Durham Teaching Assistants have remained solid in their resistance to the threats and deals done behind closed doors between the unions and the Labour Council. The fight goes on.

In 2016 trade union membership dipped to an all time low. Analysis by TUC officials suggests that the situation is even starker – younger workers aren’t joining unions, causing a membership...

An account of working conditions and class relations in a small business.

Caterpillar executive bossnapping, France 2009

A short introduction to and history of bossnapping - workers detaining their bosses in order to win demands - written by Evan Johnston.


Sign on Hong Kong border

Here are several issues of the "Minus" magazine produced in Hong Kong in the late 1970s.


Oliver Steel strike demonstration, Pittsburgh, 1911-12

A timeline of strikes led supported by the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States 1905-1920.