PTI candidate for NA-240, Naz Baloch.
Naz Baloch first became interested in joining Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) after the party’s chief, Imran Khan, paid a visit to Mama Parsi Girl’s High School where she studied.
He had come to collect funds for his Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital. “We [students] saw him sticking to his words and building the hospital. I started idolising him since then.” Soon after graduating from St Joseph’s college with a degree in economics, she married a staunch PTI supporter who encouraged her to join the party.
PTI leader Fauzia Kasuri, who approached educated people to come out from the confines of their houses and play their part, also motivated her to join the party. And so two years ago she did exactly that, despite the fact that her father is a staunch Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) supporter who has been awarded the party’s ticket for a provincial assembly seat. At her father’s house in Pak Colony, huge PPP banners adorn the walls and nearby pillars while Naz’s posters can be seen some distance away.
While drawing room arguments on politics are common in the Baloch household, they have never had an impact on the personal relations. “Father is still stuck with the ideology of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, while I believe in Khan sahib’s Naya Pakistan. Our siblings are divided about who to support.”
So competitive is Naz that she wants Humayun Khan Swati, PTI’s candidate for the same seat her father is vying, to win. “He is my father, but I want my party to win every seat,” she grins.
Naz vows to tackle the shortage of potable water, introduce better schools and open maternity homes as well as hospitals in the area.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 2nd, 2013.
Don’t follow dynasty, follow the vision and this lady is following the vision of great leader Imran Khan.
PTI is very lucky to have a brave woman – that too a Baloch- on their side. Women, Baloch people, minorities and all the neglected and oppressed sections of society should be given special attention and opportunities if we want a NAYA Pakistan. Only a progressive party like PTI can do it. I wish her and all women success in election, career and lives. Pakistan Zindabad.
best of luck sis..! you’ve really broken the shackles may almighty Allah be with you…!
I wish and pray she wins the seat. Her enthusiasm and commitment for Naya Pakistan is just great.
strenght to you lady
what a girl she is, Courageous !!
Divided they stand. No matter whosoever wins.
Just about now I’m getting sick of all these political dramas and these silly exaggeration of political people’s personalities when they are ALLL but DIRT!
The CHANGE has come !!!
This is the picture of true democratic culture where difference of opinion is accepted with open heart.But such culture can only be prevailed in only literate society.The biggest hurdle for Pakistani democracy is that half of population which is still illiterate. So that is a fine manifestation of changing Pakistan.
Vote for … Fairness, a ubiquitous and free healthcare system, a country with free Education at its heart, Schools we can be proud of, the end of the “War on Terror”, New Jobs, Local Government, Fair and Consistent taxation across the divide, the end of Nepotism, Low Inflation, the end of corruption, equality for our minorities, efficient public utilities such as Gas and Electric, the end of vested interests, a Police and Judiciary working to serve and protect the public, good relations with all our neighbours, investment in transport infrastructure, someone who cares about Pakistan. Come May 11, vote for Imran Khan’s PTI ….
Actually its the same party. Imran khan is proving to be ppp/pmlq campaign leader in punjab.
PTI choice of the next generation… just like Pepsi.
This is the difference between the thinking of our educated youths and olds,
@ImranAli – And prepare to be disappointed. If you think PTI will manage to even achieve ONE of those things, i pity your naivety.
Now here you have a person with a mind of her own………….yes a woman……..bravo !!
Visionary lady, God bless you.
Naz is a brilliant lady and brave lady. This is itself a change in Pakistan’s politics what IK is talking about.
very common now days.At least some one from home will be in govt.
Now, this is one good news for Pakistan. There are very less Blochis participating in Politics openly. Most Balochis in Karachi support PPP but their days are long gone now.
@King: Then change your name as well. It does not fit into slogan of “change”
Educated, clean & courageous lady. Vote 4 change. Vote 4 naya pakistan.
May her tribe increase.
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
family division or risk diversification in portfolio management ;-)
So let me get this right… If PPP comes into power, the dad will get a lucrative position in the government. If PTI wins, the daughter (and her husband) will be minting it. How is that a family divided? Aren’t they one of the smarter political families, having hedged their bets on the outcomes of the elections?
The situation somehow resembles my family and relatives too. My dad is a staunch supporter of Parvez Musharraf and really felt bad when heard about the ex-president’s disqualification. He even admires the former dictators too saying that Democracy is not for a country like Pakistan.
Whereas I admire PTI/Imran Khan.
Moreover, my paternal uncle has been a voter of MQM for many years and he says that despite all ills MQM is the only option if you want to see developments and progress of Karachi, and criticizes Naimatullah Khan sahib. But, my maternal uncle has been a supporter of Jamat-e-Islami and Naimatullah.
A clear example of PPP + PTI alliance in the elections.
babloo your name is the same as your way of thinking , get a life :/