- published: 07 Aug 2016
- views: 46427
Arthur Guinness (1725 – 23 January 1803) was an Irish brewer and the founder of the Guinness brewery business and family. He was also an entrepreneur and philanthropist.
At 27, in 1752, Guinness's godfather Arthur Price, the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Cashel, bequeathed him £100 in his will. Guinness invested the money and in 1755 had a brewery at Leixlip, just 17 km from Dublin. In 1759, Guinness went to the city and set up his own business. He took a 9,000-year lease on the 4-acre (16,000 m2) brewery at St. James's Gate from the descendants of Sir Mark Rainsford for an annual rent of £45.
Guinness' florid signature is still copied on every label of bottled Guinness.
Arthur Guinness was born into the Protestant Guinness family, part of the Anglo-Irish aristrocracy. They are claimed to descend from the Gaelic Magennis clan of County Down. Recent DNA evidence however suggests descent from the McCartans, another County Down clan, whose spiritual home lay in the townland of "Guiness" near Ballynahinch, County Down.
Arthur is a common masculine given name. Its etymology is disputed, but its popularity derives from its being the name of the legendary hero King Arthur.
Art and Artie are diminutive forms of the name. A common spelling variant used in many Slavic, Romance, and Germanic languages is Artur.
The origin of the name Arthur remains a matter of debate. Some suggest it is derived from the Roman nomen gentile (family name) Artōrius, of obscure and contested etymology (but possibly of Messapic or Etruscan origin). Some scholars have noted that the legendary King Arthur's name only appears as Arthur, or Arturus, in early Latin Arthurian texts, never as Artōrius (although the Classical Latin Artōrius became Arturius in some Vulgar Latin dialects). However, this may not say anything about the origin of the name Arthur, as Artōrius would regularly become Art(h)ur when borrowed into Welsh.
Another possibility is that it is derived from a Brittonic patronym *Arto-rīg-ios (the root of which, *arto-rīg- "bear-king" is to be found in the Old Irish personal name Art-ri) via a Latinized form Artōrius. Less likely is the commonly proposed derivation from Welsh arth "bear" + (g)wr "man" (earlier *Arto-uiros in Brittonic); there are phonological difficulties with this theory—notably that a Brittonic compound name *Arto-uiros should produce Old Welsh *Artgur and Middle/Modern Welsh *Arthwr and not Arthur (in Welsh poetry the name is always spelled Arthur and is exclusively rhymed with words ending in -ur—never words ending in -wr—which confirms that the second element cannot be [g]wr "man").
GUINNESS - Before They Were Famous
Guinness Ad: To Arthur
Arthur Guinness Day 2013 Tarrus Riley Performance
Arthur Guinness Grave
New Guinness Commercial: To Arthur Guinness
Arthur Guinness Show.....Sept 25,2014
Champions of Industry - Arthur Guinness
Arthur Guinness Projects
The tale of Arthur Guinness
Arthur Guinness Fund - Ashoka
BEFORE Guinness Limited would be drank in 150 countries with over 10 million glasses of Guinness stout being poured every day. Guinness was founded in Dublin in 1759. It was first brewed by Arthur Guinness, a brewmaster who dabbled originally with Ale's untill he caught wind of a popular new British Beer being imported to Ireland known as Stout. Arthur decided to brew his own in a disused Dublin brewery which he leased for 9,000 years at the rate of $60 bucks annually. This was the first of many brilliant business and marketing moves Arthur and his kin would carry out into the 20th Century. Guinness is notorious for their one of a kind marketing intially with bold slogan's like 'Guinness Is Good For You' which worked so well pregnant Irish women would drink a glass a day. Guinness now den...
The resting place of Arthur Guinness, famous for creating the drink of the same name. Its in Ireland... where , I am not telling. Rest In Peace Arthur
Guinness Commercial. Raising a pint to Arthur. http://GuinnessPours.net
Any copyright infringements is purely coincidental,not intentional Follow me on Twitter @seanflava IG @seanflava
It's the first episode of 'Champions of Industry', the mini-series looking at the people that made the beer world what it is today. Arthur Guinness and his legacy are the subject for today's episode. We discuss his past along with the impact that Guinness has had on the world of beer and why Arthur truly is, a champion of industry. Share, Comment and Enjoy! All the best Guinness ads are here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Guinness
Learn more at www.arthurguinnessprojects.com
Working in partnership with Ashoka, the world's leading community of social entrepreneurs, a total of 30 Ashoka Fellows will be elected with the support of the ARTHUR GUINNESS FUND™ over 3 years. The selection process for 2011 is well underway and further details of successful candidates and their projects will be available soon. Find out more about the 2010 Awardees at http://www.unltd.org.uk/arthur-guinness-fund-awards/
Mark Hackett, Shay Clarke and Fiona McEntee on ABC 7 News Chicago talking about the Arthur Guinness Day Music Fest in Chicago, IL at the Irish American Heritage Center. irish-american.org
John le Carré about Tinker, Tailor 1/2
Finding out more about Arthur's Day 2011 - the bands, the sounds and the Arthur Guinness Fund with Tanya Clarke, the Marketing director of DIAGEO Ireland. See http://yay.ie for more.
