

I tried to throw out my favourite trakkydaks
Gift to the flag irises and bromeliads
Forty years’ comfy wear, that’s the facts
A couple of holes, easily mended yet sad
100 percent cotton, washed out pale green
Hung off my frame faithfully, concealing
Lumps and bumps, a warm inner bogan
Uncaring of yobness before social ceiling
Robbed pleasure from non-objectified self
With trakkydaks now a secretive fetish
For this wannabe neo-primitive wood elf
Stuff the wankers, I’ll keep them, be selfish.

June 2017

Easter Bunny

Easter Monster Bunny

Shall I sample the ears of the Easter bunny first, or nibble at his legs?

Bite by bite, I will eat the body of the patriarchy,
absorb it, obliterate it, reclaim my destiny.

He won’t even squeal as I devour him,
and his violence, obscured by a smirking cuddly facade,
shall be ended.

The Lindt rabbit my husband gives me
has but a brief life and its sweetness nourishes my revolt.

April 2017

Natalie Imbruglia Cancels Her Gig in Apartheid Israel

Natalie Imbruglia cancels IsraelAfter a solid campaign by concerned groups and Indigenous people, Natalie Imbruglia has cancelled her gig in Israel which was scheduled for March 1, 2017. The campaign was co-ordinated by Don’t Play Apartheid Israel with an accompanying Facebook page.

Natalie’s decision to refrain from playing in Israel is much appreciated, following the passing of a criminal “law” by Israel’s Knesset retrospectively “legalizing” theft of private Palestinian lands for illegal Jewish-only settlements. Recently, in concert with renewed bombing, Israel prevented anaesthetic gas from reaching Gaza, yet after international pressure, one shipment of anaesthetic was permitted before Israel slammed the Gaza prison gates shut for all imports and exports. Gaza’s civilian population has lived under brutal siege by Israel since 2006. Of 2 million Gazan civilians persecuted by Israel’s military Occupation, over half are children.

Gig cancelled

Let’s hope Australian band Pond, UK-based Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Fat Boy Slim and Radiohead similarly revise their tour plans to exclude the apartheid state of Israel and respect the principled Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (BDS).


Sign the petition to persuade Radiohead to respect the boycott.

Contact Radiohead
On Facebook:
On Twitter:

Contact Pond
On Facebook:
On Twitter:

Contact Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
On Facebook:
On Twitter:

Contact Fat Boy Slim
On Facebook:
On Twitter:


In the JPost (12 February, 2017), event organisers are quoted saying Natalie cancelled because of “logistic constraints”, that she apologises and will reschedule.

Nevertheless, “Concert producers said refunds would be given to all ticket holders” and thus a reschedule is not expected in the near future.

The Israeli promoters of Natalie Imbruglia are said to claim, but not Natalie Imbruglia herself (who removed apartheid Israel from her tour without any comment on it being cancelled):
“Imbruglia apologized for disappointing her fans in Israel and vowed to schedule a show in country at a future date.”

No new concert in Israel appears on Natalie’s tour program or the promoter’s events.

3A Productions 2017 events

For updates see DPAI Page:
“Natalie Imbruglia, Playing Apartheid is a Big Mistake”

Clearly, by claiming the concert will be rescheduled the promoters facilitate the Israeli anti-BDS propaganda. This tactic has been used rather frequently. For example, when Pharrell Williams cancelled his July 2016 gig due to “scheduling problems”, it was claimed falsely by JPost he would reschedule.

Similarly, the JPost published in August 2014:
“American pop singer Lana Del Rey announced on Friday that her Tel Aviv concert scheduled for August 20 has been pushed back to another date due to the ongoing crisis in the south.”
“Those who purchased tickets for the concert will be notified of an alternate date. Organizers for the show said that the original tickets will be honored.”

However, two and half years later Lana Del Rey has not rescheduled.

For updates see DPAI Page:
Lana Del Rey, Don’t Endorse Apartheid Israel’s Violence

At Walla (Hebrew), “industry sources” allegedly are blaming poor ticket sales for Natalie’s cancellation. “Industry sources” also claimed Pharrell Williams’ concert was cancelled due to low ticket sales. Are “low ticket sales” yet another repeat excuse deployed to disguise cancellations made by musicians who decide to refrain from crossing the boycott picket line?


The promoters, 3A Productions, are now claimingshe just couldn’t make it” and “she is busy, really busy“, not low ticket sales, for Natalie’s cancellation.


Palestinian artists, cultural organizations and human rights supporters welcome the Australian-British singer Natalie Imbruglia’s cancellation of her March performance in Tel Aviv.