- published: 18 Mar 2016
- views: 4557
Peter Franzén (born 14 August 1971) is a Finnish actor who has appeared in over 40 films and TV series. Of these, the most famous are A Summer by the River, Ambush, Mustan kissan kuja, Badding, On the Road to Emmaus, Rölli ja metsänhenki, Kuutamolla, Bad Boys, Dog Nail Clipper, Matti, Hellsinki and Kerron sinulle kaiken. For his role in Dog Nail Clipper, Franzén was awarded a Jussi Award for Best Actor as well as earning praise from film critic Jay Weissberg from Variety magazine who called the actor "one of the most talented and versatile thesps in Finland".
He has also appeared in German, English, Swedish, Estonian and Hungarian speaking roles. Franzén had a role as a Russian corpse in one episode of CSI: Miami, and more recently was cast for a small part as a police officer in the movie Cleaner by Renny Harlin. In 2009, Franzén had a small role as a Swedish Viking in the True Blood episode Never Let Me Go. In 2015, Franzén was cast as King Harald Finehair in the fourth season of Vikings.
Gunman or Gunmen may refer to:
Peter often is used to refer to Saint Peter, a disciple of Jesus Christ. It can also refer to many other people, of which only a few are listed here. This page only lists people commonly referred to as "Peter" and nothing else; for others, please see List of people named Peter.
Johan Falk is a Swedish film series about a fictional police officer named Johan Falk, played by Jakob Eklund. It consists of 20 films that were released between 1999 and 2015. Fifteen were released directly on DVD.
On April 8, 2010, a Swedish daily reported that six new movies about Johan Falk would be produced. The director Anders Nilsson and producer Joakim Hansson were to work on the new movies. The sixth movie would open in the cinema, February 2013, before being released on DVD.
The last five films were shot in Gothenburg and Stockholm in the summer and autumn of 2014, and premiered in the summer of 2015.
Peter Franzen is a retired English journalist, who was the editor of the Norwich-based regional newspaper the Eastern Daily Press, a position he occupied from 1993 until his retirement in 2009. He previously held roles including executive editor of that title and editor of the Great Yarmouth Mercury, having joined their publisher Archant in 1971.
He was awarded the Order of the British Empire in the 2004/2005 New Year Honours list.
Peter Franzén puhuu lapsuudestaan ja kirjastaan Olkkarissa
Peter Franzen: The Gunman (2015) Red Carpet premiere - Interview
Alkoholiko ongelma? ei toki ...
Barn, galler, nya nivåer
Ottais pienet kuitenkin.. ihan pienet vaan ....
Leijonasydän-traileri - ensi-ilta 18.10.2013
Favorite Finnish Words part 1
Vikings: How the Actors Relate with Their Characters | History
PRINCESS - Official Trailer (2010)
Johan Falk - bästa slutscenen (Blodsdiamanter)
Harald Finehair And Halfdan The Black Raids A Frankish Farm - THE VIKINGS SEASON 4
Peter Franzén - Gelleråsen - SSK Final 2016
Heart of a Lion: trailer in English
SDCC 2016 – IGN Vikings Cast Interview
Peter Franzén lataa valitut sanat ydinvoimasta
Leijonasydän-leffan kutsuvierasensi-illassa Peter Franzén
While Your Lips Are Still Red
Mistä ammennat inspiraatiosi, Peter Franzén?
THE GUNMAN interview gone wild
The Gunman - kohtaus elokuvasta - PENN vs. FRANZÈN
Peter Franzén (actor) in The Gunman movie, talks to about director Pierre Morel and starring in his first big budget film. In it, a former Special Forces soldier (Sean Penn) who has PTSD tries to reconnect with his longtime lover, but must first go on the run across Europe to clear his name. Genre: action, drama. HD A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier's successful kill shot forces him into hiding. Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself. Director: Pierre Morel Writers: Don MacPherson, Jean-Patrick Manchette (novel), Pete Travis (screenplay), Stars: Sean Penn, Idris Elba, Jasmine Trinca, Peter Franzen Distributed by: Open Road Films Release date: March 20, 2015 Connect with Brave New H...
Barn, galler, nya nivåer. Vad tyckte du om klippet? Kommentera gärna! Prenumerera på Johan Falks YouTube-kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/johanfalkfilmer?sub_confirmation=1 Johan Falk på TV4: http://www.tv4.se/johan-falk Johan Falk-bloggen: http://johanfalk.blogg.tv4.se/ Johan Falk på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohanFalkOfficiell http://tv4.se
www.leijonasydanleffa.fi Dome Karukosken viides elokuva, koskettava ja särmikäs, rohkea ja lempeä Leijonasydän kertoo pikkukaupunkilaisesta uusnatsista Teposta (Peter Franzén), joka rakastuu kiihkeästi temperamenttiseen Sariin (Laura Birn). Yksinhuoltajaäiti Sarin poika Rhamadhani eli Ramu (Yusufa Sidibeh) on tummaihoinen. Tarinan ytimessä sykkii rohkea ja lempeä leijonasydän, kun uusnatsi etsii itseään isäpuoliehdokkaana ja pieni poika paikkaansa ennakkoluulojen keskellä. Kasvaako Teppo ulos ennakkoluuloistaan? Voittaako rakkaus vai kaveriporukan luoma paine? Entä miten käy Ramun, joka saa isäpuoliehdokkaakseen uusnatsin?
Favorite Finnish Words of some great Finnish people hosted by Anna Easteden.
