- published: 27 May 2016
- views: 11158
A charter is the grant of authority or rights, stating that the granter formally recognizes the prerogative of the recipient to exercise the rights specified. It is implicit that the granter retains superiority (or sovereignty), and that the recipient admits a limited (or inferior) status within the relationship, and it is within that sense that charters were historically granted, and that sense is retained in modern usage of the term.
The word entered the English language from the Old French charte (ultimately from the Latin word for "paper"). It has come to be synonymous with the document that lays out the granting of rights or privileges.
The term is used for a special case (or as an exception) to an institutional charter. A charter school, for example, is one that has different rules, regulations, and statutes from a state school.
Charter is sometimes used as a synonym for 'tool' or 'lease', as in the 'charter' of a bus or boat by an organization, intended for a similar group destination.
CTA Back to the 70's Charter
Charter School Dress Code Back to School Clothing Haul
Livermore Charter School Scandal Creates Back-To-School Chaos
Charter Schools: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Let's All Go Back to Charter Way
Charter school's board fires back
IRM 2200 CTA Charter- Back To The 60s Adv
Charter School for Applied Technologies students head back to class
Govt, miners need to 'go back to drawing board' on Charter – Ramaphosa
Sadist tv / video game charter back storyirz
Imagine Andrews Public Charter School: Back to School Night 2017-2018
Time Warner Cable Charter and Spectrum cable boxes modem and equipment reviewed
IRM Back to the 60's 2200 Farewell Charter
Back to Charter we go!
Back Off My Charter!
LEARN Charter Back to School - ABC-7 Coverage
Back to school social HOPE Chinese charter, Oregon
This Huge Charter School Can't Prove Its Students Are Doing Anything (HBO)
Hey John Oliver, Back Off Idaho Arts Charter School!
Hey John Oliver, Back Off our Charter School - West Michigan Aviation Academy
Charter Back 2 School 2012
Charter foundation giving back
Girls First Time Fishing: For Snapper Off The East Coast Of Florida, With Back To Blue Adventure
Deep dropping with Bite Back Charters.
Toronto Triple Streetcar charter 9-3-06
On April 3, 2016, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) & the Illinois Railway Museum put together a 1970's themed charter with a two set four car train with 2400 Series cars used for the train. The whole trip the train traveled on all the lines, and more! Comment, Rate, Share, & Subscribe for more Videos! For more info and history on the Chicago Transit Authority, visit: http://www.transitchicago.com/ http://www.chicago-l.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecta Twitter: https://twitter.com/cta Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ctaweb/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CTAConnections
Michialee shares with you the dress code at her new charter school and shows you the clothes she has gotten so far. #BackToSchool #Haul #ClothingHaul #DressCode
Charter schools are privately run, publicly funded, and irregularly regulated. John Oliver explores why they aren’t at all like pizzerias. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: http://Facebook.com/LastWeekTonight Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: http://Twitter.com/LastWeekTonight Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: http://www.hbo.com/lastweektonight
I do not own this music just a good jam to listen too when cruzin
Questions over accountability and financial management at Guahan Academy Charter School have made headlines over the past few weeks. But today the school's board members are firing back, alleging that recent criticism is an ill-disguised attempt to shut the school down just before the charter goes up for renewal.
(IMPROVED VERSION) In June, 2013, the Illinois Railway Museum ran a four-car charter featuring the 2200 series rail cars, now 44 years old. The all-day charter was billed as the "last charter" because the cars are expected to all be retired. IRM plans on purchasing one pair for the museum at Union, IL. I videoed the charter from almost a dozen locations. My knowledge of CTA operations and my scanner were a great help, LOL. Hats off to Eric Zabelny for putting the charter together. I'm the narrator for the Snowflake Charters. David Harrison Category CTA
Teachers were preparing their classrooms for weeks ahead of the first students arriving Monday.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa says government and the mining industry need to "go back to the drawing board" to recraft the Mining Charter, following the recent Gazetting of a third version that has caused deep consternation within the industry and precipitated a major sell-off in South African mining stocks.
