

Lisa De Vanna re-writes Matildas' record books

Lisa De Vanna admits chasing the all-time goalscoring record for the Matildas has been stressful.

It's played on her mind and even stopped her from scoring. But now the record is hers, she's looking into the distance and wondering how many more goals there might be.

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Matildas bulldoze Brazil to win Tournament of Nations

Australia's women's soccer team have claimed their first trophy in seven years as they steamrolled Brazil 6-1 at the Tournament of Nations in the United States.

The 32-year-old striker scored twice in Australia's 6-1 romp over Brazil as the Matildas claimed the Tournament of Nations.

It was enough to draw level and then surpass forward Kate Gill to claim the goalscoring record.

And it was also long time coming.

Australia's most reliable source of goals had dried up - these were De Vanna's first goals for the national team for a year.


"To be honest, it's a monkey off my back," De Vanna said. "When I went onto the field it was my main concern, to score two more goals. It affected me.

"Today was the first time I didn't think about it, just played my game and the opportunity came.

"Scoring those goals is everything to me because I've given so much to the game.

"An achievement like that, it's fantastic."

After netting her 42nd goal in a Matildas shirt, how many might she end up with?

With the 2018 Asian Cup, 2019 World Cup and 2020 Olympics on the horizon, De Vanna - who has struggled with lower leg problems in recent years - said she'd be listening to her body.

"I have this argument with Staj [coach Alen Stajcic] every time I have my little emotional moments," she said.

"He says 'you can play until you're 40' and I'm like 'I'm not going to be here until I'm 58'.

"Today, at halftime I said to him I've only got another 10 minutes left in my tank and he said that's fine.

"I've done my days where I play 90 minutes and push my body to the limits.

"Now it's about making sure I'm in a good environment and my head is right emotionally, and physically.

"If I can have that I can have a long career."

Stajcic said De Vanna deserved the honour.

"There's no one who wears the shirt with more pride than Lisa," he said.

" It's a just reward for such a lengthy career, such a passionate career and one that's still got a long way to go."

After the groundbreaking tournament, the Matildas will rise one spot to the world No.6 ranking, overtaking Japan.

Does coach Alen Stajcic consider the Matildas to be at their highest-ever stocks?

"Possibly. But I don't care to be honest. That's for other people to judge," he said.

To Stajcic, what's most important is to focus ahead at the bigger goals - the 2018 Asian Cup and 2019 World Cup.

"We've got to keep level headed, keep our feet on the floor and keep thinking about what the big picture is," he said.

"For us that's next year and the year after.

"This lays a good platform, adds to all the things we're doing on and off the field ... all the things we've all bought into together as a united group."

De Vanna, one of a handful of players remaining from the Matildas' 2010 Asian Cup win, said the successful Tournament of Nations was a "very big" win.

"It's a massive one because it's in the US, we're playing three top 10 nations," she said.

"We won the tournament without relying on other results and we won comfortably.

"It's right up there but at the same time we haven't won a World Cup or achieved anything at an Olympics and that's what it all comes down to.

"These are little stepping stones to show we can do it."

Stajcic said the improved ranking was about more than vanity.

"The gap from first to fifth is maybe too big but we'll bridge the gap; that's important," he said.

"We want to be seeded at the next World Cup. It's not our main priority but we want to be in the top five so we can get seeded."