From trouble with women to Machiavellian tendencies, the Vikings cast members describe the qualities that they do and don't share with their characters in this web exclusive. Subscribe for more from Vikings and other great HISTORY shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=historychannel Watch more Vikings on YouTube in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLob1mZcVWOaikyF40734rSXKyi00eSQrr Find out more about the show, the characters, and the cast on our site: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings?cmpid=Social_YouTube_Vikings Stream full episodes and exclusive behind-the-scenes videos: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings/videos?cmpid=Social_YouTube_VikingsVid And join in the #Vikings conversation on social media: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Vik...
Official Trailer of the Princess Directed by: Arto Halonen Written by: Paavo Westerberg, Pirjo Toikka, Arto Halonen Cast: Katja Kukkola, Samuli Edelmann, Krista Kosonen, Irma Junnilainen, Pirkka-Pekka Petelius, Peter Franzén, Antti Litja, Paavo Westerberg, Paula Vesala, Joanna Haartti, Tapio Liinoja, Pertti Koivula, Ulla Tapaninen A film about a woman, judged to be sick by society, who heals and brings joy to others around her with her presence and personality. As she heals her surroundings more effectively than the prevailing healthcare system, the society attempts to suppress this individual's inner light. Princess is a feature film based on a true story about the most famous patient of Kellokoski Mental Hospital, Anna Lappalainen. Diagnosed as a manic depressive with symptoms of schi...
Eggs?? ^^ I know another mother-told-me-song if you know what i mean /winkwink Oh and before you all flip your shit at Harald and Halfdan, this was MOST LIKELY done on Ragnars orders... notice how they steal all the livestock ALIVE, along with every crop on the farm? yeah, because they were told (off screen) to go and find food... and it just so happens that a frankish farm stuffed with all sorts of food was right nearby... however, i don't think Ragnar 'ordered' them to rape the girls etc. (which is heavily implied) but murdering them all - yes, that was definitely necessary for strategic reasons.. in another scene i uploaded they mention that if they had left them alive they would have ran off and warned the franks as soon as they stumbled upon them, which is safe to assume is exactly ...
SSK Final Gelleråsen 24 september 2016 Peter Franzén - Nissan 200SX Klass 3B Kombinerat raceheat med SSK Classic Racing + SSK Klass 2 + SSK Klass 3 - A + SSK Klass 3 - B + SSK Klass 3 - C Rullande start från 4:e position (Blev 3:e då Lotus bröt under formationsvarvet). Race på regndäck där vissa andra chansade på slicks.
Katso mitä mieltä Peter Franzén on ydinvoimasta. Lue lisää ja allekirjoita vetoomus: www.puhutaanydinvoimasta.fi
Peter Franzén kertoi Radio Iskelmälle fiiliksistään Leijonasydän-leffan kutsuvierasensi-illassa Helsingissä keskiviikkona 16.10. Leijonasydän leffateattereissa nyt! www.leijonasydanleffa.fi
"While Your Lips Are Still Red" music from Markku Pölönen Film Lieksa! by Tuomas Holopainen/Marco Hietala. Music/Lyrics Tuomas Holopainen Vocals Marco Hietala Film Lieksa! will be relased on 14.9 in Finland. Cast in this video is Jenni Banerjee, Peter Franzen and Samuli Vauramo. Synopsis - shortly. The Koppelos are an old family of tailors way back from the court of Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia. They are in constant journey for the place of their happier future. For them "El Dorado" is a town called Lieksa. Love, hate and troubles of all kind, that`s life, but like in almost every road movie, the journey it self here is the point. "Your home is where your heart is."
The Gunman -elokuvassa loistava Peter Franzén kertoo, mistä hän ammentaa inspiraatiota hyvinkin erilaisiin roolitöihinsä. The Gunman elokuvateattereissa 24.4.2015! http://www.futurefilm.fi/?page=VALKOKANGAS&product;=The+Gunman
Radio host (Radio Aalto) Ari Hursti asked for actor Peter Franzén from the movie The Gunman, to show how to get serious killer attitude to a character. The interview went crazy and weird!
Tiukkaotteisen toimintaelokuvan yhdessä sivuroolissa nähdään suomalainen monilahjakkuus, Peter Franzén. Jim Terrier (Oscar-voittaja Sean Penn) on entinen erikoisjoukkojen ammattisotilas. Mies tahtoo tehdä tilit selviksi menneisyytensä kanssa ja päästä eroon salaisuuksista, jotka saattavat sekä Terrierin että hänen naisystävänsä (Jasmine Trinca) vaaraan. Saavuttaakseen rauhan, on Terrierin lähdettävä matkalle läpi Euroopan. Elokuvan ovat käsikirjoittaneet Don Macpherson ja Pete Travis Jean-Patrick Manchetten romaanin, The Prone Gunman, pohjalta, ja sen on ohjannut Pierre Morel (Taken). Elokuvan muissa rooleissa nähdään Oscar-voittaja Javier Bardem sekä Idris Elba, Ray Winstone ja Mark Rylance. Katso traileri ja osta liput: http://bit.ly/1E9LURF
Q&A; with Travis Fimmel and Creator/Writer Michael Hirst of VIKINGS. Moderated by Darren Franich, Entertainment Weekly. Vikings returns for a gripping fourth season. Season 3 culminated with the extraordinary battle in Paris, where Ragnar (Travis Fimmel) seized victory from the jaws of defeat–but still returns to Kattegat dangerously ill. Thoughts of his death galvanize the forces who seek to succeed him as king, including his wife Queen Aslaug (Alyssa Sutherland) and his oldest son, Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig). Meanwhile, Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) continues power struggles with her calculating, former second in command, Kalf (Ben Robson); Rollo (Clive Standen) betrays his Vikings heritage by remaining in Frankia and Floki (Gustaf Skarsgård) is seized for his brutal actions to the Christia...
