About Us

Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI)

Multnomah Arts Center, Room 5
7688 SW Capitol Hwy, 97219

Executive Director Sylvia Bogert: sylvia@swni.org

Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) neighborhood association coalition office providing support to seventeen neighborhood and three business associations in southwest Portland, Oregon.

SWNI empowers public participation in civic affairs and improvement in the character and livability of neighborhoods, encouraging and facilitating communication amongst community members, neighborhood associations and public and private agencies and groups. The board of directors includes a representative from each neighborhood association in the coalition.

The Southwest Watershed Resource Center (WRC) is located inside the SWNI office. Funded by the Bureau of Environmental Services and West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, the WRC supports approximately 14 neighborhood stewardship groups, providing education, outreach and community involvement for watershed projects in the Fanno, Tryon and Willamette watersheds. The WRC publishes educational articles on ways residents can improve the health of local watersheds and shares opportunities for volunteers to participate in monthly restoration work parties in local parks and attend open houses for Bureau of Environmental Services projects in southwest Portland.

Our mission

Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. empowers citizen action to improve and maintain the livability of Southwest neighborhoods.

Our purpose

  • To encourage, support and coordinate citizen participation in matters affecting the livability of Southwest Portland by providing educational resources and maintaining communication between citizens, neighborhood associations, public agencies and private organizations.
  • To encourage and support activity of neighborhood associations in southwest Portland.
  • To provide assistance for activities and projects of neighborhood associations in southwest Portland upon request.
  • To represent the membership of SWNI in matters affecting the livability of southwest Portland.
  • To provide personnel and resources necessary to accomplish the above purposes.

Services we provide

  • assistance with community organizing for citizen participation and crime prevention
  • assistance to neighborhood associations with publicity, including design, printing and distribution of flyers, press releases, etc.
  • implementation and facilitation of projects as requested by citizens such as neighborhood cleanups, candidate fairs, neighborhood picnics, fund-raisers for playground structures, open space parks, etc.
  • publishing of a monthly newsletter for entire district membership
  • information resources for Southwest citizen participation and crime prevention issues
  • training, guidance and clerical support to member neighborhood associations
  • information and referral to city bureaus

How we communicate

  • SW News newspaper - Receive our free printed monthly newspaper in the mail. You can see an online version of this month's newspaper and subscribe on our HOME PAGE.
  • e-newsletter -  SUBSCRIBE (Check the "SWNI General Interest" box)



SWNI Fiscal Year 2014/15



SWNI Strategic Plan Update March 2014