- published: 20 May 2017
- views: 40810
Ents are a race of beings in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world Middle-earth who closely resemble trees. They are similar to the talking trees in folklore around the world. Their name is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for giant.
The Ents appear in The Lord of the Rings as ancient shepherds of the forest and allies of the free peoples of Middle-earth during the War of the Ring. The Ent who figures most prominently in the book is Treebeard, who (credibly) claims to be the oldest creature in Middle-earth. At the time The Lord of the Rings takes place, there are no young Ents (Entings) because the Entwives (female Ents) were lost. The Ents are akin to Huorns, whom Treebeard describes as a transitional form of trees which become animated or, conversely, as Ents who grow more "treelike" over time.
Inspired by Tolkien and similar traditions, animated or anthropomorphic tree creatures appear in a variety of media and works of fantasy.
The word "Ent" was taken from the Anglo-Saxon (Old English) word ent, meaning "giant". Tolkien borrowed the word from the Anglo-Saxon phrases orþanc enta geweorc ("work of cunning giants") and eald enta geweorc ("old work of giants", which describes Roman ruins). In this sense, Ents are probably the most ubiquitous of all creatures in fantasy and folklore, perhaps second only to dragons, for the word can refer to a variety of large, roughly humanoid creatures, such as giants, orcs, trolls, or even the monster Grendel from the poem Beowulf.
Jeff Nelson may refer to:
DoeBoyOnDaTrack ft. 1212 Ent Baby - My Brothers | Shot By: @DADAcreative | Prod: DoeBoyOnDaTrack
PLATA COLOIDAL. Como hacer por ti mismo este poderoso Germicida natural. Ent. a Miguel Crespo
ON E - Live Streaming HD
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ENT Exam Medical Course
5. Nasal Polyp Surgery - ENT Surgeries - Dr. Bhargava
What does an ENT do? Dr. Jeff Nelson talks about Otolaryngologists
1. Tonsillectomy - ENT Surgeries - Dr. Bhargava
ENT - Physical Exam of the Ear Nose Throat
Actors: Deborah Abbott (actress), Pascal (actor), Michael Schmid (actor), Deborah Abbott (editor), Deborah Abbott (producer), Deborah Abbott (costume designer), PJ Evans (actor), Greg Dorchak (actor), Jeff Gibbs (actor), Wendy Woody (actress), Frank Brantley (actor), Sarah Paige (actress), Jennifer Matyear (actress), Hugo Perez (actor), Chad Foor (actor),
Genres: Comedy,▂▃🔥DIVENTA UNO DI NOI BLAZERS ➜ http://goo.gl/VBsRUl 🔥▃▂ 10.000 LIKE per questa Serie! In questa puntata faremo un torneo con 8 mob della Myths and Monsters Mod! Vedremo sfidarsi un gigante, un minatauro, un golem, un Ent e altre strane creature mitiche! Come al solito se il video vi piace, condividete, commentate, aggiungete ai prefetiti e mettete un bel mi piace! :D Buona visione! ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ ISCRIVITI!!! ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ http://www.youtube.com/user/ErenBlaze?sub_confirmation=1 ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ CONTATTI ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ PaginaUfficiale: https://www.facebook.com/erenblazepage GruppoUfficiale: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blazersita Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eren.blaze Instagram: http://instagram.com/erenblazeofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErenBlaze ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ CREDITI ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ Marty...
Son muchas las propiedades medicinales que ofrece la plata coloidal, que si bien se utiliza desde hace años, fue “redescubierta” a inicios del siglo pasado. Con la dosis adecuada, permite aumentar las defensas del organismo y aniquilar virus y bacterias causantes de las enfermedades. La plata coloidal se usa desde hace muchos años para evitar la contaminación de alimentos como la leche. Antes de que existieran los refrigeradores, algunas personas agregaban una moneda de plata al contenedor de leche para evitar el crecimiento de bacterias, hongos, algas y microorganismos indeseables. La plata era considerada un remedio natural para evitar la evolución de enfermedades infecciosas en el cuerpo. Su uso era muy común antes de 1940, año en que comenzaron a utilizarse los antibióticos. Actualme...
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ストレイテナー“ホリエアツシ”のソロプロジェクト“ent”が5年ぶりの再始動! 前作『Entish』より丸5年。長いタームを経て完成したent待望の3rdアルバム。 2017年1月11日発売 3rd ALBUM『ELEMENT』より「Autumn Nightmare」MVを公開! 「Autumn Nightmare」DLは以下より↓↓ iTunes URL:(http://po.st/it_ent_element) レコチョク URL:(http://po.st/reco_ent_an) Director/監督 かとうみさと(A4A.inc) キャスト 椎木知仁(My Hair is Bad) 田中真琴 AL『ELEMENT』トレーラー映像 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEpvS... アルバムのご予約は以下より↓↓ タワーレコード:http://po.st/ent_tw HMV:http://po.st/ent_hmv Amazon:http://po.st/ent_az 〈Release〉 2017.1.11 Release 3rd ALBUM『ELEMENT』 1.How To Fly 2.悲しみが生まれた場所 3.Autumn Nightmare 4.Healer 5.Perfect Light 6.The Awakening 7.Forever and Ever 8.Imagine 9.素子-Soshi- 10.Sunset Moonrise 11.Silver Moment 12MIX 2,800-yen+tax 初回盤デジパックTYCT-69108 HP:http://entjp.net/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/_entjp Facebook:http://po.st/e...
--- See full description --- ENT Surgeries by Dr. Bhargava These videos are from the CD provided along the textbook- "Short Book Of E.N.T. Diseases" Other videos of this series- http://goo.gl/d7xKw My other videos: http://goo.gl/H5hDF Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com . Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
Video of Dr. Jeff Nelson talking about what an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor does and some common illnesses treated by ENTs. Dr. Jeff Nelson is an Otolaryngologist at South Valley ENT, which is located at Jordan Valley Medical Center. If you have an infection in your nose, throat or anywhere else above your head, Dr. Nelson can help.
--- See full description --- ENT Surgeries by Dr. Bhargava These videos are from the CD provided along the textbook- "Short Book Of E.N.T. Diseases" Other videos of this series- http://goo.gl/d7xKw My other videos: http://goo.gl/H5hDF Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com . Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/