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Category Archives: France

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November 20, 2016

When Marine Le Pen loses, it will not be because she’s too right wing

Originally published in The Times.
Surely after Brexit and Trump, President Marine Le Pen and “Frexit” will follow. That’s been the prevailing presumption of international punditry in recent weeks. And while the narrative arc may seem persuasive, what’s missing is the …

Posted in Far-Right, France, Opinion Editorial
October 24, 2016

Call for Rational Debate on Migrant Crisis & Calais from Davis Lewin

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Europe, France, Human Rights, Migration, United Kingdom

Douglas Murray on Migrant Crisis & Calais with Sky News

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Europe, France, Greece, Human Rights, Migration, United Kingdom
September 15, 2016

Event: ‘Report Launch: An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now’

TIME: 13:00 – 14:00, Thursday 15th September 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 11, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKERS: Emma Webb, Research Fellow, Henry Jackson Society;
Rupert Sutton, Research Fellow, Henry Jackson Society
To see a summary of this event click here

With over a hundred …

Posted in Belgium, CRT Event, Europe, Event, Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
September 14, 2016

Event Transcript: ‘Europe in Crisis – a Shattered Haven’

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Posted in CRT Event, Europe, European Union, Event Transcript, Extremism, Far-Right, France, ISIS, Islamism, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
September 12, 2016

Britain To Build Border Wall To Fight Illegal Immigration

The UK. government is set to construct and pay for a wall along a roadside barrier in the port of Calais, France. The roadside wall has been blasted by critics for closely resembling the U.S.-Mexico border wall proposed by Republican …

Posted in Europe, European Union, France, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, United Kingdom
September 7, 2016

Event Summary: ‘Europe in Crisis – a Shattered Haven’

By Patrick Benjamin
On 6th September, by the kind invitation of Matthew Offord MP, the Henry Jackson Society held a film screening of the recently released documentary ‘Europe in Crisis – A Shattered Haven’. The film looked at rising European extremism, …

Posted in CRT Event, Europe, European Union, Event Summaries, Extremism, Far-Right, France, Hamas, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Israel/Palestine, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
September 6, 2016

Event: ‘Europe in Crisis – a Shattered Haven’

TIME: 18:00-19:00, Tuesday 6th September 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 14, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKERS: Melanie Phillips, Journalist, Broadcaster and Author, Gideon Falter, Chairman of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, Tom Wilson, Research Fellow at the Henry Jackson …

Posted in Belgium, Europe, Event, Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, Religious Fundamentalism, Spotlight, Terrorism & Security, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
August 26, 2016

From Cannes to Bavaria, politicians fiddle with burkini bans while Europe boils

Originally published in the Telegraph.
Until a few years ago, nobody had heard of a burkini. After this summer, it is unlikely many people will want to hear about the garment ever again. The fact that this item of beach clothing …

Posted in Europe, Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
August 25, 2016

Douglas Murray on Newsnight after France’s Burkini Row

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, France, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism

Of All The Bad Things About France’s Burkini Ban, This Is The Worst…

There are several reasons why burkini bans like the one currently being enforced in Nice, France are a seriously bad idea.
One, is that they inevitably lead to ugly, embarrassing, unhelpful stories like this one involving a hapless Muslim woman being …

Posted in Extremism, France, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security

Burkini Row Sees Author Shelina Janmohamed Compare French Police To Isis Militants On BBC’s Newsnight

French police who forced a woman to remove her burkini on a beach in Nice ‘are no better’ than Islamic State militants, a British author has claimed.
Shelina Janmohamed told BBC Newsnight on Wednesday that women everywhere should be protesting after …

Posted in Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
August 24, 2016

The burkini ban is a political ruse

Originally published in the Spectator.
Private Eye used to run a column called the ‘Neo-philes’, listing some of the endless cases of hacks saying ‘X is the new Y’ (‘This season green is the new black’ and so on). So let …

Posted in Europe, Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
August 16, 2016

Tom Wilson speaks to BBC Radio Wales on burkini ban in France

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, France
August 1, 2016

The post-terror ‘good news’ story came from Islam’s most persecuted sect

This article originally appeared in The Spectator
A few months back, after the Brussels terrorist attacks, I pointed out on Coffee House that there is a certain routine after any such atrocity. One part of it is that, after a couple …

Posted in Belgium, France, Opinion Editorial, Terrorism & Security
July 28, 2016

Abdel Malik Petitjean: What we know about second ISIS-inspired priest attacker

As Father Jacques Hamel led a small gathering for mass on Tuesday, Abdel Malik Petitjean stormed the Église St Étienne in the northern town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray alongside accomplice Adel Kermiche, holding five people hostage before forcing the church’s priest to …

Posted in France, ISIS, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security
July 15, 2016

Islamic terrorism – how can the West defeat it?

Since 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, the US and Europe have been forced to address growing instability in the Middle East which has spilled over into random acts of evil against Western cities.
Asymmetric warfare – of the type waged …

Posted in France, ISIS, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security

Truck attack in Nice reflects ‘new normal’ for Europe

(Reuters) – European leaders and security chiefs have a sobering message after the Bastille Day killings in Nice: such lone attacks using ordinary vehicles are nearly impossible to prevent and can be carried out by almost anyone.
“We have moved into …

Posted in France, ISIS, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security

Nice terror attack: Europe ‘faces summer of copycat attacks’

Europe faces Isil-inspired copycat attacks after the Nice rampage, terrorism analysts have warned, as millions of holidaymakers prepare to head for the Continent.
The high death toll from the ram raid terrorist attack which killed at least 84 people during Bastille …

Posted in Europe, Extremism, France, ISIS, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security
January 8, 2016

Charlie Hebdo Anniversary: Douglas Murray

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, France, ISIS
December 9, 2015

What France can learn from UK counter-radicalisation: Hannah Stuart on Radio Classique

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, France, Islamism, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom
November 30, 2015

The Real Lesson of the Paris Attacks

Originally published in Gatestone Institute

What if the terrorists had been targeting “just Americans,” or “just diplomats” — would that be “understandable terrorism” in John Kerry’s thinking?
“If we should stop drawing cartoons, should we also stop having synagogues? Should they be …

Posted in Extremism, France, Global, ISIS, Islamism, Media, Opinion Editorial, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
November 26, 2015

The New Normal

Originally published in Standpoint
This is how it happens these days, isn’t it? Last February it was during an interval at the theatre, turning on my mobile phone to find a text from a friend in Copenhagen saying the bullets had …

Posted in CRT Editorial, Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
November 20, 2015

France’s civil war — and the struggle facing Europe

Originally published in The Spectator
In the wake of the massacre in Paris, President François Hollande said that France was ‘at war’ — and that it must be fought both inside his country and outside in the Middle East. As the …

Posted in European Union, Extremism, France, ISIS, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security
August 26, 2015

Foiled France Train Attack Highlights Europe’s Very Modern Terror Problem

Originally published in Newsweek
In the aftermath of the attempted terror attack on a train bound for Paris last Friday, analysts have raised questions over what Europe can do, if anything, to protect itself from the increasingly unpredictable nature of such threats.
On …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, France, ISIS, News Coverage, Terrorism & Security
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