You bet i used a I used "z" oh I dont own anything but the video
This message will be played at the 2017-2018 Back to School Night as teachers present to homerooms.
A look at the equipment that Time Warner Cable Charter Spectrum give out as their DVR digital video recorder service... an in-depth look at giving options the boxes offer a few different Cisco and Arris boxes also a peek at the back of them I'll look at the modem cable modem and router supplied by Time Warner Cable Charter Spectrum also the fact then AT&T; internet users will be converted to the Time Warner Cable infrastructure at some point here as they have acquired them. I'll be doing a few videos in the short future about AT&T; internet vs. Time Warner Cable internet the pricing and internet speed. Please reference my earliest video documenting the U-verse boxes versus The Time Warner cable boxes and service. We are past the point and Technology where they allow us to directly connect...
Views from the 2013 Illinois Railway Museum Back to the 60's 2200 Farwell charter
Heading back to school. Some of the Krapf buses are already there. Bus 122 is a 2008 Thomas C2, has the older style taillights Music does not belong to me, belongs to respective owners. It's the radio playing.
This was Lycée's submission to the Center for Education Reform's "Hey John Oliver, Back Off My Charter School" video contest. While we did not win the competition, we received fun and heartfelt contributions from our students and parents. This is for them and everyone else who supports Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-Orléans! Enjoy!
It's just the beginning of August, and many charter schools are already heading back to school. Check out this ABC-7 news coverage of the first day of school at LEARN Charter's Hunter Perkins campus, where students were greeted by Mayor Emanuel and Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard.
PE teacher's Dunk tank 2017
Ohio’s largest online school, the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) said this week that it may have to shutter its virtual door after State auditor Dave Yost advised the Ohio Department of Education to hold back a portion of funding for the upcoming academic year due to discrepancies on enrollment numbers. Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News Check out VICE News for more: http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenews Tumblr: http://vicenews.tumblr.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/vicenews More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideo
This video was made for entry in the "Hey John Oliver, Back Off My Charter School!" video contest. In mid-August John Oliver, the host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, leveled a very unfair and unfortunate argument against charter schools. Soon after, the Center for Education Reform announced the "Hey John Oliver, Back off My Charter School!" video contest. Music: "Glass" by Brody Helmer www.soundcloud.com/therealclouds
This was a video made for a contest that was created by The Center for Education Reform. The contest regards comedian John Oliver's view on charter schools. Our charter school is called West Michigan Aviation Academy, and this video was created by the students from Mr. Ratliff's "Current Issues" class. We hope you enjoy! You can check out the contest here: https://www.edreform.com/cer-video-contest/ John Oliver's view - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_htSPGAY7I Music - https://soundcloud.com/ukiyoau/calling
Daytona Beach Fishing Charters - http://backtobluecharters.com Back to Blue Apparel - http://backtoblue.com Girls First Time Fishing For Snapper Off The East Coast Of Florida, With Back To Blue Adventures
On April 3, 2016, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) & the Illinois Railway Museum put together a 1970's themed charter with a two set four car train with 2400 Series cars used for the train. The whole trip the train traveled on all the lines, and more! Comment, Rate, Share, & Subscribe for more Videos! For more info and history on the Chicago Transit Authority, visit: http://www.transitchicago.com/ http://www.chicago-l.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecta Twitter: https://twitter.com/cta Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ctaweb/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CTAConnections
What are the top social platforms today and what are their relevance to your charter school's communications outreach? Learn best practices and potential policies. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, SnapChat ... With so many social channels today, how do you know which are the best for communicating? Learn about all the top social platforms and what they can do for your school's communication outreach to students, parents, staff and the community.
