

We are way off target when we guess what others think

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Sometimes we're so wrong.

Public perceptions in most nations are way off the mark when it comes to controversial topics like the size of the Muslim population, attitudes to abortion and views on homosexuality, a new international study shows.

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Polling firm Ipsos explored how accurate people are at estimating a range of key social realities across 40 countries. It reveals just how off beam we can be. And Australia was no exception.

Here are five examples:

1. We over-estimate the size of the Muslim population … and how fast it's growing

People in most countries misjudge the Muslim share of their population, sometimes by an extraordinary margin.


The average guess in France is that almost a third of the population is Muslim, when it's actually less than 8 per cent. Public perceptions in the US are also a long way from reality – people there think 17 per cent of the population is Muslim, when it's actually just 1 per cent.

Attitudes in Australia aren't quite so skewed, but we're still way out. Our average guess is that Muslim's make up 12 per cent of the population when the true figure is about 2.4 per cent.

People in most countries also wildly over-estimate the future growth of their Muslim populations. In Australia the average guess is that the Muslim population share will surge to 21 per cent by 2020 (up from the average guess for the current population of 12 per cent) while projections by professional demographers put that figure at around 3 per cent.

Ipsos analyst, David Elliott, said the organisation's research shows perceptions are often most incorrect on topics that are widely discussed in the media and on issues that are of significant concern to us.

"The huge overestimation of current and future proportions of our population that are Muslims is a classic example of this," he said.

2. We over-estimate how miserable people are

People are very wrong about how cheerful their fellow citizens are. An average of 45 per cent guessed people in their country were very or rather happy across all the nations surveyed - way short of the average 85 per cent who actually said they are very or rather happy when asked.

The British were especially prone over-estimate the level of misery. There the average guess was that only 47 per cent are happy – a mammoth 45 percentage points less than the 92 per cent who actually told a recent national survey they were happy. That gap was smaller in Australia but still considerable – 29 percentage points.

3. We over-estimate opposition to homosexuality

People in most countries assume their fellow citizens hold more conservative views on some controversial social issues than they actually do.

When Ipsos asked respondents what proportion of their country believe homosexuality is "morally unacceptable" three quarters of the nations surveyed supposed a higher proportion than the reality.

The difference in Australia was relatively large - the average guess was that 36 per cent of the population find homosexuality morally unacceptable when only 19 per cent actually say they hold that view.

The US stood out among the major Western democracies because of the small difference between perception and reality on attitudes to homosexuality. There the average guess was that 42 per cent consider homosexuality to be morally unacceptable versus 37 per cent that actually hold that view.

At the other end of the spectrum, Indonesians underestimated the near-unanimous opposition to homosexuality. The average guess there was that 79 per cent find homosexuality morally unacceptable when 93 per cent actually say they do.

4. We over-estimate opposition to abortion

People in many countries assume far more people are opposed to abortion than is actually the case. Australia is one of them – here the average guess was that 40 per cent of the population consider abortion morally unacceptable, when only 24 per cent actually say they hold that view. The perception gap was even higher in several European nations.

It was the opposite in several Asian and South American nations, where a large share of survey respondents assumed their country was more accepting of abortion than it actually is. In the Philippines, for example, the average guess was that 74 per cent of the population think abortion is morally unacceptable, when 93 actually hold that view.

As with homosexuality, the US's gap between perception and reality was small. There the average guess was that 48 per cent of the population consider abortion morally unacceptable just 1 percentage point less than the proportion that actually say they hold that view.

5. We under-estimated Donald Trump

People across the globe assumed Hilary Clinton would be the next American President – and by a considerably margin. The Ipsos poll, taken in the month before the US election, found just three countries had more people picking Donald Trump's shock victory: Russia, Serbia and China.

Russia stood out - there 50 per cent predicted Trump and only 29 per cent tipped a Clinton win. In Australia just 17 per cent saw the Trump victory coming. His win was least expected in South Korea (5 per cent) and Mexico (6 per cent).

The "Index of Ignorance"

Ipsos created an "Index of Ignorance" based on the survey results from 40 countries to identify which nations were the best and worst at identifying social realities. Australia was far from the worst, despite the big difference between public perception and reality on many issues.

Australia was ranked the sixth "most accurate" country by the index. The world's three largest countries by population – China, India and the US – were all ranked among the five "least accurate."