
Richard Montague: A tribute

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Richard Montague: A tribute

For reasons of space the Socialist Standard is unable to fully publish this obituary of our late comrade, Richard Montague.

The Chain Factory: Osugi Sakae

A short story about society and its effects on people and how it can be resisted

Stato: un'introduzione

Una breve introduzione a ciò che noi di intendiamo quando si fa riferimento allo stato e come pensiamo che dovremmo relazionarci con essa come lavoratori.

Azione Diretta: un'introduzione

Una breve introduzione di sull’ azione diretta e perché la sosteniamo e la preferiamo ad altre forme di attività politiche.

Marie E.J. Pitt, 1869-1948

Marie Pitt

A short biography of Australian poet, feminist, ecologist and anarchist Marie EJ Pitt, written by PD Gardner.

A alma do homem sob o socialismo (1891) - Oscar Wilde

Texto chave do famoso escritor e poeta Oscar Wilde delineando sua visão de uma sociedade socialista libertária e suas implicações para a liberdade individual.

Buenaventura Durruti (1896-1936)

Durruti, Buenaventura, 1896-1936

Une biographie de l’anarchiste espagnol légendaire et combattant de la guerre civile espagnole Buenaventura Durruti.

Réduire en quelques centaines de mots la vie d’une figure mythique n’est pas tâche aisée. Il peut être dit sans peur de se tromper que Buenaventura Durruti a symbolisé, en sa personne, la lutte courageuse des travailleu-se-r-s et des paysan-ne-s de ce pays et a, plus spécifiquement, symbolisé l’esprit de l’anarchisme espagnol.

Labour Advice Bureau – Workers’ Dreadnought

Labour Advice Bureau

Here is a sarcastic piece from Sylvia Pankhurst’s Workers’ Dreadnought paper in 1922, it was reprinted as follows in 1961 by the UK-based libertarian socialist group Solidarity in their Solidarity for Workers’ Power journal (vol.1, no. 8).

Increasing dysfunctionality of wage-labour based commodity production and radical ruptures among global wage-workers - Kamunist Kranti

Temporary workers gathered at the Yamaha factory gate in NOIDA. June 2016.

We are well into the age of global market, global capital, and global wage-workers. Simple production economies have been decimated. National theorisations are ghosts. Statist theorisations are tottering. Identities are a hindrance. Abolition of private property, learning from the Russian Revolution.. are moribund slogans. An account highlighting some crucial points for resistance to work today.

Popular Power and Socialism in the 21st Century - The modern clothes of Social Democracy

The famous “Socialism of the 21st century” is nothing else than the Popular Front of the 20th century. The old Social-Democratic soup is served again at the table of the proletariat in order to encourage it to fight against “the right”, “neo-liberalism”, “imperialism”, “the fascists”, “Yankees” or whoever would be politically indicated as the new enemy at the next social forum, counter-forum or cultural meeting. And so try to prevent a complete confrontation with our class enemy: the world bourgeoisie, here or elsewhere, left or right, which always represents Capital.