On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges is joined by Diane Ravitch, former assistant secretary of education under President George H.W. Bush and author of “Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools”. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at the growth of the charter school industry. Follow us on Facebook: Facebook.com/OnContactRT Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/ Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_America
The Liveset Charter Vs. Twice at Maximum Force: Back in Time Feb 26 2016 I do not own ant of the tracks used in this set. All the rights go to the owners. This upload is promotional only. There is no downloadlink for this set. Facebook: www.facebook.com/charternl *FOLLOW* Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/charternl *FOLLOW* For a monthly podcast with guest dj's like Jason Payne, Artifact, Unresolved and Bass Chasers 1: Builder - Her Voice (Headhunterz Remix) 2: Noisecontrollers - Aliens 3: Brennan Heart - Evolution Of Style Part 1 4: The Pitcher - Pump It Loud 5: Headhunterz - Reloaded Part 2 6: Zatox & Activator - Don't Let It Go (Baco Mix) 7: Deepack - The Prophecy (Qlimax 2003 Anthem) 8: Donkey Rollers - The Last City On Earth (In Qontrol 2008 Anthem) 9: Noisecontrollers - Gaia 2008 10: N...
With Betsy DeVos as education secretary, the charter school debate has reached a zenith. Hoisting a 25-year track record, charter school proponents argue that their independence, strict academic expectations, and high graduation rates are proof of their success - and increasing enrollment numbers only back this up further. But with education dollars being precious, opponents argue that these schools take away much-needed resources from public schools, and don't deliver the results they claim across states, specifically because they lack accountability. Tonight we put these points to the test, debating the motion: Charter Schools Are Overrated. Arguing in favor of the motion are Gary Miron, Professor, College of Education, Western Michigan University and Julian Vasquez Heilig, Professo...
With Betsy DeVos as education secretary, the charter school debate has reached a zenith. Hoisting a 25-year track record, charter school proponents argue that their independence, strict academic expectations, and high graduation rates are proof of their success - and increasing enrollment numbers only back this up further. But with education dollars being precious, opponents argue that these schools take away much-needed resources from public schools, and don't deliver the results they claim across states, specifically because they lack accountability. Tonight we put these points to the test, debating the motion: Charter Schools Are Overrated. Arguing in favor of the motion are Gary Miron, Professor, College of Education, Western Michigan University and Julian Vasquez Heilig, Professo...
In the latter half of the 20th Century, explicit instruction in English grammar was systematically squeezed out of the K-12 curriculum. In the last few years, it has begun to find its way back into classrooms. This presentation will address the historical role that grammar has played in education, and it will describe why it should once again be an important part of K-12 schooling.
Despite research indicating the benefits that charter schools provide to historically under-served populations, the public narrative of those resistant to school choice is frequently vitriolic and filled with inaccuracies. This panel will discuss these issues and demonstrate how we can re-frame the narrative to focus on students. The panelists are noted nationwide for their championship of high quality charter schools and efforts to counter negative messages about charters.
The Charter Fair at Hoddesdon is officially opened by Broxbourne Mayor Carol Crump.
Banished Let's Play is back with the Colonial Charter 1.6 mega mod (inc new beautiful buildings, production, resources) for this excellent City Building game :-) ►Please consider supporting my Channel through Patreon: - http://www.patreon.com/Biffa2001 ►Banished Playlist: https://goo.gl/DhLhCP ►Banished: - http://www.shiningrocksoftware.com/ ►Colonial Charter (v 1.6 is currently not released, but soon!): - http://www.colonialcharter.com ►Where to FOLLOW Me: - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/biffa2001 - 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BiffaPlays - Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/biffa2001 - Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Biffa2001 - Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/biffa2001 Banished: Welcome to the world of Banished! In this city-building strategy game, you control a gr...
Commissioner Davis - the ONLY Commissioner to have been taped - creates a great debate on the matter of Charter. Really Good Stuff! BRING BACK All the Commissioners that were NOT recorded due to "technical difficulties" or lack of recording.
Hello Guys, So Its My First Day Of School And I HATED IT . But Heres A Vlog And Grwm In One! ⇨ Watch My Last Video! : Whats In My School Backpack 2017! https://youtu.be/NIWAGzvw_v8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - My Corset From This Website http://www.corset-story.com/corsets/steel-boned-corsets.html - My Flat Iron Andis 2-Inch Tourmaline Nano-Ceramic Hair Flattening Iron, Purple (67265) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F8X6CQY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_EanSzbYRES09A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⇨ STALK ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA ⇦ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jeanniemariexo/ MAKEUP PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/makeupisyours/ SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/...
