- published: 07 May 2016
- views: 5269
The Sumida River (隅田川, Sumida-gawa) is a river which flows through Tokyo, Japan. It branches from the Arakawa River at Iwabuchi and flows into Tokyo Bay. Its tributaries include the Kanda and Shakujii rivers.
What is now known as the "Sumida River" was previously the path of the Ara-kawa. However, towards the end of the Meiji era work was carried out to divert the main flow of the Ara-kawa to prevent flooding.
It passes through the following wards of Tokyo:
The Noh play Sumida-gawa, which the British composer Benjamin Britten saw while visiting Japan in 1956, inspired him to compose Curlew River (1964), a dramatic work based on the story.
The kabuki play, Sumida-gawa — Gonichi no Omokage, is perhaps better known by the title Hokaibo, which is the name of the central character. This stage drama was written by Nakawa Shimesuke, and it was first produced in Osaka in 1784. The play continues to be included in kabuki repertoire in Japan; and it is also performed in the West. It was recreated by the Heisei Nakamura-za in the Lincoln Center Festival in New York in the summer of 2007, with Nakamura Kanzaburō XVIII leading the cast.
Artist(amazarashi):https://www.youtube.com/user/amazarashiSMEJ Title: 隅田川 Starlight Ver. Album: あまざらし 千分の一夜物語 スターライト 翻譯(Gaiko.T.):http://gaiko-t.blogspot.tw/ 曲の購入はこちら:http://ppt.cc/HNelm 本作品は二次的著作物であり、 日本語の練習と交流の目的にのみ用いられます。 原動画/作品に関する全ての権利は原作者に属しています。 本作の営利目的の利用は禁じられております。
こんばんわ!たまと言います。 amazarashiさんの 隅田川を弾き語りカバーしてみました! 最近花火大会あったんで俺も行きたかったんですが 如何せん愛媛なもので。 良かったら聞いてください ニコニコとツイキャスで『元気の出る放送』をしてます! 落ち込んだり元気がなかったら 放送を見に来てください!Twitterフォローも気軽にどうぞ! ■メジャーでCD出します! http://www.subcul-rise.jp/tama_yappy/ ■niconico版 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24016762 ニコ生 http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co41743 Twitter https://twitter.com/C__R__Z ツイキャス http://twitcasting.tv/c__r__z/
こんばんは、山田キキというものです。 「ドブネズミ」 https://youtu.be/ZLzITAFuqYQ 「少年少女」 https://youtu.be/HgtsEgb8CzA このほかにも僕のチャンネルでは色々な曲を歌っております。どうぞ一度遊びに着てみてくださいね 山田 @kiki_stagelight
amazarashiさんの隅田川をcoverしました。 vo. 葛西ゆうき(un-call) key. 杉本健吾(un-call) twitter:https://twitter.com/ksi_yk_uncall
August2016年 東京では代表的な花火大会で、打ち上げ数も約2万発。2ヶ所の会場からあがる花火を同時に見渡せる場所もあり、隅田川周辺には毎年約100万人が集い、スターマインの3千発乱れ打ちに舌を巻く。屋形船から見る花火も格別。歴史ある隅田川の花火は全国に知れ渡っているが「隅田川花火大会」の名称は昭和53年から。では、その前の名称はと言うと「両国の川開き」が呼び名として昭和36年まで使用され翌年(昭和37年)交通事情の悪化に伴い開催されなくなりました。時が経ちビルの谷間に開いた大きな花火、昭和53年「隅田川花火大会」と名を改め、ビルで囲まれた隅田川で復活しました。また、打上場所もさらに上流へ移動し、打上会場も2ヶ所となりより多くの方々に観ていただける配慮が施されました。 Tokyo Sumida River Fireworks Festival The Sumida River Fireworks Festival is one of the most famous fireworks festivals in Tokyo. While watching the fireworks, people enjoy the summer evening with their family or friends. The Fireworks Festival attracts over a million spectators every year and as it is held on the last Saturday of July.
