- published: 06 Dec 2009
- views: 4630944
A jjimjilbang (Hangul: 찜질방; hanja: 찜질房) is a large, gender-segregated public bathhouse in Korea, furnished with hot tubs, showers, Korean traditional kiln saunas and massage tables. Jjimjil is derived from the words meaning heating. However, in other areas of the building or on other floors there are unisex areas, usually with a snack bar, ondol-heated floor for lounging and sleeping, wide-screen TVs, exercise rooms, ice rooms, heated salt rooms, PC bang, noraebang, and sleeping quarters with either bunk beds or sleeping mats. Many of the sleeping rooms can have themes or elements to them. Usually jjimjilbangs will have various rooms with different temperatures to suit guests' preferred relaxing temperatures. The walls are decorated with different woods, minerals, crystals, stones, and metals. This is to make the ambient mood and smell more natural. Often the elements used have traditional Korean medicinal purposes in the various rooms.
Most jjimjilbangs are open 24 hours and are a popular weekend getaway for Korean families. During the week, many hardworking Korean men, whose families live out of the city for cost savings, stay in jjimjilbangs overnight after working or drinking with co-workers late into the night. The cost is around 6,000–10,000 South Korean won to enter, and one can sleep overnight and enjoy the bathhouse and sauna. Jjimjilbangs are also popular with Korean women, especially the rooms made of loess (called "Hwang toe(Yellow Mud)" in Korean).
롤러코스터 남녀탐구생활 21화-찜질방편[여자].avi
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찜질방에 속옷 안입고가면 생기는일
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[김남욱] 한국에서 제일큰 찜질방! 드래곤힐스파 탐험 1탄! (feat. 변승주) Vlog : 남욱이의 탐방기
롤러코스터 남녀탐구생활 21화-찜질방편[남자].avi
[개..썩..] 하아.....찜질방에서.. 영혼까지 탈탈 털렸습니다 ㅠ
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돌아온 ♥서정커플♥!! 오늘은 사랑하는 남자친구 정수와 우리나라에서 가장 큰 찜질방에 다녀왔어요.! 정수와 찜질방에 맛있는 점심도 먹고, 맥반석 계란과 식혜도 먹었어요. 찜질방에는 정말 다양한 것들이 있었어요. 거대한 오락실이 있어서 정수와 저는 총 게임도 했고, 농구게임도 할 수 있었어요. 정수가 양머리를 만들어 루리에게 선물했어요.! 재미있고 행복한 알콩달콩 뜨거운 찜질방 데이트! 여러분도 함께 즐겨요♥ Date / Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Date / Love / Date Ideas / Gun game / Gun game / Basketball game / カップル / デート
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