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Same-sex marriage: going postal the best solution for plebiscite

We are in the strange situation that gay and lesbian Americans enjoy greater equality under Donald Trump than gay and lesbian Australians do under Malcolm Turnbull.

Trump may be famously bigoted in his treatment of women as objects, Muslims and Mexicans as terrorists and rapists, and transgender people as unfit for military service.

But, thanks to the US Supreme Court, same-sex marriage is a reality in America.

Turnbull may have spent 30 years developing his political persona as a progressive, campaigning for a republic, negotiating a carbon emissions trading scheme and championing marriage equality.

But, thanks to the Faustian bargain he struck to seize the leadership, same-sex marriage remains elusive in Australia.

Monday is Turnbull's opportunity to fix this anomaly. Mishandled, it is his invitation to oblivion.


There is a plan gathering force inside the government. It's a compromise. It would not please the advocates who want same-sex marriage delivered immediately. Nor would it please the conservatives who want to preserve the status quo at all costs.

It's the idea of a national plebiscite, conducted by post. While this would leave unhappiness on both sides, it is a pragmatic option. It would offer some progress on the underlying issue while allowing Turnbull to keep his job and keep the government in office.

Much media attention has focused on the fact that the ruling Liberal Party's federal MPs and senators will meet on Monday afternoon for a special meeting to debate the same-sex marriage question.

It will. But that's the second arena in which this will be fought. Before it goes to the wider party room, it is scheduled to go before the Turnbull cabinet, which will meet earlier on Monday, and this is where the government's position is to be decided.

The cabinet meeting is taking shape as a contest between the author of the postal plebiscite compromise, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, and the advocate for an immediate parliamentary vote to allow gay marriage, Attorney-General George Brandis.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

This would allow Turnbull to play chairman and to pronounce the final decision once everyone around the cabinet table has been heard.

Dutton has been actively building support for the postal plebiscite among his colleagues. It already has won the grudging support of key moderates in the cabinet as the least worst option. Turnbull has not said so publicly but it's an outcome that he would embrace. But it will nonetheless be a hard-fought cabinet debate.

The government has commissioned legal advice on the option of a postal plebiscite. Some ministers have seen it already. This advice makes plain that a postal plebiscite would be vulnerable to a High Court challenge, as a number of academic experts on constitutional law have been saying publicly all week.

The answer to this from Dutton and his supporters? That's OK. The High Court would be expected to hear the case expeditiously. If it allowed the plebiscite to proceed, the government could probably carry it out by the end of the year. It doesn't need any legislative approvals and the funding authority already exists, so Labor and the Greens couldn't block it.

The plebiscite would inevitably endorse same-sex marriage. Turnbull would have kept his pledge to maintain the Abbott policy. He would have kept faith with the party. And same-sex marriage would quickly be endorsed by the government and legislated by the Parliament. The issue would be off the agenda by the time of the next election.

But if the High Court were to strike it down? The Dutton argument is that that's OK, too. Turnbull would have made every effort to fulfil his pledge of a plebiscite. He will have kept faith with his party.

In the first instance, he's been frustrated by Labor and the Greens in the Senate in his effort to hold a go-out-on-a-Saturday-and-cast-a-vote plebiscite. On the second, he would've been blocked by the High Court in his bid for a postal plebiscite. He would then be liberated to take the question it to a free parliamentary vote.

Whether the government were to win or lose in the High Court, legalised same-sex marriage would be the result. "A postal plebiscite could be a workable compromise because people with competing views could settle on it as a way forward," says a moderate cabinet minister. "Because there is a significant lack of willingness to make any effort at give and take on this on either side."

Brandis can be expected to argue that a postal plebiscite is not only constitutionally dubious, it's also politically dubious. Why? If the postal vote were boycotted by the gay marriage lobby, and if younger voters lacked the interest to mail their ballot papers, the participation rate could be low, below 50 per cent.

If that were to happen, the plebiscite could be dismissed as a farce, runs the argument. The same-sex marriage lobby would be undeterred and press on, agitating within the Liberal Party, continuing to destabilise. Labor would make it an issue at the next election. And the government would look like incompetent dills as well as homophobic bigots.

The counter-argument is that a low turnout rate wouldn't matter – many countries routinely elect governments with voter turnouts of 30 or 40 or 50 per cent. Their legitimacy isn't questioned. French president Emmanuel Macron was elected on a turnout of 38 per cent, for instance.

The cabinet debate will be further freighted by the political ambitions of the protagonists. Brandis is approaching the sunset of his time in the cabinet. He wants a decisive victory on same-sex marriage as his culminating career trophy on a matter that is dear to the moderate wing of the Liberal Party.

Besides, Brandis lost his last contest with Dutton. Brandis opposed the creation of a Home Affairs ministry. He didn't want to cede oversight of ASIO and the Federal Police to Dutton's super ministry. And he doesn't want to lose on this signature issue of rights.

Dutton's political trajectory, conversely, is on the rise. He's emerged as the leading conservative in the cabinet. Fresh from being named Home Affairs Minister-designate and security supremo, he is now trying to demonstrate that he can be more than a conservative warrior, that he can transcend factions to become a political problem-solver and conciliator.

It's widely recognised that same-sex marriage in Australia is inevitable. Progressives want it now; conservatives are merely seeking to delay as long as possible. For Turnbull, the trick is how to deliver it without the ruin of his prime ministership and possibly the collapse of the government along the way.

The postal plebiscite is an appealing option for Turnbull because it's the least suicidal politically. Consider the other options.

If Turnbull next week allows a free parliamentary vote, he would be seen to be yielding to the five pro-gay marriage MPs who are threatening to revolt on the issue. "If he does that, he will do himself very serious damage in the party room," says a conservative critic of the Prime Minister.

"Because the suspicion is that he hasn't acted in good faith," in keeping to his pledge to preserve the Abbott-era policy of a plebiscite. "I wouldn't be surprised if Malcolm Turnbull had given them some tacit encouragement." The conservative dissenters unhappy with Turnbull's leadership would proceed to do everything in their power to make his prime ministership unworkable.

And the third option – that Turnbull preserve the status quo by confronting the pro-gay marriage rebels in his party – is also fraught. By daring them to revolt openly on the floor of the House, Turnbull runs the risk of losing control of the legislature.

Labor could seize control of the chamber, pass a same-sex marriage law with the support of Liberal defectors, claim victory, and deal a humiliating blow to Turnbull.

The consequences would be unpredictable. One scenario is that disgruntled Liberals would declare a spill motion. There are no candidates – no one is organising to seize the leadership at the moment.

Indeed, Dutton, often cited by anonymous Liberal sources as a leadership contender, is not about to strike Turnbull. On the contrary, he is pursuing the postal plebiscite compromise as a way of protecting Turnbull and preserving the government.

But a spill vote that pitted Turnbull against an empty chair would be just as damaging as the one that put Tony Abbott up against an empty chair. And Abbott came within a dozen votes of losing. Such an ordeal for Turnbull would be deadly.

So the postal plebiscite is the least worst option for the longevity of the Prime Minister and the stability of the government. But even if Dutton wins the argument in the cabinet, it still has to go through another two ordeals.

One is the Liberal party room. The other is the meeting of the full Coalition party room, where the National Party joins the Liberals. So uncertainty is high and the margin for error wide. But the Dutton compromise is, as things stand, the most likely outcome.

And, if so, Turnbull may look a weak prime minister by the end of next week. But Australia would have some sort of pathway to progress, no matter how much it's derided. And he'd still be prime minister. In these circumstances, he'd take that as a win.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.


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