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Interest rate risk for under-40s as debt burden balloons

The average mortgage burden on home owners aged under 40 doubled between 2002 and 2014 leaving them especially vulnerable to rising interest rates, a leading household survey shows.

The latest instalment of the respected Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, released on Wednesday, demonstrates how high house prices are affecting the lives of young people in Australia's big cities.

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After taking account of inflation the average mortgage among 18 to 39-year-olds ballooned from $169,201 in 2002 to $336,586 in 2014, a real increase of 99 per cent.

The survey also revealed a huge rise in the share of young adults living longer with their parents. In 2015, 60 per cent of men aged between 22 and 25 were living in their family home, up from 43 per cent in 2001. For women in that age group, 48 per cent were living in the family home in 2015 compared with 27 per cent in 2001.

Home ownership among 18-39 year olds is also in sharp decline. In Sydney the share of share of property owners in that age group has plunged from 29.2 per cent in 2002 to just 19.7 per cent in 2014, the lowest in Australia.

The HILDA report warned rapid debt growth means those under 40 years that do own a home are "much more sensitive to interest rate changes" than in the past.


"Even small changes in interest rates will have substantial impacts on the effective income situation of many home owners aged 18 to 39," it said.

After the Reserve Bank Board's monthly meeting on Tuesday it announced the official cash rate would remain unchanged at an historic low of 1.5 per cent. While that setting is likely to remain in place for some time, many analysts expect rates to move higher in due course. Last month Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull predicted interest rates "are more likely to go up than down".

It is nearly seven years since the Reserve Bank last increased the official cash rate.

The report's author, Melbourne University's Professor Roger Wilkins, said one unexpected finding was that, on average, young home owners are not paying down their debt. In all but three of the 13 years analysed the average mortgage debt for those aged 18 to 39 increased.

"A lot of the growth in debt is amongst existing home owners," Professor Wilkins said. "In a world where house prices are growing they are choosing to consume some of the increased equity in their home is giving them."

Professor Wilkins there are "some real concerns" about the longer-term economic wellbeing of the current generation aged under-40 years.

A much bigger share of that age cohort is set to retire without a home of their own, or with a large mortgage at retirement, than in the past.

"That's going to have real implications for future aged pension liabilities," he said.

The HILDA Survey has followed the same sample of Australians since 2001 to assess how their lives are changing. It currently tracks more than 17,000 people in 9500 households.


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