Living The Dream with Free Money #UBI

Living The Dream with Free Money #UBI

Latest episode of Living The Dream - a podcast hosted on The Word From Struggle Street blog

In this episode of Living the Dream Jon (@JonPiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) talk with all-round good egg Troy Henderson (@TroyCHenderson) about the idea of a Universal Basic Income.  Troy provides us with an intellectual history and we discuss if it is a techbro attempt to sure up capitalism, a radical social democratic attempt to fix capitalism or if it contains radical elements that point in an anti-capitalist direction? We also talk about why a Jobs Guarantee is horrid and shit.


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Some stuff we may have mentioned or should have:

Helen Razer UBI is just a bedtime story Elon Musk tells himself to help the super-wealthy sleep

Bill Mitchell A basic income guarantee is a neo-liberal strategy for serfdom without the work

Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams  Inventing the Future Postcapitalism and a World Without Work

Antonio Negri  Benoît Hamon and Universal Income

Immaterial Workers of the World (Paolo Virno) What Did I Tell You?

Andrew Leigh Why a universal basic income is a terrible idea

Chapo Trap House  Episode 123 - UBIsoft feat. Clio Chang (7/10/17) 

Music includes Soft Pink Things and The Business both covering CRASS