Small Business


Business: James Adonis asks if claiming workers' compensation is career suicide

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There's a selfish undertone to today's column since I'm writing it the day after I collapsed in the office bathroom; my face severely bruised, an eye that seems eternally shut, and crippling spinal pain that won't dissipate. My injuries, thankfully, had nothing to do with work. The same can't be said for others.

A few years ago, the NSW state government, as one example, reformed workers' compensation laws, which subsequently drove down insurance premiums and claims. And even though there have been moves since then to unwind some of those reforms, most of them are still in place.

There's a silver lining to this. Prior research indicates if injured employees maintain their work-related connections, their chances of recovery are significantly heightened. But while most of the research has been based on reams and reams of data, a new study published in The Australian Journal of Social Issues explores the perspective of the employee instead.

The scholars from Macquarie University identified three themes after having conducted interviews that lasted up to two hours.

The first theme is a prevailing expectation that managers will maintain meaningful engagement with the injured employee even while the employee is away. One of the employees put it like this: "I've been working there for seven years but after the operation no one rang me – emotionally that hurt me a little bit."

All they sought was some form of regular contact, no matter how brief. Another participant had this to say: "Feeling supported early on would have helped me a lot. I was asking them to give me something to do at home ... I asked to be sent weekly updates and participate in weekly meetings. They said no. They're the things that would have helped me be part of the team and feel like I belong."


As a result, those with psychological injuries reported a greater tendency to keep them hidden since they feared what would happen if the invisible became visible.

The second theme relates to the noticeable change in attitude among managers as soon as employees lodged their workers' compensation claims. "I suddenly went from someone who had exceeded all my KPIs to someone who was not helping my manager meet his lost time injury goals," said one staffer.

More succinctly and ominously, one participant stated: "Workers' compensation really is a death warrant. It really is career suicide."

Often, it wasn't just that their manager was refraining from making contact; it was also that the manager had prohibited colleagues and friends from reaching out, thereby withholding critical support.

The third theme can be referred to as (un)reasonable adjustment. In a majority of cases, managers expressed impatience, became inflexible, engaged in harassment, ignored injury recovery plans, refused to modify duties, and applied substantial psychological pressure to get employees to return and perform.

In most of the interviews, the participants even reported being given ultimatums. For example: "I went up to the big boss early on because my manager was telling me to do things I wasn't supposed to do and he said: 'You either get back to your job or I fire you'."

I've been working there for seven years but after the operation no one rang me – emotionally that hurt me a little bit.

Employee in Macquarie University study

Underpinning each of these experiences is a perception among managers that most workers' compensation claims are exaggerated. This flawed and stigmatising perception worsens injuries, especially when taking into account prior analyses that have found injured employees return to work much sooner when they're supported by modified work programs.

Which brings us back to the anecdote that began this column. I've been writing this for several hours now with one eye firmly shut and a back stiffer than a shot of whisky. That's enough. It's time for a lie-down.

James Adonis is the author of Employee Enragement. Follow MySmallBusiness on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.