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July 18, 2017

UK Government should urgently consider new review process for Chinese investment in sensitive sectors

The UK Government should welcome inward investment from China, but ensure the national security of key infrastructure remains protected, our new report warns.
“Safeguarding our Systems: Managing Chinese Investment into the UK’s Digital and Critical National Infrastructure”, described by Sir Malcolm …

Posted in China, Press Release, Publication
July 13, 2017

Beyond Compliance: Iran and the JCPOA

Iran’s destabilising actions since 2015 have undermined any hope that the country has changed course. That’s the conclusion of “Beyond Compliance- Iran and the JCPOA“, a new report by The Henry Jackson Society to coincide with the two-year anniversary of …

Posted in Iran, Middle East, Press Release, Publication
July 11, 2017

Close Encounters: Russian Military Activities in the Vicinity of UK Air and Sea Space, 2005-2016

The true scale of the Russian military’s activities around UK territory is made clear for the first time, in a comprehensive report from The Henry Jackson Society’s Russia Studies Centre.
The report lists and categorises every open-ˇsource incident reported by the …

Posted in Press Release, Publication, RSC Report, Russia, Russia Studies Centre
July 5, 2017

Foreign Funded Islamist Extremism in the UK

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, “Foreign Funded Islamist Extremism in the UK”, has highlighted the need for a public inquiry into the foreign-based funding of Islamist extremism.
We report on a growing body of evidence on the considerable …

Posted in CRT Report, CRT Research, Extremism, Middle East, Publication, Spotlight
April 27, 2017

Spotting The Signs: Identifying Vulnerability To Radicalisation Among Students

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Spotting The Signs: Identifying Vulnerability To Radicalisation Among Students, investigates students who have travelled from the United Kingdom to join terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq.

Those who have fought or trained abroad have been …

Posted in Publication, Terrorism & Security
March 24, 2017

Foreign Terrorist Attacks By The Islamic State, 2002-2016

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Foreign Terrorist Attacks By The Islamic State, 2002-2016, documents 152 incidents of terrorism or attempted terrorism conducted in the name of the Islamic State and its predecessors, and assesses how directly the …

Posted in Publication
March 21, 2017

Mitigating the Risks? An Assessment of University Speaker Policies

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society and its Student Rights campaign, Mitigating the Risks? An Assessment of University Speaker Policies, analyses the speaker policies of 76 English universities to assess the extent to which the higher education sector …

Posted in Publication, Spotlight
March 20, 2017

Extremism in the Community: The Case of Shakeel Begg

Shakeel Begg, described in court by a judge as “an extremist Islamic speaker who espouses extremist Islamic positions”, has established himself as an influential figure within numerous public bodies and groups – even after the ruling, where he lost a …

Posted in CRT Report, Publication, Spotlight
March 5, 2017

Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015)

Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015), a new research project from The Henry Jackson Society, presents the most comprehensive ever overview of the threat from Islamism-inspired terrorism in the United Kingdom.
Islamist terrorism remains the principal …

Posted in CRT, CRT Highlight, CRT Report, CRT Research, Publication, Research, Spotlight
January 23, 2017

Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction, argues that Western policy towards Turkey must change in light of the nature of Turkish involvement in Syria. Having initially attempted to improve relations with …

Posted in Publication, Turkey
January 4, 2017

Fighting Corruption with Con Tricks: Romania’s Assault on the Rule of Law

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Fighting Corruption with Con Tricks: Romania’s Assault on the Rule of Law, has found that Romanian politicians are engaged in political score-settling and serious violations of human rights which are dressed up …

Posted in Publication
October 26, 2016

Putin’s Useful Idiots: Britain’s Left, Right and Russia

The latest report from The Russia Studies Centre at The Henry Jackson Society documents how individuals and organisations across the British political spectrum have  established connections with their counterparts in Russia, many of which are funded or supported by the Kremlin …

Posted in Publication, RSC Report, Russia
October 13, 2016

Egypt, Hamas and Islamic State’s Sinai Province

The latest report from the Henry Jackson Society’s Centre from the New Middle East highlights the enduring threat posed by Islamic State’s Sinai province. As this paper reveals, with assistance from Hamas’s military wing in Gaza, Islamic State militants in the …

