller Celtic harps until her parents bought her a full-size pedal harp in the seventh grade. During her teens, she and the instrument became inseparable, and she describes her relationship with the harp as similar to "an artificial limb or a wheelchair. It’s almost part of me, but more to the point, it serves a purpose, and if it wasn’t there I would wonder what was supposed to fit in its place."
Hope is hard to find, when you don't know what you're looking for
And you're consistently behind, thinking there must be something more
And everything is changing, but you still feel the same
You don't know what you're doing with your life or so it seems
You're full of suppressed feelings, a soul bursting at the seams
And everything is changing, but you still feel the same
And before you know, you're getting old, and losing touch
But life keeps marching on and on
And you're hung up on things you haven't done
And all you have now are regrets
And you're heavy with emotional debts
To the ones you love
And before you know, you're getting old, and losing touch
With all the things that mean the most
And your life is full of ghosts
And you're weathering a loss in your heart
And your body's falling apart
But we're safe tonight as we celebrate this life
And before you know, you're getting old, and losing touch
With all the things that mean the most
And with a lump in your throat, you cry
That you lived your life well, and honestly, and with an open heart