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Google Analytics
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Google Analytics's posts

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The heart of creating a culture of growth is testing Good website tests should be simple and powerful. Start by testing one CTA button to show incremental improvement in conversion rates:
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Google Analytics 360 Starter Guide for Google BigQuery
#measure #analytics

"Recent Google Analytics 360 customers will immediately want to get started using Google BigQuery, so we’ve summarized the steps and benefits to get off the ground running. We’ll cover specifically about how to enable BigQuery and the auto-export of Google Analytics data, plus we’ll provide some resources near the end for querying the data."

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"An experiment gone wrong doesn't have to mean someone goofed. In a culture of growth, it should mean that you tried something new, measured the results, and learned that the change didn't help the bottom line."

Learn why every marketer needs a quarterly failure report: #optimize #measure

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Turn data into better customer experiences "Measuring Marketing Insights" from Harvard Business Review, sponsored by Google, shares new tools and best practices for turning data into better customer experiences: #measure

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Got your Marketing and Measurement teams talking? It's time to take things to the next level. Let go of traditional measurement and embrace a growth mindset. Here's how: #measure

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Data Studio: Embedded Reports and Data Control
#measure #analytics #dataviz

"The Data Studio team at Google has been on fire lately! I highly recommend subscribing to their blog, as they continue to release important new features. This past month two highly requested features have been announced or previewed, which are Embedded Reports and Data Control! I want to give you a quick preview of both!"

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"Creating a Google Analytics Dashboard is actually very easy. You can do it in less than a dozen clicks. So let’s walk through creating a brand new dashboard, including how to send an email to one of your co-workers, and how to schedule later emails so they’ll go out whenever you want them to be sent."

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Customers expect answers in the moment, on the go, on their mobile devices. To meet expectations, you need to rethink analytics from the ground up: #measure #mobilemarketing

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Leading marketers have a data and analytics strategy. Download the Econsultancy research report to discover how leaders apply data to marketing strategy and daily decision-making: #datadriven #measure

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Marketing and Measurement are a match made in heaven. But why aren't more marketers measuring their campaigns? Get these two to work together: #measure
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