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Category Archives: Ukraine

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July 17, 2017

Will Putin’s proxies ever be brought to justice for downing flight MH17?

By Dr. Andrew Foxall
Three years ago today, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 was destroyed over eastern Ukraine while on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 people on board were killed.
Overwhelming evidence suggests that the Boeing 777 was destroyed by …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, RSC News Coverage, Russia, Ukraine
February 7, 2017

Event: ‘Ukraine: Continuing Reforms’

TIME: 7th February, 18:00 – 19:00
VENUE: Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Natalie A. Jaresko
Former Minister of Finance, Ukraine
To attend, please visit:

For any further information, please email
Ukraine today is beginning to emerge, battle-scarred, from years of war and recession. It was …

Posted in Event, Ukraine, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
February 1, 2017

Event Summary: ‘Assisting Ukraine in Times of Armed Conflict’

by James Monroe
Chair: Sir Gerald Howarth
Speaker: General Sir Richard Shirreff
On Thursday 26th January, The Henry Jackson Society welcomed General Sir Richard Shirreff -Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, 2011-2014 – to talk about the conflict in Ukraine. Since a planned ceasefire …

Posted in Event Summaries, Ukraine
January 3, 2017

Event Transcript: ’25 Years On: Ukraine Since the Fall of the Soviet Union’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Russia, Russia Studies Centre, Ukraine
December 14, 2016

Audio: ’25 Years On: Ukraine Since the Fall of the Soviet Union’

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Posted in Europe, Event Audio, Russia, Ukraine
October 16, 2016

Stop the War linked to Putin puppets

Originally published by The Sunday Times
An organisation funded by the Kremlin to undermine the West has named Stop the War, the hard-left group chaired until last year by Jeremy Corbyn, as its official UK partner.

Andrew Foxall, director of the Russia Studies …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Human Rights, News Coverage, RSC News Coverage, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom
September 27, 2016

Putin needs more sanctions because Russia DID down MH17, expert says ahead of key report

Originally published in Express
VLADIMIR Putin’s regime has a disregard for human life exemplified by its downing of a plane over Ukraine, a leading expert has said ahead of a report expected to blame Russia for the attack.
Dr Andrew Foxall, director of …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, News Coverage, RSC News Coverage, Russia, Terrorism & Security, Ukraine
August 11, 2016

Boris Johnson blasted for not getting tough with Russia amid fears Putin is planning fresh invasion of Ukraine

BORIS Johnson has been blasted for cosying up to Russia just as President Putin threatens a new wave of mayhem in Syria and Ukraine.
The new Foreign Secretary rang his opposite number in Moscow, hardliner Sergei Lavrov, this morning “to build …

Posted in News Coverage, RSC News Coverage, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom
July 14, 2016

Event Summary: ‘Can Private Initiatives by Ukraine’s Business Leaders Help Drive Economic and Political Recovery?’

By Leah Schwartz
*Please note that the talk was translated, so the summary is an interpretation of meanings, and is not directly quoted.
On July 13th, The Henry Jackson Society was pleased to welcome Sergii Tartuta, along with a delegation of Ukrainian …

Posted in Event Summaries, Spotlight, Ukraine
July 13, 2016

Event: ‘Can Private Initiatives by Ukraine’s Business Leaders Help Drive Economic and Political Recovery?’

TIME: 18:00-19:00, Wednesday 13th July 2016
VENUE: Committee room 5, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKER: Serhiy Taruta, Independent MP of Verkhovna Rada,Ukraine and Entrepreneur
To attend please RSVP to:
Ukraine’s economy has been in decline since Russia annexed Crimea, …

Posted in Event, Russia, Ukraine

Event Transcript: ‘Can Private Initiatives by Ukraine’s Business Leaders Help Drive Economic and Political Recovery?’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Ukraine
May 11, 2016

Event Summary: ‘Russia, Ukraine and the West: Causes and Consequences of the Current Conflict’

by Jim Ormiston
On the 11th May Professor Matthew Rojansky gave a talk hosted by The Henry Jackson Society titled ‘Russia, Ukraine and the West: Causes and Consequences of the Current Conlfict’ was held at The Henry Jackson Society’s offices in …

Posted in Event Summaries, RSC Event Summaries, Russia, Ukraine

Event: ‘Russia, Ukraine and the West: Causes and Consequences of the Current Conflict’