Filminurkan Kimmo Kestilän haastattelussa nähdään perjantaina uuden kotimaisen Jättiläinen-elokuvan tähti Peter Franzén! Haastattelussa myös muita leffan tekijöitä: ohjaaja Aleksi Salmenperä, käsikirjoittaja Pekko Pesonen, tuottaja Aleksi Bardy sekä näyttelijät Saara Kotkaniemi ja Jani Volanen. Raine Huvilan arvostelussa nähdään Danny Boylen ohjaama, Aaron Sorkinin käsikirjoittama ja Michael Fassbenderin tähdittämä Steve Jobs -elokuva Steve Jobs sekä islantilaisen Grímur Hákonarsonin ohjaama draama Pässit. Mukana myös leffauutiset sekä Suomen top 10 -lista.
Wir waren das Milieu! Dummse Tünn, Schäfers Nas und Beckers Schmal, Abels Män, Frischse Pitter und der Lange Tünn ... Namen, die in Köln immer noch einen Klang haben. Männer, die durch ihre Aktivitäten in der Kölner Unterwelt zu Ruhm und Reichtum kamen und deren Geschichten brutal und böse, eiskalt und abgebrüht, aber auch naiv, schräg und vor allem authentisch sind. In den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren wird Köln von der Boulevardpresse der Titel "Chicago am Rhein" verliehen. Eine "beeindruckende" Kriminalitätsstatistik, eine "einzigartige Szene" und das "unverwechselbare Milieu" bringen die Domstadt immer wieder in die Schlagzeilen. Es geht um Prostitution und Gewalt, um Glücksspiel, Betrug und Hehlerei. Die Hauptakteure in den Bordellen, Striplokalen, Bars und Spielhöllen auf den Ringen, in ...
We visited Jonathan Franzen at his California home, where he shared his approach to writing character-driven novels and his thoughts on being a writer in America: “I play for ‘Team Literature' and so I’m on the lookout for things that threaten the team.” Franzen had a miserable time at junior high school and felt a need to dissociate, which reading books for hours on end made possible: “… that was how I survived.” Reading gave him a sense of a social life, which he didn’t have much of back then: “You have a community of real people and then you have a community that you form as a reader…” “Pages are more interesting if you’re blowing something open.” Franzen considers himself to be a character-driven author, and compares creating fictional persons whom the reader will experience as real ...
Players for home team Falkenbergs BTK (FBTK) was: * Alexander Franzén. * Guillermo Martinez. * Padasak Taniviriyavechakul. Players for visiting team Halmstads BTK (HBTK) was: * Harald Andersson. * Fabian Åkerström. * Elias Ranefur. With courtesy of SBTF.
10 år av ALS-forskning. Var är vi nu? Forskarsamtal med professorerna Thomas Brännström, Mikael Oliveberg, Stefan Marklund och Peter Andersen. Inspelat i Umeå febuari 2014. Producerat av Anders Franzén.
Lecture by Peter Zumthor Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, 29.11.2010 http://www.a-plus.be
My review/rant on the mediocre at best prequel, Exorcist: The Beginning(2004) starring Stellan Skarsgard, Izabella Scorupco, James D'Arcy, Remy Sweeney, Julian Wadham, Andrew French, Ralph Brown, Ben Cross, David Bradley, Alan Ford, Israel Aduramo, and Patrick O'Kane. Directed by Renny Harlin. Trivia John Frankenheimer voluntarily stepped down from directing the movie one month before his death. Ryan Phillippe and Kerr Smith were both considered for the role of Father William Francis. Liam Neeson was initially cast as Father Merrin. Morgan Creek Productions fired Paul Schrader after he had submitted a completed movie, saying that he had given them "footage without any of the bloody violence the backers had wanted". He had already made it clear in interviews that he was making more ...
Veckans gäster: Peter Ahnberg, c more golf, Johan Salzmann, Golfstar och Eric Franzén, Golf Digest. Tee Party är Sveriges enda veckoaktuella talkshow för oss som älskar att titta på, snacka om och framförallt spela golf. Vi sänder LIVE på måndagar klockan 14:30.
Robert Fleischer und Robert Franz besprechen die Wichtigkeit von hochdosiertem Vitamin D.
“80 per cent of artists are dealing with mother issues.” In this personal interview the internationally praised German artist Hans-Peter Feldmann muses on the magnetic power of women, and shares how he has used art as both escape and therapy. “Make a job out of it and all is lost.” Feldmann does not consider being an artist to be his job, because considering it as such would smother his enthusiasm. Art, he feels, has been discredited by the sky-high sales through auction houses, which is a transaction between investors and collectors – not artists. But art simply should not be put on a pedestal: “Art is an ordinary part of life like sports, food and sleep.” Images of women attract Feldmann, who claims that the majority of artists are dealing with mother issues: “It’s always about women, ...
