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Category Archives: Qatar

July 19, 2017

How do you solve a problem like Al Jazeera?

By Najah Alotaibi
The idea of a TV channel being forced to close by the collective weight of Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries seems abhorrent to any liberal supporter of a free media at first sight. But is there any …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, Qatar
November 17, 2016

Event: ‘Gulf Foreign Aid and Military Intervention in a Time of Fiscal Austerity’

DATE: Thursday 17th November 2016, 12:30 – 13:30
VENUE: Committee Room 2, House of Lords, Houses of Parliament, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKER: Dr. Karen E. Young, Senior Resident Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute, Washington
To see a summary of this event click here
To see a …

Posted in Event, Middle East, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spotlight, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
February 10, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘The Rise and Fall of the Arab State: Ramifications for Israel and the Region’

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Posted in Egypt, Event Transcript, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Middle East, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen
December 16, 2015

The Middle East: Understanding the Turmoil

TIME: 10:30-11:30, Wednesday 16th December 2015
VENUE:  Committee Room 15, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKERS: General Yosef Kuperwasser, Former Head of Israel’s Military Intelligence &
Dr. Jacques Neriah, former Diplomatic and Political Adviser to the late PM Yitzhak Rabin
To attend please RSVP to:    
As …

Posted in Defence, Event, Hamas, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Islamism, Israel, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Middle East, Middle East, Palestine, Qatar, Religious Fundamentalism, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey, Yemen
October 4, 2014

What will it take for us to stop doing business with Qatar?

Originally published in the Spectator
‘On 17 June, a meeting of the Henry Jackson Society, held in the House of Commons, discussed (according to the minutes published on the society’s website) how a tribal elder in northern Cameroon who runs a …

Posted in News Coverage, Qatar, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
June 26, 2014

Qatar’s 2022 World Cup: An investment legacy own goal?

Originally published in Arabian Business
Controversy has surrounded Qatar’s successful bid to host the World Cup in 2022. Initially criticism was levelled against hosting the World Cup in Qatar given the extreme temperatures and the impact this could have on players.
In …

Posted in Economy, Middle East, Opinion Editorial, Qatar, Spotlight
March 19, 2012

Saudi Arabia and Qatar: unlikely candidates for intervention

The Assad regime has been blaming bomb attacks in Syria over the past year on al-Qaeda and the Opposition, painting a false picture of those opposing the regime are nothing but terrorists. Now, with the latest bomb attacks in the …

Posted in Middle East, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, The Scoop | Tagged , , , ,
March 1, 2012

Why did Qatar give $250 million in financial aid to Hamas?

On 27 February, Hamas officials announced that Qatar was giving the group $250 million to help build infrastructure in the Gaza Strip—the Territory currently governed by Hamas. This is all speculation, but these are the reasons why I think Qatar …

Posted in Middle East, Middle East, Palestine, Qatar, The Scoop | Tagged , , , ,
January 16, 2012

Arab League split over intervention in Syria

Qatar has become the first member of the Arab league to suggest military intervention in Syria, exposing fractions within the league over the way forward.
The Telegraph reports that Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar, said yesterday that he supported …

Posted in Qatar, Syria, The Scoop
January 9, 2012

Al-Qaeda: Broke

It’s not often that Saudi Arabia will get a good write up on these pages about their role in combatting al-Qaeda (AQ), but here goes.
The Saudis have been praised by US officials for playing a crucial role in stopping the flow of …

Posted in Middle East, Middle East, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism & Security, The Scoop
January 3, 2012

Taliban to set up liaison office in Qatar

The Taliban have confirmed that they will be setting up a liaison office in Qatar—a measure accepted by President Hamid Karzai after facing pressure from the US—to aide future peace negotiations with the international community.
For the American’s and Afghans, the …

Posted in Islamism, Pakistan, Qatar, Terrorism & Security, The Scoop, War in Afghanistan
December 13, 2011

A New Home for Hamas?

Could the hard-line Palestinian group abandon Damascus for Qatar — and in so doing lay a foundation for a détente with Israel?
The shifting allegiances in this tumultuous era of Arab politics have come to resemble a game of musical chairs. …

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Qatar, Syria