Today I went to the Strasburg Railroad because I heard of a photo freight with 475 painted into her original N&W; paint scheme. Strasburg was hosting the Norfolk and Western Historical Railroad Society events. The N&WRHS asked Strasburg to paint 475 which has an N&W; heritage, back into her N&W; letters. Strasburg also had a photo freight scheduled to happen on Saturday July 15, 2017. #90 was also doing her duties pulling the normal hour train while 475 would be doing half-hour trains before her photo freight at 3:30. 475 did look pretty good in her original N&W; paint and I wish it would stay like that. Thank You For Watching! If you liked this video give it a like and while your here why not subscribe to TrainFanatic Productions! Video Flimed On: 7-15-17 End Title Music: Firehouse Five ...
Night Time fishing on the Flamingo on 05/23/14. This was anchored fishing on a Saturday. Check the schedule to see when they drift or anchor. Best advice is to use your own poll, and fish off the back of the boat.
Hardbass 2016 preparty Liveset by Charter. Location: Loft Arnhem 23-01-16 www.facebook.com/charternl *LIKE* www.soundcloud.com/charternl for a monthly podcast with Guest dj's like Jason Payne, Bass Chaserz, Unresolved, Artifact and more! I do not own any of the tracks used! This is uploaded for promotional use only. I offer no downloadlink for this set. 1 Brennan Heart - Hardbass Junkie 2 Noisecontrollers - Break The Show 3 Ran-D & Redixx - No Cure 4 Bass Modulators & Frequencerz - Bring Back The Funk 5 Brennan Heart & Wildstylez - Reputation Game 6 Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking 7 Ran-D & Adaro - Under Attack 8 Deepack & Frontliner - Move 2 Thiz 9 Human Resource - Dominator (Slim Shore Remix) 10 Zatox & Villain - Action 11 Toneshifterz - Elektro Shock 12 Chain Reaction - Lellebel 1...
Drifting over a wreck 22miles off Anna Maria Island, chumming with live baits.With no boats around for miles....... Had a boat pull up within 50' of me, drop his suremark, then pull back up and drop his anchor on his suremark bouy. While we were catching 25-35lb amberjack. Never a dull day on the gulf of mexico. at 4:40 you can see the other boat siiting with his anchor straight down, where he just dropped on his suremark bouy. at 5:30 3/0 Owner hook breaks. amifishingcharters.com
A play test of the new Colonial Charter 1.6 (Beta). We will take a look at the new additions to the game and see what kind of beautiful town we can build! After the success of the town of Frecklestone in my previous series of Banished: Colonial Charter 1.5, we are going ahead and seeing what we can come up with in Colonial Charter 1.6! With all kinds of new buildings and aesthetic additions, I have no doubt we will come up with something beautiful as well as a high population successful town! Thanks to the BlackLiquid Team for giving me access to the 1.6 Beta to bring this series to you, I hope everyone enjoys! Banished ► http://www.shiningrocksoftware.com/ Banished on Steam ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/242920/ Colonial Charter (BlackLiquid) ► http://colonialcharter.com/ YouTu...
"School choice is the single catalytic reform," explains Andrew Campanella, the president of National School Choice Week. "Parents understand that if they choose the right school for their child, great things will happen." At Reason Weekend 2015, Reason Foundation's annual donor event, Campanella was joined by Lisa Snell, director of education at the Reason Foundation, to discuss how freedom in education is transforming the lives of students all across the country. About 35 minutes. Filmed by Alex Manning, Zach Weissmueller, and Paul Detrick. Edited by Rob Montz. Scroll down for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason.tv's YouTube Channel to receive automatic notifications when new material goes live.
Radio show host Alex Jones welcomes back to the show whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration. Iserbyt is the author of "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform." The book argues that the academic meltdown in our public education system is intentional.