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Husky pups immortalized as Antarctic landmarks

Dozens of huskies used in an early exploration of Antarctica have been immortalised in the latest naming ceremony of Antarctic landmarks. 

The Australian Antarctic Division Place Names Committee announced on Wednesday 26 islands, rocks, and reefs to be officially named after huskies who served as guides for explorer Mawson during the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911-1914.

Up to 50 dogs were involved in the expedition, helping Mawson and other explorers survive their four-year expedition. 

Gillian Slocum, Committee Chair, said the tribute was a fitting way to memorialise the huskies for their important role in the exploration. 

"The dogs were used for expedition transport, pulling sleds laden with supplies, as well as providing companionship for the men," Ms Slocum said.

"Given their important contribution to Antarctic exploration, it is appropriate to name Antarctic landmarks in their honour with the most prominent features named after the most important dogs."


The newly named landmarks include Lassasen Island in the Mackellar Islands, named after Mawson's husky who was with him when he reached the South Pole in 1911. 

Other names include "Grandmother Rock", named after a male pup known for his "grandmotherly appearance", "Devil Rock", named after a dog known for her "savage disposition", and Blizzard Island, named for a pup who was born in a severe blizzard during the expedition. 

While some of the huskies were able to return to Australia, many sadly did not survive the harsh Antarctic conditions, said Ms Slocum. 

In one instance, six of the dogs, including "Basilisk" and "Castor", died when explorer Belgrave Ninnis fell down a crevasse with supplies some 500km away from their main base.

In another tragic situation, Mawson was forced to use his dogs as food in order to survive.

"He didn't intend to eat his dogs but had no choice," said Rod Ledingham, an expeditioner during the 1960s.

The names will play an important role for international researchers and rescuers to navigate their way across the icy continent, with each name tied to an official latitude, longitude and environmental feature.

With AAP