Wenn in deutschen Kinos synchronisierte Filme mit Henry Fonda, Alec Guinness oder Charlton Heston gezeigt wurden, war eines sicher: der deutsche Text kam von einem Schauspieler, der vielen Hollywood-Stars seine Stimme lieh. Denn Wilhelm Borchert war nicht nur ein gefeierter "Charakterstar an Berliner Bühnen" – wie ihn das "Große Personenlexikon des Films" von Kay Weniger beschreibt – sondern auch ein gefragter Synchronsprecher. Zur Welt kam Wilhelm Borchert am 13.03.1907 in Berlin-Neukölln. Für die Schauspielerei interessierte er sich schon als Jugendlicher, darum brach er seine Bibliothekarsausbildung ab und absolvierte 1927 eine Schauspielausbildung an der Reicherschen Hochschule für dramatische Kunst, die 1899 von Emanuel Reicher und Friedrich Moest in Berlin gegründet worden war. An...
The Arthur Guinness Fund aims to sustain the Arthur Guinness legacy by empowering individuals with the skills and opportunities to create better communities. The Arthur Guinness Fund supports various social activities around the worlds, such as the Water Filter Enterprise programme in West Africa and social entrepreneurship programmes in Ireland, the United States of America, and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the Arthur Guinness Fund is working with The British Council to develop a sustainable support system for a growing body of community based entrepreneurs working to deliver tangible benefits in their communities.
rare 1st interview with Sir Alec Guinness on the release of Star Wars Star Wars rare 1st interview with Sir Alec Guinness on the release of Star Wars Sir Alec Guinness's role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars trilogy, beginning in 1977, brought him worldwide recognition by a new generation, as well as Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations. In letters to his friends,Sir Alec Guinness described the film as "fairy tale rubbish", but the film's sense of moral good He was one of the few cast members who believed that the film would be a box office hit; he negotiated a deal for 2% of the gross royalties paid to the director, George Lucas, who received one fifth of the box office takings. This made him very wealthy in his later life, and he agreed to take the part of Kenobi on th...
BEFORE Guinness Limited would be drank in 150 countries with over 10 million glasses of Guinness stout being poured every day. Guinness was founded in Dublin in 1759. It was first brewed by Arthur Guinness, a brewmaster who dabbled originally with Ale's untill he caught wind of a popular new British Beer being imported to Ireland known as Stout. Arthur decided to brew his own in a disused Dublin brewery which he leased for 9,000 years at the rate of $60 bucks annually. This was the first of many brilliant business and marketing moves Arthur and his kin would carry out into the 20th Century. Guinness is notorious for their one of a kind marketing intially with bold slogan's like 'Guinness Is Good For You' which worked so well pregnant Irish women would drink a glass a day. Guinness now den...
The resting place of Arthur Guinness, famous for creating the drink of the same name. Its in Ireland... where , I am not telling. Rest In Peace Arthur
Guinness Commercial. Raising a pint to Arthur. http://GuinnessPours.net
Any copyright infringements is purely coincidental,not intentional Follow me on Twitter @seanflava IG @seanflava
It's the first episode of 'Champions of Industry', the mini-series looking at the people that made the beer world what it is today. Arthur Guinness and his legacy are the subject for today's episode. We discuss his past along with the impact that Guinness has had on the world of beer and why Arthur truly is, a champion of industry. Share, Comment and Enjoy! All the best Guinness ads are here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Guinness
Learn more at www.arthurguinnessprojects.com
Working in partnership with Ashoka, the world's leading community of social entrepreneurs, a total of 30 Ashoka Fellows will be elected with the support of the ARTHUR GUINNESS FUND™ over 3 years. The selection process for 2011 is well underway and further details of successful candidates and their projects will be available soon. Find out more about the 2010 Awardees at http://www.unltd.org.uk/arthur-guinness-fund-awards/
Guinness (pronunciación en AFI : /ˡgɪ.nəs/) es una cerveza negra seca del tipo stout elaborada por primera vez por el cervecero Arthur Guinness en la .
«Ги́ннесс» (англ. Guinness) — пивной бренд, принадлежащий компании Diageo (со штаб-квартирой в Лондоне)[, изначально относившийся к ирландской компании Arthur Guinness Son & Co, основанной в 1759 году пивоваром Артуром Гиннессом (Arthur Guinness). Пиво «Гиннесс» — самое известное и потребляемое ирландское пиво, ставшее легендой Ирландии и символом дня святого Патрика. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Подписывайтесь на интересные видео, ставте лайки Также подключите свой канал к лучшей партнерке YouTube AIR http://join.air.io/youbestpartner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Dancehallchannel 2GRAN Launch New Online Tv Website Watch/Listen&Download Live Dancehall Bizniz FREE !!!! www.2granreggaedoctor.com/ 876-3678741 / 462-9530 BBM: 230A6030 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Uptown Mondays International Invasion 16" ➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK6Y_9bd9hM -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
The Fray performing live at the Guinness Arthur's Day in Singapore last September 27, 2013. The band was amazing and everybody had a great time! I do not own or make claim to the copyrights of the songs.
«Гиннесс» (англ. Guinness) — пивной бренд, принадлежащий компании Diageo (со штаб-квартирой в Лондоне), изначально относившийся к ирландской компании Arthur Guinness Son & Co, основанной в 1759 году пивоваром Артуром Гиннессом (Arthur Guinness). Пиво «Гиннесс» — самое известное и потребляемое ирландское пиво, ставшее легендой и самым популярным брендом Ирландии. Отличительной особенностью пива долгое время являлся жжёный аромат, который получался из-за использования жареного ячменя. Пиво производится из ячменя (в Нигерии его заменяют на сорго), воды, хмеля и дрожжей. На протяжении многих лет отстоявшееся пиво смешивали со свежесваренным, что придавало резкий молочный привкус и характерную пену. Позже компания Гиннесса отказалась от смешивания отстоявшегося и свежесваренного пива, и теперь...