TIME: 12:00 – 13:00, Wednesday 11th May 2016
VENUE: The Henry Jackson Society, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
SPEAKER: Professor Matthew Rojansky, Director at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars
To attend please RSVP to:
Despite some superficial similarities, relations between …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Event, RSC Event, Russia, Ukraine
April 22, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘Ukraine and the EU: The Challenges and Opportunities of a Closer Political Relationship’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Ukraine
April 13, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom’

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Posted in Democracy & Development, Event Transcript, Ukraine

Event Summary: ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom’

by Rachel Oliver
On the 13th April 2016, Lord Risby hosted the Henry Jackson Society event ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom’ in which Evgeny Afinnevsky, Producer and Director, delivered a talk on the making of the Oscar-nominated documentary.
Evgeny Afinnevsky opened …

Posted in Event Summaries, RSC Event Summaries, Spotlight, Ukraine

Event: ‘Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom’

TIME: 12:15 – 13:15, Wednesday 13th April 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 3A, House of Lords, SW1A 0PW
SPEAKER: Evgeny Afineevsky, Oscar nominee Producer and Director
To attend please RSVP to:
A civil rights movement erupts in Ukraine. In just 93 days, what started as a peaceful student …

Posted in Event, RSC Event, Ukraine
February 23, 2016

Event: ‘Ukraine and the EU: The Challenges and Opportunities of a Closer Political Relationship’

Ukraine and the EU: The Challenges and Opportunities of a Closer Political Relationship

TIME: 14:00 – 15:00, Tuesday 23rd February 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 21, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKERS: Serhiy Leshchenko, Viktoria Ptashnyk, Alex Ryabchyn, Ostap Semerak, Alyona Shkrum – Ukrainian Parliamentary Delegation
To …

Posted in European Union, Event, Ukraine
February 17, 2016

Ukraine’s Political Problems: Dr Alan Mendoza on France 24

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Media Centre, Spotlight, Ukraine
January 22, 2016

Import Substitution for Rogozin

By Vladimir Voronov
Translated by Arch Tait

For the Russian armed forces and defence industry, ruptured ties with Ukraine and Western sanctions are proving disastrous.
Calls for a full transition to using only Russian materials and components in the manufacture of military hardware …

Posted in RFE/RL Translations, Russia, Russia Studies Centre, Ukraine, Uncategorized
January 20, 2016

Event Summary: ‘What the Ukraine Crisis Reveals About the West’

On the 19th of January, Dr Volodymyr Dubovyk, Associate Professor at the Odessa Mechnikov National University in Ukraine, spoke an at event entitled “What the Ukraine Crisis Reveals About the West”. The event was chaired by Dr Andrew Foxall, Director …

Posted in Event Summaries, Russia, Spotlight, Ukraine
January 19, 2016

Event: What the Ukraine Crisis Reveals About the West

TIME: 18:00 – 19:00, Tuesday 19th January 2016
VENUE: Floor 26, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
SPEAKER: Dr. Volodymyr Dubovyk,
Associate Professor, Odesa Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
To attend please RSVP to:

The crisis in Ukraine, beginning in late 2013, brought the world to the …

Posted in Democracy & Development, Europe, European Union, Event, Russia, Russia Studies Centre, Spotlight, Ukraine, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events

Event Transcript: ‘What the Ukraine Crisis Reveals About the West’

Speaker: Dr. Volodymyr Dubovyk, Associate Professor, Odessa Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
Chair: Dr. Andrew Foxall
Tuesday 19th January 2016
Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP

Andrew Foxall
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Henry Jackson Society. For those of you for …

Posted in Event Transcript, Russia, Ukraine
December 17, 2015

Stick to Sanctions on Russia

Originally published in The New York Times
Ukraine and Russia are still at war. Since the Minsk II peace agreement came into effect on Feb. 15, nearly 400 Ukrainian soldiers and more than 200 civilians have been killed. Many more may …

Posted in Defence, Opinion Editorial, RSC Editorial, RSC News Coverage, Russia, The Square, Ukraine

The Ceasefire Illusion: An Assessment of the Minsk II Agreement Between Ukraine and Russia

Ukraine and Russia are still at war. The Henry Jackson Society’s latest report, ‘The Ceasefire Illusion: An Assessment of the Minsk II Agreement Between Ukraine and Russia’, assesses the implications and effectiveness of the Minsk II Agreement. More than 9,000 …

Posted in Defence, Publication, RSC Report, Russia, Spotlight, Ukraine
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