- published: 15 Dec 2016
- views: 1566
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (French Conférence des Nations unies sur le Commerce et le Développement (CNUCED)) was established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body.
UNCTAD is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment, and development issues. The organization's goals are to: "maximize the trade, investment and development opportunities of developing countries and assist them in their efforts to integrate into the world economy on an equitable basis."
The primary objective of UNCTAD is to formulate policies relating to all aspects of development including trade, aid, transport, finance and technology. The conference ordinarily meets once in four years; the permanent secretariat is in Geneva.
One of the principal achievements of UNCTAD has been to conceive and implement the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP). It was argued in UNCTAD that to promote exports of manufactured goods from developing countries, it would be necessary to offer special tariff concessions to such exports. Accepting this argument, the developed countries formulated the GSP scheme under which manufacturers' exports and some agricultural goods from the developing countries enter duty-free or at reduced rates in the developed countries. Since imports of such items from other developed countries are subject to the normal rates of duties, imports of the same items from developing countries would enjoy a competitive advantage.
NTV came into being on May 12, 2005. A new face from the previous Nation TV station under the Nation Media Group arm that has been in existence since 1999.
It is a popular TV Station in Kenya along with Kenya Television Network, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation among others.
In September 2007, NTV went online with its content on YouTube. Within the first month it received over 325,000 views, three honors, and an average of 4,000 views for every video uploaded. In mid-2012, NTV went live on YouTube. Following this move, the blogosphere was awash with accolades with NTV's US correspondent (BMJ) Ben Mutua Jonathan Muriithi terming it a techno-revolution for mass media among Kenyans across the globe.
Ali Mandhry hosts a cooking show on NTV Kenya, Tamu Tamu: Kenyan Cuisine with a Twist the first Kenyan cookery show on an outdoor setup showcasing the beautiful Cultures.
List of programs broadcast by NTV (Kenya)
Sustainable development (SD) is a process for meeting human development goals while maintaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived most strongly from the 1987 Brundtland Report, it is rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest management and twentieth century environmental concerns .
Sustainable development is the organizing principle for sustaining finite resources necessary to provide for the needs of future generations of life on the planet. It is a process that envisions a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use continue to meet human needs without undermining the "integrity, stability and beauty" of natural biotic systems.
Sustainability can be defined as the practice of reserving resources for future generation without any harm to the nature and other components of it . Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social, political, and economic challenges faced by humanity. Sustainability science is the study of the concepts of sustainable development and environmental science. There is an additional focus on the present generations' responsibility to regenerate, maintain and improve planetary resources for use by future generations.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the organization was established on 24 October 1945 after World War II in order to prevent another such conflict. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193. The headquarters of the United Nations is in Manhattan, New York City, and experiences extraterritoriality. Further main offices are situated in Geneva, Nairobi and Vienna. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
During the Second World War, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated talks on a successor agency to the League of Nations, and the United Nations Charter was drafted at a conference in April–June 1945; this charter took effect 24 October 1945, and the UN began operation. The UN's mission to preserve world peace was complicated in its early decades by the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union and their respective allies. The organization participated in major actions in Korea and the Congo, as well as approving the creation of the state of Israel in 1947. The organization's membership grew significantly following widespread decolonization in the 1960s, and by the 1970s its budget for economic and social development programmes far outstripped its spending on peacekeeping. After the end of the Cold War, the UN took on major military and peacekeeping missions across the world with varying degrees of success.
UNCTAD Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development
international organization UNCTAD
UNCTAD Explainer - Information and Communication Technology for Development
Highlights UNCTAD 2016 Economic Development in Africa Report
Los organismos de cooperación internacional
What's life like during an UNCTAD internship in Geneva?
What Is The Meaning Of Unctad?
UNCTAD FDI Workshop Day 1(Part 1)
4.4% of global tourism arrivals in 2015 were in Africa: UNCTAD
UNCTAD E-Commerce Week 2017: Towards inclusive e-commerce
UNCTAD. Informe sobre el Comercio y Desarrollo 2016
UNCTAD - Trade Logistics
UNCTAD III Abril-Mayo 1972.
Jack Ma named UNCTAD Special Advisor for Youth Entrepreneurship and Small Business
UNCTAD 2016 conference focused on African development
UNCTAD looking towards implementation of SDG goals
UNCTAD member states debate policies on global trade
Introduction to UNCTAD's Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) offer increased potential for advancing progress towards economic and social development objectives. The worldwide spread of mobile telephony and communication systems, the growth of Internet networks and widespread use of broadband infrastructure have an impact on international production and trade. But benefits from new ICTs cannot be taken for granted. Making ICT work for development requires more than expanding access to affordable infrastructure. In order to foster productive and inclusive use of ICTs, Governments need to create legal, institutional and policy frameworks and generate the necessary skills in government, business and civil society. UNCTAD assists governments of developing and transition economies towards their increase...
"How can Africa finance the SDGs and at the same time maintain debt sustainability?" is one of the main questions of the 2016 UNCTAD Economic Development in Africa Report. The report argues that with increasing debt levels and enormous financing needs, African governments should add new revenue sources to finance their development, such as remittances, public-private partnerships and clamp-down on illicit financial flows.
La Asamblea General de la ONU cuenta con un organismo llamado UNCTAD cuyo objetivo es vincular las políticas en materia de comercio con el desarrollo de los países. Creado en la década del '60, la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para el Comercio y el Desarrollo (como indican sus siglas en español) actúa en varias áreas muy diversificadas para cumplir sus objetivos.
