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Category Archives: Europe

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July 24, 2017

Russia Is Testing NATO in the Skies

By Andrew Foxall
Last month, a Russian jet flew within five feet of a U.S. reconnaissance plane near the Baltic Sea. According to U.S. officials, the Russian Su-27 “rapidly” approached the U.S. RC-135 plane and acted “provocatively” by performing “unsafe” maneuvers. Russia’s Defense …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, RSC Editorial, RSC News Coverage, Russia | Tagged , ,
July 17, 2017

Will Putin’s proxies ever be brought to justice for downing flight MH17?

By Dr. Andrew Foxall
Three years ago today, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 was destroyed over eastern Ukraine while on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 people on board were killed.
Overwhelming evidence suggests that the Boeing 777 was destroyed by …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, RSC News Coverage, Russia, Ukraine
July 11, 2017

Is the G20 still relevant? Timothy Stafford analyses the issue on Sky News

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Germany, Trans-Atlantic Relations, United States

Close Encounters: Russian Military Activities in the Vicinity of UK Air and Sea Space, 2005-2016

The true scale of the Russian military’s activities around UK territory is made clear for the first time, in a comprehensive report from The Henry Jackson Society’s Russia Studies Centre.
The report lists and categorises every open-ˇsource incident reported by the …

Posted in Press Release, Publication, RSC Report, Russia, Russia Studies Centre
June 19, 2017

Finsbury Park attack is latest example of growing far-right extremist threat

The UK authorities have indicated that the incident at Finsbury Park on Sunday evening was a terrorist attack. While it is too early to be definitive, all the signs point to a terrorist motivated by far-right hatred. The attack appears …

Posted in Extremism, Far-Right, Press Release, United Kingdom | Tagged ,
May 16, 2017

Event: ‘The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam’

TIME:  18:30 – 19:30,16th May 2017
VENUE: The Henry Jackson Society, 26th Floor
Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
SPEAKER: Douglas Murray
Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society,
Associate Editor of The Spectator, Author of The Strange Death of Europe
To read a summary of …

Posted in Europe, Event, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
May 8, 2017

Event: ‘Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism’

TIME: 13:00 – 14:00, 8th May 2017
VENUE: The Henry Jackson Society, 26th Floor
Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Charles Clover
Journalist and author of Black Wind, White Snow
For a summary of this event click here
Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s …

Posted in CRT Event, Event, Russia, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
March 9, 2017

Dr Andrew Foxall provides evidence to House of Commons’ Defence sub-Committee on the Arctic

Dr Andrew Foxall, Director of the Russia Studies Centre at HJS provided written evidence to the House of Commons’ Defence sub-Committee on the Arctic.
Dr Foxall’s research has covered potential threats to Western security in the region.
You can read his submissions …

Posted in Russia, Spotlight
March 6, 2017

Event: ‘Populism and Policy: A Watershed Moment?’

TIME: 17:00 – 18:00, 6th March 2017

VENUE: Committee Room 15, House of Commons,
Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
Dr Charles Kupchan
Professor of International Affairs, Georgetown University

For a summary of this event click here
For a transcript of this event click here
The Brexit …

Posted in Event, Spotlight, United Kingdom, United States, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
February 23, 2017

Is America Still the Anchor of European Defense?

By John Hemmings
This article originally appeared in The National Interest  
The recent Munich Security Conference once again highlighted the difference between Americans and Europeans on security matters. Unfortunately for the West, many European leaders—and even some American ones—took the opportunity …

Posted in Defence, Europe, Opinion Editorial, United States
February 7, 2017

Event: ‘Ukraine: Continuing Reforms’

TIME: 7th February, 18:00 – 19:00
VENUE: Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Natalie A. Jaresko
Former Minister of Finance, Ukraine
To attend, please visit:

For any further information, please email
Ukraine today is beginning to emerge, battle-scarred, from years of war and recession. It was …

Posted in Event, Ukraine, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
February 3, 2017

Event Transcript: ‘Relations with Russia in the Age of Trump’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Russia
February 1, 2017

Judy Asks: Does Trump Need Europe?

