WA News


'Bullying' contractor on Chevron project takes action after 250 complaints

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The major contractor at Chevron's massive Wheatstone gas project in WA's north says it has taken action after more than 250 workers signed a petition alleging serious workplace bullying.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says a worksite manager for US engineering giant Bechtel used profanity and bullying tactics when speaking to employees last month, including referring to workers as "rats" and "no better than paedophiles".

"Bechtel takes all matters of this nature very seriously," the company said in an emailed statement.

"On this particular occasion, a thorough investigation was conducted and appropriate action has been taken."

More than 250 Bechtel workers signed the petition, alleging multiple serious workplace bullying incidents on the project. 

The petition said a worksite manager allegedly used profanity and bullying tactics on multiple occasions when speaking to employees in an effort to offend and intimidate them. 


The alleged behaviour took place last month on multiple occasions, with workers stating their employer failed to ensure a bully free workplace, and that they had no faith in the named manager to be able to organise and manage workers on his shift. 

After a mass meeting about the incidents, at which 260 workers signed the petition to formalise their position, it was rejected by the company, with workers required to lodge individual complaints through the disputes process.

The workers then delegated the matter to the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.

AMWU state secretary Steve McCartney said it was a disgrace the initial concerns of workers had been brushed aside and the manager was still working. 

"We're not going to stand by while Bechtel bury this issue under layers of company bureaucracy that never finds an answer," he said.

"Given what we know about the mental health stresses already faced by FIFO workers, it is completely unacceptable that a company with this many staff working remotely seems to have no intention of preventing behaviour like this. 

"This is a company who ignored all the recommendations of the State Government inquiry into FIFO mental health.

"They think because it's a remote site, no one will notice. But we have noticed, and we're going to represent these workers, because everyone deserves a safe workplace free from bullying and abuse. 

"This is one of the biggest projects in Australia and it's shameful that two of the largest companies involved, Bechtel and Chevron, seemingly won't hold its management to a higher standard. 

"Companies like this always welcome tougher ABCC regulations to deal with workers but won't hold their management to account and it's completely hypocritical.

"Our members have called upon us to ensure this company treats their workers with the same level of respect they always demand of their employees, and to that end we will fight on their behalf." 

- with AAP