Brutalist architecture is now in the midst of a revival. Yet this enthusiasm for old Brutalist buildings has not translated into any real-world desire to start building mass housing in the Brutalist style. After so many years of being maligned as ugly and dehumanising, why is Brutalism being appreciated now? Some insist it is simply about the severe beauty of the buildings, others contend it shows a nostalgia for the post-war era and its commitment to a social housing policy, particularly as London is in the midst of a housing crisis. Should we preserve Brutalist architecture purely for aesthetic reasons, or is there something to be said for reviving the future-oriented philosophy behind the aesthetic? Love them or hate them, this illuminating panel filmed at the Battle of Ideas in the ‘br...
American novelist Jonathan Franzen talks to Kirsty Wark about literature and politics, and reads extracts from his latest novel, 'Purity'. * SUBSCRIBE to get our latest videos http://bbc.in/1iouM30 *
The http://konakona5.blogspot.com/tt0323551 story bases on four Finnish brothers, nicknamed 'the Eura Daltons' who received nation-wide notoriety for tearing gas pumps apart when they needed cash. The cast is an impressive one: the brothers are portrayed by Peter Franzen, Lauri Nurkse, Niko Saarela and Jasper Pääkkönen while their really evil father is played by Vesa-Matti Loiri, one of the grand old men of Finnish cinema.
This is my reaction and review of season 4 episode 20 of Vikings, titled "The Reckoning". This was the finale of season 4 part 2. This episdoe was on of the best of the season and did not dissapoint as many finale's do. This episode had quite a few character deaths, many of which were major characters. This definitely made the episode more shocking and therefore enjoyable. This episdoe also focused quite heavily on setting up the next season 5 of Vikings. There were quite a few scenes that let us know what all of the different maor characters will be doing in season 5 of Vikings. Ivar killing Sigurd was a highlight for me, Sigurd's death scen was very well done, and Sigurd dying is a big deal in itself. Many major characters were involved in this episode including Ragnar (Travis Fimmel)...
This is my reaction and review of season 4 episode 18 of Vikings, titled "Revenge". This episode was very enjoyable as has every other episode in the season so far. In this episode we got some more development on King Harold Finehair's character, learning more about why he strides to become king of all Norway. We also focused quite heavily on Bjorn's character, who seems to be getting angrier and more intense as the episodes go by. Another major thing that happened in this episode was the revenge on King Aelle taken by Ragnar Lothbrok's sons, Bjorn Ironside, Ivar the boneless, Sigurd snake int he eye, Vitserk and Ubbe. The blood eagle to King Aelle was very satisfying and a very well shot scene. It doesn't make up for the fact that he killed Ragnar, but it helped :). Many major characters ...
This is my reaction and review of season 4 episode 19 of Vikings titled "On The Eve". This was the penultimate episode of the season, and therefore I had big expectations for it. This episode was fun and contained a few major plot points, but it wasn't as satisfying in terms of the battles that took place as I was hoping. In this episode we had character deaths, plot reveals and some minor character development. This episode set up the finale quite well and kept up the good standard of quality the rest of the season has had. Many major characters were involved in this episode including Ragnar (Travis Fimmel), Ivar The Boneless (Alex Hogh Anderson), Lagertha (Katheryn Winnik), King Ecbert (Linus Roache), Sigurd Snake In The Eye (David Lindström), Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith), Bjorn Ironside ...
Renzo Piano Franzen Lecture on Architecture and the Environment October 30, 2006 The Ulrich Franzen Lecture on Architecture and the Environment is an annual invited lecture by an international figure whose work has significant implications for architecture and the environment. On October 30, 2006, Renzo Piano gave the inaugural presentation of this new series at the Cooper Union. This podcast is an excerpt of his lecture, with introduction by League President Calvin Tsao. During his lecture, Piano reflected on his first major commission, with Richard Rogers, to build the Centre Georges Pompidou in 1971, as well as his work on the urban regeneration of Otranto in 1979. In keeping with the lecture’s special designation, Piano discussed various brownfield remediation sites, such as his work...
Peter Franzén (actor) in The Gunman movie, talks to about director Pierre Morel and starring in his first big budget film. In it, a former Special Forces soldier (Sean Penn) who has PTSD tries to reconnect with his longtime lover, but must first go on the run across Europe to clear his name. Genre: action, drama. HD A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier's successful kill shot forces him into hiding. Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself. Director: Pierre Morel Writers: Don MacPherson, Jean-Patrick Manchette (novel), Pete Travis (screenplay), Stars: Sean Penn, Idris Elba, Jasmine Trinca, Peter Franzen Distributed by: Open Road Films Release date: March 20, 2015 Connect with Brave New H...
Radio host (Radio Aalto) Ari Hursti asked for actor Peter Franzén from the movie The Gunman, to show how to get serious killer attitude to a character. The interview went crazy and weird!
From trouble with women to Machiavellian tendencies, the Vikings cast members describe the qualities that they do and don't share with their characters in this web exclusive. Subscribe for more from Vikings and other great HISTORY shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=historychannel Watch more Vikings on YouTube in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLob1mZcVWOaikyF40734rSXKyi00eSQrr Find out more about the show, the characters, and the cast on our site: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings?cmpid=Social_YouTube_Vikings Stream full episodes and exclusive behind-the-scenes videos: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings/videos?cmpid=Social_YouTube_VikingsVid And join in the #Vikings conversation on social media: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Vik...
! This video contains spoilers on the four seasons of Vikings, do not watch it if you don't want to be spoiled ! Music - Revolt Production Music - Neogenesis [Epic Action & Adventure] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favourite of fair use."