春のうららの 隅田川 のぼりくだりの 船人が 櫂(かひ)のしづくも 花と散る ながめを何に たとふべき 見ずやあけぼの 露浴びて われにもの言ふ 桜木を 見ずや夕ぐれ 手をのべて われさしまねく 青柳(あおやぎ)を 錦おりなす 長堤(ちょうてい)に くるればのぼる おぼろ月 げに一刻も 千金の ながめを何に たとふべき
ㅤ くちびる慣れない紅さして貴方が待つ日本橋へ お姉様譲りお古の浴衣少し丈が短すぎて 淡い絞り夕顔の模様 「よく似合うよ」と言いながらも貴方笑いこらえてる 人の波右左避けながら歩く貴方の後ろ まるで雀みたいにチョコマカついてく私忘れないで 貴方時計見て心配ばかり 浅草で買った飴色の髪飾りに気がついて 先行く貴方の後ろ姿どうにも詰まらぬ私の隣 膨れっ面でカラコロカラコロ足早に一尺一寸近づいて ユラリユラリと走る地下鉄に揺られて不意に背中押されて 思わず腕につかまり嬉し恥かしこのままでいきましょ隅田川 改札くぐり抜けて上がれば目の前に隅田川 「まだ時間があるね」と言って貴方背中向け歩きだした 急に人混みに消える姿 泣きそうな気持ち駆け出してギュッと掴んだ帯の縁 「スミマセン!」を繰り返し唱えて進む仲見世~浅草寺 まるで流れに逆らい泳ぐ迷惑な二匹の金魚 貴方賽銭を放り投げて ささやいた恋の願い事私顔が赤らんだ からかわれむきになり言い訳にした二人を照らす夕陽 プイッと拗ねたふりして困らせてみせた一分一秒長くて いぢめた詫びに買わせた苺カキ氷少し塩っぱい涙味 繰り返し思い出し嬉しさ誤魔化しそろそろ戻りましょ隅田川 キラキラ水面に映る燃える光の赤や青や紫 胸を揺らす轟音夜空に咲きます一尺三尺弾けた 夏が終わっても来年もその先も五年十年経っても いつまでも貴方と一緒にと願って叫ぶ玉屋! 鍵屋! 見上げて見惚れて溶けた苺カキ氷流れて足濡らして ハンカチ出し拭いてくれた優しさ嬉しこっちを見ないでよね隅田川 夜空に咲く炎の華
We will introduse the water bus of "Tokyo Cruise" sailing from Asakusa this time. After having enjoyed sightseeing in Asakusa, how about that you go to Hamarikyu Garden and Odaiba Seaside Park of the popular tourist spot while you enjoying cruises from Azuma Bridge, Sumida River to Tokyo Bay? If you leave Kaminari-mon Gate of Senso-ji Temple, the embarkation place of "Tokyo Cruise" is about 200 meters away to the left. From Asakusa, there are two linse of Sumida River line going to Hinode Pier via Hamarikyu Garden and Asakusa-Odaiba line going to Odaiba Seaside Park. This time, we will introduce a trip that go to Hinode Pier via Hamarikyu Garden from Asakusa by "River Town" of Sumida River line at first, and change to "Hotaluna" of Asakusa-Odaiba line there and go to Odaiba Seaside Park. (...
Just how much Japanese street food in Asakusa can you enjoy with 1000yen? $10 USD? More Japanese Street Food Videos: ▶︎https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyBS-iUqzY5aUx3k008p2ZC0KCDZJeoBP A lot of people have this impression that Tokyo is really expensive, however a cheap and fun way to enjoy different types of Japanese food is by buying Japanese street food!!! :D A place that offers a lot of Japanese street food stalls is in Asakusa, Tokyo. If you are visiting Tokyo then Asakusa is most likely going to be a the top of your list and here are some of the street food shops I recommend trying out at Asakusa. Nakamise dori street (Main shopping street in Asakusa) - Asakusa Kokonoe (Agemanju, deep fried monja ¥170 and sakura bun ¥200) Denpoin dori street - Asakusa Menchi ¥200 (Menchi ...
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Sumida River Cruise runs from Asakusa to Hama Rikyu Garden - how convenient - and takes 35 minutes. It's a pleasure to relax on a boat after a long sightseeing day before tromping around Hama Rikyu, once a samurai duck hunting blind.
Book your travel activities at http://www.viator.com/toyko-highlights See the best of Tokyo on an afternoon sightseeing tour! Visit the Imperial Palace Plaza, tour the Nakamise shopping street and explore the Ginza shopping district. Then, enjoy a 40-minute Sumida River cruise! Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/viatortravel?sub_confirmation=1 Download our mobile app: http://m.viator.com/mobileapps Connect with us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ViatorTours Twitter: https://twitter.com/ViatorTravel Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/viatortravel/ Vine: https://vine.co/Viator Blog: http://travelblog.viator.com/ What’s so great about Viator? Whether you're planning far in advance or already traveling, we’ve got you covered with our 24/7 customer support....
Sumida River Cruise: Go on a 50min sightseeing cruise between Asakusa and Odaiba through 13 bridges.
I hope you enjoy these scenes from my Sumida River trip as we cruise through the heart of Tokyo, past massive skyscrapers, under colorful bridges, en route Hama Rikyu, an ancient Japanese Garden. Music: Trumpet (New Orleans Music) by Royalty Free Music Club
We went walkabout in Tokyo visited Odaiba waterfront, took a water bus on the Sumida River to end our day in Asakusa. On a very hot summer day, but the visit were worth the effort.
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: https://migrationology.com/tokyo-travel-guide-for-food-lovers/ Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)! 1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars. 2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant. 3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, y...