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Virtual Reality returns to MIFF in 2017 to continue rewriting the frontiers of storytelling! Featuring a program of local and international narrative, documentary and animated experiential works, it’s time again to strap on a headset and prepare to experience the jaw-dropping potential of total immersive cinema.


Selling Fast VR
(15 mins)


Selling Fast VR
(15 mins)


Dir. Lucas Taylor
Australia (2017)
Selling Fast VR
(7 mins)


Dir. Momoko Seto
France (2017)
(8 mins)


(12 mins)


Dir. Ricardo Laganaro
USA (2017)
Selling Fast VR
Standby VR
(30 mins)


Standby VR
(30 mins)


Selling Fast VR
(30 mins)


Selling Fast VR
(30 mins)


About VR

Virtual Reality experiences are immersive, and require viewers to wear a headset. Every audience member views the works individually, and their experience will likewise be individual. For this reason, these experiences are restricted to those 18 years and older.

Films will be presented at MIFF in two ways – in VR Packages and Standalone Experiences:

VR Packages

VR Packages are collections of short virtual reality experiences screened to Samsung Gear VR headsets. MIFF is presenting four VR Packages in 2017, each containing between two and four experiences, with each package running for 50 minutes. These include approximately half an hour of virtual reality content (presented as synchronous 360 video to viewer headsets), and up to 20 minutes for audience instruction, introduction and guest or filmmaker Q+As where available.

VR Packages 1-4 will rotate within MIFF’s VR presentation period between Friday 11 August and Friday 18 August. Please check session information for details.

Synchronous Screenings: VR Packages at MIFF will be screening to audiences synchronously, meaning that groups of up to eight people will be able to experience those works together with playback triggered simultaneously to audience member’s headsets. MIFF's VR sync solution has been devised by Worldview and developed by Visual Playground. We thank them for their support.

Standalone Experiences

Standalone Experiences will be presented via Oculus Rift headsets, and include four individual pieces:

  • Across
  • Inside Manus
  • Unrest VR
  • and Miyubi

With the exception of Miyubi, the experiences enable audiences to move in and experience the 3D space of the story world.

Standalone works will screen within MIFF VR’s presentation period between Friday 11 August and Friday 18 August. Please check session information for details.

Please note the listed durations for Across (15 mins), Inside Manus (15 mins) and Unrest VR (15 mins) are approximate, as experiences are interactive and duration may differ from viewer to viewer.

Health and safety: participation in these experiences and using this technology may involve some risks, including (but not limited to): nausea, dizziness, disorientation, visual abnormalities, injury or other discomfort.

With Special Thanks to: University of Melbourne Student Union

VR Programmers: Al Cossar, Kate Fitzpatrick
VR Producer: Steve Spangaro
Production Designer: Hahna Read
VR Volunteer: Laura Bardey

MIFF's Rotary Sync VR  360 video playback system:
Developed by Visual Playground
Devised by Worldview
Interstitials by Worldview


 Major Partner


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Technical Partner


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Supporting Partner


Special Thanks