Barn, galler, nya nivåer. Vad tyckte du om klippet? Kommentera gärna! Prenumerera på Johan Falks YouTube-kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/johanfalkfilmer?sub_confirmation=1 Johan Falk på TV4: http://www.tv4.se/johan-falk Johan Falk-bloggen: http://johanfalk.blogg.tv4.se/ Johan Falk på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohanFalkOfficiell http://tv4.se
Favorite Finnish Words of some great Finnish people hosted by Anna Easteden.
Cast: Travis Fimmel as Ragnar Lothbrok, Katheryn Winnick as Lagertha, Clive Standen as Rollo, Jessalyn Gilsig as Siggy , Gustaf Skarsgård as Floki, George Blagden as Athelstan , Gabriel Byrne as Earl Haraldson , Alyssa Sutherland as Aslaug , Donal Logue as Horik of Denmark, Alexander Ludwig as Bjorn Ironside , Linus Roache as Ecbert of Wessex , Ben Robson as Kalf , Kevin Durand as Harbard , Lothaire Bluteau as Charles of West Francia , John Kavanagh as The Seer and Pope Leo IV, Peter Franzén as Harald Finehair , Jasper Pääkkönen as Halfdan the Black, Moe Dunford as Aethelwulf, Alex Høgh as Ivar the Boneless , Marco Ilsø as Hvitserk, David Lindström as Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, Jordan Patrick Smith as Ub...
Booker prize-winning novelist Julian Barnes speaks to Kirsty Wark about his new book based on the life of Shostakovich, The Noise of Time. This is an extended version - just for YouTube - of the interview which aired on 28 January. It covers art and power, heroism and cowardice, free speech and no-platforming, Russia under Putin, and more. ********** Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for highlights and bonus videos http://bbc.in/1iouM30 Follow us on Twitter @BBCNewsnight for the latest updates on #newsnight Add us on Snapchat - our username is 'BBCNewsnight' And follow on Facebook for our best material, an early heads up on what's coming up, and to join...
Listen to the story of how Laurie Anderson became the iconic multimedia artist she is today, why she prefers to keep things simple, and how she began telling stories as a child – and never stopped: “I try to make stories that really engage my mind.” When Anderson started out as an artist, she was aware that you don’t necessarily need impressive or expensive gear in order to succeed: “I was trying to do something on the right scale – something that you can do yourself.” She began as a painter and sculptor and started playing the instruments she made, while making little films, which she would show to a small group of artists. This enticed her to try to get her films out into a wider audience in the mid 1970s by doing “these little shows” at different venues. “Switch ‘the’ to ‘a’ and the w...
“80 per cent of artists are dealing with mother issues.” In this personal interview the internationally praised German artist Hans-Peter Feldmann muses on the magnetic power of women, and shares how he has used art as both escape and therapy. “Make a job out of it and all is lost.” Feldmann does not consider being an artist to be his job, because considering it as such would smother his enthusiasm. Art, he feels, has been discredited by the sky-high sales through auction houses, which is a transaction between investors and collectors – not artists. But art simply should not be put on a pedestal: “Art is an ordinary part of life like sports, food and sleep.” Images of women attract Feldmann, who claims that the majority of artists are dealing with mother issues: “It’s always about women, ...
Katso mitä mieltä Peter Franzén on ydinvoimasta. Lue lisää ja allekirjoita vetoomus: www.puhutaanydinvoimasta.fi
Open Up to Me 2014 Official Trailer. Open Up to Me is a 2013 Finnish film directed and written by Simo Halinen. It tells a story of Maarit, a woman who has just gone through a sex reassignment surgery. She wants to rebuild her relationship to her teenage daughter and is also looking for a man to share her life with. The film was nominated for the 2013 Nordic Council Film Prize. Directed by: Simo Halinen Produced by: Liisa Penttilä Written by: Simo Halinen Starring: Leea Klemola, Peter Franzén Music by: Jarmo Saari Cinematography: Henrik Blomberg Editing by: Jussi Rautaniemi Studio: Edith Film Oy Distributed by: Future Film Oy Country: Finland Language: Finnish Release Date: May 9th 2014. @ HD Video Clips (www.hdvideoclips.in)
Ei oo paha. On se päivä vielä huomennaki.
"While Your Lips Are Still Red" music from Markku Pölönen Film Lieksa! by Tuomas Holopainen/Marco Hietala. Music/Lyrics Tuomas Holopainen Vocals Marco Hietala Film Lieksa! will be relased on 14.9 in Finland. Cast in this video is Jenni Banerjee, Peter Franzen and Samuli Vauramo. Synopsis - shortly. The Koppelos are an old family of tailors way back from the court of Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia. They are in constant journey for the place of their happier future. For them "El Dorado" is a town called Lieksa. Love, hate and troubles of all kind, that`s life, but like in almost every road movie, the journey it self here is the point. "Your home is where your heart is."
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon, whose bestselling novels include Wonder Boys, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, and Telegraph Avenue, has a remarkable ability to transport his readers. His latest is Moonglow, an autobiography wrapped in a novel disguised as a memoir, that unfolds as the deathbed confession of a grandfather to his grandson. He appears in conversation with Peter Orner, author of Esther Stories, Love and Shame and Love and the forthcoming Am I Alone Here? Join the conversation on Twitter: @ArtsJCCSF Join the conversation on Facebook: facebook.com/ArtsandIdeasJCCSF/
Peter Franzén (actor) in The Gunman movie, talks to about director Pierre Morel and starring in his first big budget film. In it, a former Special Forces soldier (Sean Penn) who has PTSD tries to reconnect with his longtime lover, but must first go on the run across Europe to clear his name. Genre: action, drama. HD A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier's successful kill shot forces him into hiding. Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself. Director: Pierre Morel Writers: Don MacPherson, Jean-Patrick Manchette (novel), Pete Travis (screenplay), Stars: Sean Penn, Idris Elba, Jasmine Trinca, Peter Franzen Distributed by: Open Road Films Release date: March 20, 2015 Connect with Brave New H...