Akimi Yano from Hiroshima, Japan explains what motivated her to do an internship with UNCTAD at the headquarters in Geneva and reveals what her experience has been like.
Idioms unctad has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge based institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and thinking on development, with a particular focus ensuring that domestic policies international action are mutually supportive in bringing about sustainable development some of the most important objectives functions given below. Googleusercontent search. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples catalytic states are defined as development that more holistic integrated. Aspx&sa; u&ved; 0ahukewjzqyekhjvvahubjzqkhwdid00qfggqmaq&usg; afqjcngpfd_czw54pjob7i0lqnerdx8_og"unctad united nations conference on trade and development wikipediaunited unctad (united business. Unctad) was established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body. Learn mor...
UNCTAD Workshop on FDI statistics in the GCC countries and the way forward held from 8 - 10 December 2014
Africa contributed to a 4.4 per cent share in the world tourism arrivals in 2015 according to a recently released report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Agency (UNCTAD). The United Nations Agency together with the East African Tourism Platform say there is a need to create awareness on product diversification, common skies policy to boost tourism's contribution to economic growth. NTV's Laban-Cliff Onserio spoke to Carmen Nibigira, the Regional Coordinator of East African Tourism Platform on details of this report. Watch more NTV Kenya videos at ntv.co.ke and nation.co.ke. Follow @ntvkenya on Twitter. Like our page on Facebook: NTV Kenya. Follow and Double tap on Instagram: NTV Kenya Join Our Telegram channel: www.telegram.me/NTVNewsRush
In the 148 countries where the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), has assisted in setting up Trade Points, small businesses which do noto have know-howor expertise to venture into international markets, can now hope to expand their markets abroad. If a trader wants to export his products he will find all the information he requires at the Trade Point. Information on foreign markets, statistics, rules and regulations as well as the procedures to follow. He will also find an array of services in the following areas: CUSTOMS, TRANSPORT, BANKING AND INSURANCE. He can also ask to receive the electronic trading opportunities, or ETOs as they are called, which are offers or demands for products or investments exchanged over the Global Trade Point Network, an electronic...
The third edition of UNCTAD's E-Commerce Week comes at a crucial moment where many governments are analyzing the impact of the digital economy and e-commerce on global growth. E-commerce is recognized as an important driver of innovation, competitiveness and growth, and holds huge potential for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) worldwide. While e-commerce B2C sales have dramatically increased in developed economies, they are still at their infancy in many developing countries, especially in LDCs. This year's E-Commerce Week, with the theme "Towards Inclusive E-Commerce", will offer a platform for participating stakeholders to discuss key challenges and opportunities related to e-commerce and define concrete actions towards more inclusive trade, global benefits ...
El miércoles 21 de septiembre de 2016, en el Centro de Información de las Naciones Unidas para México, Cuba y República Dominicana, se llevó a cabo el lanzamiento del Informe sobre el Comercio y Desarrollo 2016 emitido por la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD por sus siglas en inglés). Participaron en la presentación, - Luis Foncerrada, Director General del Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado - Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM
Corto documental sobre la UNCTAD III conferencia mundial comercio y desarrollo. un documento que comparto con uds. El desafío de tener terminado el edificio de la UNCTAD (hoy GAM) antes que comenzara esta importante conferencia mundial,fué para el gobierno popular un gran hito.con la ayuda de los tècnicos ,ingenieros y obreros se logró concluir un mes antes. Con música incidental de Quilapayún y las palabras del compañero presidente,hacen de este documento filmico algo esencial de la memoria chilena.
Best moments of the high-level conversation on Empowering SMEs through eTrade and Investment Facilitation and the announcement of Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Alibaba Group, as the Special Adviser of UNCTAD for young entrepreneurs and small business on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 20 September 2016.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was taking place for the first time in the region and Laban cliff Onserio had the details on the proceedings. Watch more NTV Kenya videos at ntv.co.ke and nation.co.ke. Follow @ntvkenya on Twitter and like our page on Facebook: NTV Kenya.
The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs have come under criticism for failure to be few and concise, a situation which makes achieving them all the more difficult. The United Nations itself has also been cited as an organization which inadvertently does some things with the right hand which the left hand is unaware of. Alex Mwangi focused on SDGs and this is what he picked up from day 2 of UNCTAD 14. Watch more NTV Kenya videos at ntv.co.ke and nation.co.ke. Follow @ntvkenya on Twitter and like our page on Facebook: NTV Kenya.
Delegates at the UN Conference on Trade and Development in Nairobi are still debating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNCTAD believes this conference is a critical step in implementing the agreements made at the COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris and the World trade Organization's ministerial conference last year. Uche Okoronkwo reports
Don't waste my time, or rather don't waste
The time you've been granted with me
When it's all said and done (said and done)
Would you have done more than you've said?
You try to fashion your citadels against time,
But they will be nothing but your prisons
You're at the point where life is taking more than giving
Cause youth is wasted on the young
Every breath you take is stolen
If I was life I would leave you
Never trust in me 'cause I'll deceive you
Like a phantom I will always haunt you
And you are running out of miracles
Morality is one great glass world which could be utterly
Shattered by one act
If you paint an armless being (armless being),
Remember it has to exist like that forever
You don't have enough tears for what I've done to you
A perfectly broken dream
You don't have enough tears for what I've done to you
Perfectly broken
Perfectly broken