Posted in Egypt, ISIS, Publication
October 5, 2016

New HJS Research Identifies Organised Campaign to Undermine the Prevent Strategy

A new report from the Henry Jackson Society, Myths and Misunderstandings: Understanding Opposition to The Prevent Strategy, examines the campaign against the Prevent strategy, the government’s counter-radicalisation policy, highlighting the spread of misinformation designed to undermine the strategy.
The ‘Prevent’ strand of …

Posted in CRT Report, Publication
September 15, 2016

An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now

The Henry Jackson Society’s new study demonstrates clear continuity between old al-Qaeda networks and current Islamic State cells, with overlapping personnel and similar backgrounds. It raises questions about whether such similarities could have helped identify the development of the new …

Posted in CRT Highlight, CRT Report, Publication, Spotlight
August 11, 2016

An Alternative to the French Peace Initiative: A way forward for Israel and its Arab neighbours

Read the report here
The report’s key observations include:
•    The French proposal risks sidelining the importance of direct negotiations, and at the same time repeating policy errors which are likely to exacerbate tensions further.
•    Washington has signalled its reservations about elements of the …

Posted in Israel/Palestine, Publication
July 29, 2016

Profiles of Islamic State Leaders

The Henry Jackson Society has released a report which provides the most comprehensive compilation yet of what is known about the Islamic State’s leadership. The report provides detailed profiles and biographical details of the key figures within the caliphate’s government, …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, Islamism, Middle East, Publication, Syria
July 14, 2016

The Iran Deal a Year On: Assessing Iranian Ambitions

LONDON – 14 JULY 2016
On the anniversary of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the so-called ‘nuclear deal’ with Iran, a new publication – The Iran Deal a Year On: Assessing Iranian Ambitions – by The Henry Jackson Society …

Posted in Iran, Publication
June 17, 2016

How the Iran Entente Caused the Syria Crisis

In the last few years, the United States has resolved to reduce its “footprint” in the Middle East, and has conceived of détente with Iran as the means of accomplishing this. If the Islamic Republic could be drawn into the …

Posted in CRT Report, Iran, Publication, Spotlight, Syria
May 25, 2016

Putin’s Cyberwarfare: Russia’s Statecraft in the Fifth Domain

LONDON – 24th May 2016 
A report published today by The Henry Jackson Society reveals the increasing threat to the West from Russia of cyber-attacks.
The paper, entitled “Putin’s Cyberwarfare: Russia’s Statecraft in the Fifth Domain”, highlights that, over recent years, hackers …

Posted in Defence, Press Release, Publication, RSC Report, Russia, Spotlight, Technology
May 17, 2016

Confronting Human Rights Abuses in the Palestinian Authority: An Essential Step for Progress in the Region

LONDON – 17 MAY 2016
Today The Henry Jackson Society launches an important new study by Palestinian human rights advocate Bassem Eid, detailing the extensive and serious range of abuses of human rights and civil liberties that have been committed by the Palestinian …

Posted in Israel, Israel/Palestine, Palestine, Press Release, Publication
May 11, 2016

HJS Welcomes New Associate Fellow Dr Matthew Levitt and New Report ‘From Tehran’s Twilight Zone’

LONDON – 11 MAY 2016
We are delighted to announce that Dr Mathew Levitt will be joining the Centre for the New Middle East at the Henry Jackson Society as an Associate Fellow. A former deputy assistant secretary for intelligence and …

Posted in Iran, Press Release, Publication, Spotlight
April 11, 2016

Towards A Coherent Western Policy On The Syrian War

Read the interactive report here.

The five-year, continuing civil war in Syria is the greatest crisis to have hit the Levant since World War II. According to recent figures released by the Damascus-based Syrian Center for Policy Research, up to 470,000 people …

Posted in ISIS, Publication, Religious Fundamentalism, Spotlight, Syria, Terrorism & Security
January 5, 2016

What is the Russian for Facebook?

The“weaponization of information”, the use of information for military purposes, is nothing new. In Russia today it is an imperative: if you work as a journalist, you are a combatant in the information war, and you won’t be allowed to …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Human Rights, Publication, Research, RFE/RL Translations, Russia Studies Centre
December 17, 2015

The Ceasefire Illusion: An Assessment of the Minsk II Agreement Between Ukraine and Russia

Ukraine and Russia are still at war. The Henry Jackson Society’s latest report, ‘The Ceasefire Illusion: An Assessment of the Minsk II Agreement Between Ukraine and Russia’, assesses the implications and effectiveness of the Minsk II Agreement. More than 9,000 …

Posted in Defence, Publication, RSC Report, Russia, Spotlight, Ukraine
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