Barn, galler, nya nivåer. Vad tyckte du om klippet? Kommentera gärna! Prenumerera på Johan Falks YouTube-kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/johanfalkfilmer?sub_confirmation=1 Johan Falk på TV4: http://www.tv4.se/johan-falk Johan Falk-bloggen: http://johanfalk.blogg.tv4.se/ Johan Falk på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohanFalkOfficiell http://tv4.se
www.leijonasydanleffa.fi Dome Karukosken viides elokuva, koskettava ja särmikäs, rohkea ja lempeä Leijonasydän kertoo pikkukaupunkilaisesta uusnatsista Teposta (Peter Franzén), joka rakastuu kiihkeästi temperamenttiseen Sariin (Laura Birn). Yksinhuoltajaäiti Sarin poika Rhamadhani eli Ramu (Yusufa Sidibeh) on tummaihoinen. Tarinan ytimessä sykkii rohkea ja lempeä leijonasydän, kun uusnatsi etsii itseään isäpuoliehdokkaana ja pieni poika paikkaansa ennakkoluulojen keskellä. Kasvaako Teppo ulos ennakkoluuloistaan? Voittaako rakkaus vai kaveriporukan luoma paine? Entä miten käy Ramun, joka saa isäpuoliehdokkaakseen uusnatsin?
Favorite Finnish Words of some great Finnish people hosted by Anna Easteden.
From trouble with women to Machiavellian tendencies, the Vikings cast members describe the qualities that they do and don't share with their characters in this web exclusive. Subscribe for more from Vikings and other great HISTORY shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=historychannel Watch more Vikings on YouTube in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLob1mZcVWOaikyF40734rSXKyi00eSQrr Find out more about the show, the characters, and the cast on our site: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings?cmpid=Social_YouTube_Vikings Stream full episodes and exclusive behind-the-scenes videos: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings/videos?cmpid=Social_YouTube_VikingsVid And join in the #Vikings conversation on social media: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Vik...
Official Trailer of the Princess Directed by: Arto Halonen Written by: Paavo Westerberg, Pirjo Toikka, Arto Halonen Cast: Katja Kukkola, Samuli Edelmann, Krista Kosonen, Irma Junnilainen, Pirkka-Pekka Petelius, Peter Franzén, Antti Litja, Paavo Westerberg, Paula Vesala, Joanna Haartti, Tapio Liinoja, Pertti Koivula, Ulla Tapaninen A film about a woman, judged to be sick by society, who heals and brings joy to others around her with her presence and personality. As she heals her surroundings more effectively than the prevailing healthcare system, the society attempts to suppress this individual's inner light. Princess is a feature film based on a true story about the most famous patient of Kellokoski Mental Hospital, Anna Lappalainen. Diagnosed as a manic depressive with symptoms of schi...
Eggs?? ^^ I know another mother-told-me-song if you know what i mean /winkwink Oh and before you all flip your shit at Harald and Halfdan, this was MOST LIKELY done on Ragnars orders... notice how they steal all the livestock ALIVE, along with every crop on the farm? yeah, because they were told (off screen) to go and find food... and it just so happens that a frankish farm stuffed with all sorts of food was right nearby... however, i don't think Ragnar 'ordered' them to rape the girls etc. (which is heavily implied) but murdering them all - yes, that was definitely necessary for strategic reasons.. in another scene i uploaded they mention that if they had left them alive they would have ran off and warned the franks as soon as they stumbled upon them, which is safe to assume is exactly ...
SSK Final Gelleråsen 24 september 2016 Peter Franzén - Nissan 200SX Klass 3B Kombinerat raceheat med SSK Classic Racing + SSK Klass 2 + SSK Klass 3 - A + SSK Klass 3 - B + SSK Klass 3 - C Rullande start från 4:e position (Blev 3:e då Lotus bröt under formationsvarvet). Race på regndäck där vissa andra chansade på slicks.
Katso mitä mieltä Peter Franzén on ydinvoimasta. Lue lisää ja allekirjoita vetoomus: www.puhutaanydinvoimasta.fi
Peter Franzén kertoi Radio Iskelmälle fiiliksistään Leijonasydän-leffan kutsuvierasensi-illassa Helsingissä keskiviikkona 16.10. Leijonasydän leffateattereissa nyt! www.leijonasydanleffa.fi
"While Your Lips Are Still Red" music from Markku Pölönen Film Lieksa! by Tuomas Holopainen/Marco Hietala. Music/Lyrics Tuomas Holopainen Vocals Marco Hietala Film Lieksa! will be relased on 14.9 in Finland. Cast in this video is Jenni Banerjee, Peter Franzen and Samuli Vauramo. Synopsis - shortly. The Koppelos are an old family of tailors way back from the court of Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia. They are in constant journey for the place of their happier future. For them "El Dorado" is a town called Lieksa. Love, hate and troubles of all kind, that`s life, but like in almost every road movie, the journey it self here is the point. "Your home is where your heart is."