This article was originally published in Carnegie Europe
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Andrew Foxall Director of the Russia Studies Centre at the Henry …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, Russia

Event Transcript: ’25 Years On: The Baltic Countries Since the Fall of the Soviet Union’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Russia

Event Summary: ‘Assisting Ukraine in Times of Armed Conflict’

by James Monroe
Chair: Sir Gerald Howarth
Speaker: General Sir Richard Shirreff
On Thursday 26th January, The Henry Jackson Society welcomed General Sir Richard Shirreff -Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, 2011-2014 – to talk about the conflict in Ukraine. Since a planned ceasefire …

Posted in Event Summaries, Ukraine
January 31, 2017

How cautious can we afford to be about foreign investment?

This article originally appeared on CapX
So we all now know all about Theresa May’s industrial strategy for Britain. In addition to cutting red tape and regulation, the Prime Minister wants her Government to promote innovation, with the creation of a £4.7 …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, United Kingdom
January 25, 2017

Event Summary: ‘Relations with Russia in the Age of Trump’

By Alexander Baker
On Tuesday 24th January the Henry Jackson Society welcomed David Satter and Sir Andrew Wood to discuss developments in US-Russia relations. A dramatic shift in the relationship between Russia and the United States has been expected under the …

Posted in Event Summaries, RSC Event Summaries, Russia
January 24, 2017

Event: ‘Relations with Russia in the Age of Trump’

TIME: 24th January 2017, 18:00 – 19:00
VENUE: Henry Jackson Society,26th Floor, Millbank Tower 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Sir Andrew Wood, Associate Director, Chatham House, British Ambassador to Russia, 1995-2000
David Satter, Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute, Fellow, The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
David …

Posted in CRT Event, Event, Russia, Spotlight, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
January 5, 2017

European Immigration: Mainly Muslim, Mainly Male, Mainly Young

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute
2016 was a fine year for Islamist terrorism and an even finer year for Western political distraction. While Islamic terrorists repeatedly succeeded in carrying out mass-casualty terrorist attacks, as well as a constant run of …

Posted in Europe, Islamism, Opinion Editorial
January 4, 2017

New Report Details Threats to The Rule of Law in Romania

Romanian politicians are engaged in political score-settling and serious violations of human rights which are dressed up as anti-corruption efforts, a new report from The Henry Jackson Society has found. The report, Fighting Corruption with Con Tricks: Romania’s Assault on …

Posted in Europe, Press Release
January 3, 2017

Event Transcript: ’25 Years On: Ukraine Since the Fall of the Soviet Union’

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Posted in Event Transcript, Russia, Russia Studies Centre, Ukraine
January 1, 2017

British armed forces may be called into action in 2017 as diplomatic tensions rise

Originally published by The Express
Crucially, for Britain in 2017, we could face the stark prospect of being the only nuclear power willing to stand up to Vladimir Putin.
Meanwhile China’s continuing cyber attacks on the UK and its territorial ambitions in …

Posted in News Coverage, Russia

Extent of extremism in schools revealed as teachers flag hundreds of incidents to Department of Education chiefs

Originally published by The Sun
HUNDREDS of terror alerts have been flagged to ­government chiefs from inside Britain’s schools.
Shock figures uncovered by a Sun on Sunday investigation show teachers and staff have made 288 warnings amid fears of extremist elements getting …

Posted in Extremism, News Coverage, United Kingdom
December 28, 2016

Populism: Pantomime politics or the public fighting back?

Originally published by the BBC
The man who was prime minister last Christmas and isn’t this Christmas thinks he knows why.
“I stand here as a great optimist about how we can combat populism. It may seem odd that I am so …

Posted in News Coverage, United Kingdom, United States
December 23, 2016

Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction, argues that Western policy towards Turkey must change in light of the nature of Turkish involvement in Syria. Having initially attempted to improve relations with …

Posted in Syria, Turkey
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