The Gunman -elokuvassa loistava Peter Franzén kertoo, mistä hän ammentaa inspiraatiota hyvinkin erilaisiin roolitöihinsä. The Gunman elokuvateattereissa 24.4.2015! http://www.futurefilm.fi/?page=VALKOKANGAS&product;=The+Gunman
Radio host (Radio Aalto) Ari Hursti asked for actor Peter Franzén from the movie The Gunman, to show how to get serious killer attitude to a character. The interview went crazy and weird!
Tiukkaotteisen toimintaelokuvan yhdessä sivuroolissa nähdään suomalainen monilahjakkuus, Peter Franzén. Jim Terrier (Oscar-voittaja Sean Penn) on entinen erikoisjoukkojen ammattisotilas. Mies tahtoo tehdä tilit selviksi menneisyytensä kanssa ja päästä eroon salaisuuksista, jotka saattavat sekä Terrierin että hänen naisystävänsä (Jasmine Trinca) vaaraan. Saavuttaakseen rauhan, on Terrierin lähdettävä matkalle läpi Euroopan. Elokuvan ovat käsikirjoittaneet Don Macpherson ja Pete Travis Jean-Patrick Manchetten romaanin, The Prone Gunman, pohjalta, ja sen on ohjannut Pierre Morel (Taken). Elokuvan muissa rooleissa nähdään Oscar-voittaja Javier Bardem sekä Idris Elba, Ray Winstone ja Mark Rylance. Katso traileri ja osta liput: http://bit.ly/1E9LURF
Q&A; with Travis Fimmel and Creator/Writer Michael Hirst of VIKINGS. Moderated by Darren Franich, Entertainment Weekly. Vikings returns for a gripping fourth season. Season 3 culminated with the extraordinary battle in Paris, where Ragnar (Travis Fimmel) seized victory from the jaws of defeat–but still returns to Kattegat dangerously ill. Thoughts of his death galvanize the forces who seek to succeed him as king, including his wife Queen Aslaug (Alyssa Sutherland) and his oldest son, Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig). Meanwhile, Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) continues power struggles with her calculating, former second in command, Kalf (Ben Robson); Rollo (Clive Standen) betrays his Vikings heritage by remaining in Frankia and Floki (Gustaf Skarsgård) is seized for his brutal actions to the Christia...
Filminurkan Kimmo Kestilän haastattelussa nähdään perjantaina uuden kotimaisen Jättiläinen-elokuvan tähti Peter Franzén! Haastattelussa myös muita leffan tekijöitä: ohjaaja Aleksi Salmenperä, käsikirjoittaja Pekko Pesonen, tuottaja Aleksi Bardy sekä näyttelijät Saara Kotkaniemi ja Jani Volanen. Raine Huvilan arvostelussa nähdään Danny Boylen ohjaama, Aaron Sorkinin käsikirjoittama ja Michael Fassbenderin tähdittämä Steve Jobs -elokuva Steve Jobs sekä islantilaisen Grímur Hákonarsonin ohjaama draama Pässit. Mukana myös leffauutiset sekä Suomen top 10 -lista.
Wir waren das Milieu! Dummse Tünn, Schäfers Nas und Beckers Schmal, Abels Män, Frischse Pitter und der Lange Tünn ... Namen, die in Köln immer noch einen Klang haben. Männer, die durch ihre Aktivitäten in der Kölner Unterwelt zu Ruhm und Reichtum kamen und deren Geschichten brutal und böse, eiskalt und abgebrüht, aber auch naiv, schräg und vor allem authentisch sind. In den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren wird Köln von der Boulevardpresse der Titel "Chicago am Rhein" verliehen. Eine "beeindruckende" Kriminalitätsstatistik, eine "einzigartige Szene" und das "unverwechselbare Milieu" bringen die Domstadt immer wieder in die Schlagzeilen. Es geht um Prostitution und Gewalt, um Glücksspiel, Betrug und Hehlerei. Die Hauptakteure in den Bordellen, Striplokalen, Bars und Spielhöllen auf den Ringen, in ...
We visited Jonathan Franzen at his California home, where he shared his approach to writing character-driven novels and his thoughts on being a writer in America: “I play for ‘Team Literature' and so I’m on the lookout for things that threaten the team.” Franzen had a miserable time at junior high school and felt a need to dissociate, which reading books for hours on end made possible: “… that was how I survived.” Reading gave him a sense of a social life, which he didn’t have much of back then: “You have a community of real people and then you have a community that you form as a reader…” “Pages are more interesting if you’re blowing something open.” Franzen considers himself to be a character-driven author, and compares creating fictional persons whom the reader will experience as real ...
Players for home team Falkenbergs BTK (FBTK) was: * Alexander Franzén. * Guillermo Martinez. * Padasak Taniviriyavechakul. Players for visiting team Halmstads BTK (HBTK) was: * Harald Andersson. * Fabian Åkerström. * Elias Ranefur. With courtesy of SBTF.
10 år av ALS-forskning. Var är vi nu? Forskarsamtal med professorerna Thomas Brännström, Mikael Oliveberg, Stefan Marklund och Peter Andersen. Inspelat i Umeå febuari 2014. Producerat av Anders Franzén.
Lecture by Peter Zumthor Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, 29.11.2010 http://www.a-plus.be
My review/rant on the mediocre at best prequel, Exorcist: The Beginning(2004) starring Stellan Skarsgard, Izabella Scorupco, James D'Arcy, Remy Sweeney, Julian Wadham, Andrew French, Ralph Brown, Ben Cross, David Bradley, Alan Ford, Israel Aduramo, and Patrick O'Kane. Directed by Renny Harlin. Trivia John Frankenheimer voluntarily stepped down from directing the movie one month before his death. Ryan Phillippe and Kerr Smith were both considered for the role of Father William Francis. Liam Neeson was initially cast as Father Merrin. Morgan Creek Productions fired Paul Schrader after he had submitted a completed movie, saying that he had given them "footage without any of the bloody violence the backers had wanted". He had already made it clear in interviews that he was making more ...
Veckans gäster: Peter Ahnberg, c more golf, Johan Salzmann, Golfstar och Eric Franzén, Golf Digest. Tee Party är Sveriges enda veckoaktuella talkshow för oss som älskar att titta på, snacka om och framförallt spela golf. Vi sänder LIVE på måndagar klockan 14:30.
Robert Fleischer und Robert Franz besprechen die Wichtigkeit von hochdosiertem Vitamin D.
“80 per cent of artists are dealing with mother issues.” In this personal interview the internationally praised German artist Hans-Peter Feldmann muses on the magnetic power of women, and shares how he has used art as both escape and therapy. “Make a job out of it and all is lost.” Feldmann does not consider being an artist to be his job, because considering it as such would smother his enthusiasm. Art, he feels, has been discredited by the sky-high sales through auction houses, which is a transaction between investors and collectors – not artists. But art simply should not be put on a pedestal: “Art is an ordinary part of life like sports, food and sleep.” Images of women attract Feldmann, who claims that the majority of artists are dealing with mother issues: “It’s always about women, ...
Brutalist architecture is now in the midst of a revival. Yet this enthusiasm for old Brutalist buildings has not translated into any real-world desire to start building mass housing in the Brutalist style. After so many years of being maligned as ugly and dehumanising, why is Brutalism being appreciated now? Some insist it is simply about the severe beauty of the buildings, others contend it shows a nostalgia for the post-war era and its commitment to a social housing policy, particularly as London is in the midst of a housing crisis. Should we preserve Brutalist architecture purely for aesthetic reasons, or is there something to be said for reviving the future-oriented philosophy behind the aesthetic? Love them or hate them, this illuminating panel filmed at the Battle of Ideas in the ‘br...
American novelist Jonathan Franzen talks to Kirsty Wark about literature and politics, and reads extracts from his latest novel, 'Purity'. * SUBSCRIBE to get our latest videos http://bbc.in/1iouM30 *
The http://konakona5.blogspot.com/tt0323551 story bases on four Finnish brothers, nicknamed 'the Eura Daltons' who received nation-wide notoriety for tearing gas pumps apart when they needed cash. The cast is an impressive one: the brothers are portrayed by Peter Franzen, Lauri Nurkse, Niko Saarela and Jasper Pääkkönen while their really evil father is played by Vesa-Matti Loiri, one of the grand old men of Finnish cinema.
This is my reaction and review of season 4 episode 20 of Vikings, titled "The Reckoning". This was the finale of season 4 part 2. This episdoe was on of the best of the season and did not dissapoint as many finale's do. This episode had quite a few character deaths, many of which were major characters. This definitely made the episode more shocking and therefore enjoyable. This episdoe also focused quite heavily on setting up the next season 5 of Vikings. There were quite a few scenes that let us know what all of the different maor characters will be doing in season 5 of Vikings. Ivar killing Sigurd was a highlight for me, Sigurd's death scen was very well done, and Sigurd dying is a big deal in itself. Many major characters were involved in this episode including Ragnar (Travis Fimmel)...
This is my reaction and review of season 4 episode 18 of Vikings, titled "Revenge". This episode was very enjoyable as has every other episode in the season so far. In this episode we got some more development on King Harold Finehair's character, learning more about why he strides to become king of all Norway. We also focused quite heavily on Bjorn's character, who seems to be getting angrier and more intense as the episodes go by. Another major thing that happened in this episode was the revenge on King Aelle taken by Ragnar Lothbrok's sons, Bjorn Ironside, Ivar the boneless, Sigurd snake int he eye, Vitserk and Ubbe. The blood eagle to King Aelle was very satisfying and a very well shot scene. It doesn't make up for the fact that he killed Ragnar, but it helped :). Many major characters ...
This is my reaction and review of season 4 episode 19 of Vikings titled "On The Eve". This was the penultimate episode of the season, and therefore I had big expectations for it. This episode was fun and contained a few major plot points, but it wasn't as satisfying in terms of the battles that took place as I was hoping. In this episode we had character deaths, plot reveals and some minor character development. This episode set up the finale quite well and kept up the good standard of quality the rest of the season has had. Many major characters were involved in this episode including Ragnar (Travis Fimmel), Ivar The Boneless (Alex Hogh Anderson), Lagertha (Katheryn Winnik), King Ecbert (Linus Roache), Sigurd Snake In The Eye (David Lindström), Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith), Bjorn Ironside ...
Renzo Piano Franzen Lecture on Architecture and the Environment October 30, 2006 The Ulrich Franzen Lecture on Architecture and the Environment is an annual invited lecture by an international figure whose work has significant implications for architecture and the environment. On October 30, 2006, Renzo Piano gave the inaugural presentation of this new series at the Cooper Union. This podcast is an excerpt of his lecture, with introduction by League President Calvin Tsao. During his lecture, Piano reflected on his first major commission, with Richard Rogers, to build the Centre Georges Pompidou in 1971, as well as his work on the urban regeneration of Otranto in 1979. In keeping with the lecture’s special designation, Piano discussed various brownfield remediation sites, such as his work...