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August 11, 2017

Does Qatar Support Extremism? Yes. And So Does Saudi Arabia.

By Tom Wilson
The spat between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which is accusing Qatar of supporting Islamist extremism and terrorism, remains perplexing. Perplexing not because Qatar is innocent — it has sponsored and hosted far too many jihadists for anyone to …

Posted in CRT Press Release, News Coverage, Opinion Editorial, Saudi Arabia | Tagged , ,
August 2, 2017

Britain Needs New Safeguards to Deal with Chinese Investment

In April, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) released a report noting the importance of revitalising the UK’s run-down regional infrastructure.
With Brexit approaching, the report stated that a ‘renewed focus’ was crucial for delivering growth to the UK, and could …

Posted in China, News Coverage, Opinion Editorial
July 31, 2017

Risky business: Keeping an eye on Chinese investment

By John Hemmings
If money talks, Chinese money is particularly loud these days. In the past five years, Chinese investment abroad — largely dominated by the country’s giant state-owned enterprises — has tripled. Today, China accounts for nearly 10 percent of global …

Posted in China, News Coverage, Opinion Editorial | Tagged , ,
July 27, 2017

Time for Five Eyes to coordinate on Chinese tech investment

By John Hemmings
The recent exposure of Chinese influence-peddling inside the Australian political system is just one example of China’s growing influence and willingness to act in Western states. In these days of austerity for many Western nations, money speaks loudly and in …

Posted in China, News Coverage, Opinion Editorial | Tagged , , , ,
July 26, 2017

Pushback: Why the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance Should Keep Chinese Investors at Bay

By John Hemmings
There has been a dramatic shift of investment into the West, which may have a deep impact on U.S. security and the country’s future way of life. According to a report recently published by the Henry Jackson Society, China is …

Posted in China, News Coverage, Opinion Editorial, Technology
July 24, 2017

UK to tighten foreign investment reviews

The British government is pressing ahead with plans to tighten screening of foreign investments by China and other countries amid concerns that such flows could compromise national security.
In the election manifesto they published in May the Conservatives pledged that prime …

Posted in China, News Coverage | Tagged , ,

What Should Europe Do With the Children of ISIS?

The 9-year-old boy didn’t like school. He didn’t like the other children, because he knew what they really were: evil unbelievers who deserved to die. So he did what he was trained to do — he attacked them. He was …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, News Coverage
July 20, 2017

John Hemmings discusses North Korea with CTV

Posted in News Coverage | Tagged , ,

9/11 survivors accuse Theresa May of suppressing a report on Saudi terrorism links

Back when David Cameron was Britain’s prime minister, he commissioned an inquiry into revenue streams for extremist groups.
Cameron agreed, reluctantly, to produce the report if the Liberal Democrats supported an extension of British airstrikes on the Islamic State militant group.
They …

Posted in News Coverage | Tagged , , , ,
July 18, 2017

Sensitive personal data at risk as UK firms bought up by China, security experts warn

Britons’ personal data could be trawled by Beijing’s spies as the UK sells off sensitive, high-tech industry to Chinese investment, a security think tanks warns on Tuesday.
Chinese state-owned businesses pouring billions into key industries such as power may also be …

Posted in News Coverage
July 17, 2017

The Iran deal has been in place for two years, but it’s still not working

By Timothy Stafford
In 2015 the then Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told the House of Commons that the agreement the UK and other world powers had reached with Iran meant that “the world can be reassured that all Iranian routes to …

Posted in Iran, News Coverage, Nuclear Weapons, Opinion Editorial
July 4, 2017

We are sleepwalking towards a global war – and Russia and China are enabling it

By John Hemmings
This is not “just another North Korean missile launch”. The “successful” testing of what North Korea’s state news agency KCNA called an “inter-continental ballistic missile” takes the Korean Peninsula one step closer to a conflict that could drag in the world’s great …

Posted in News Coverage, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Opinion Editorial
July 3, 2017

Tech companies must commit to tackling extremism

By Nikita Malik
Better late than never. The announcement that four major technology platforms — Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft — will create a new Global Internet Forum to counter terrorism has been a long time coming. Until recently, the onus …

Posted in News Coverage, Opinion Editorial | Tagged ,
June 29, 2017

Ukraine’s Stalled Revolution

By Andrew Foxall and Lincoln Pigman
More than three years have passed since Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution, in which protestors took to the streets and ousted their corrupt leader Viktor Yanukovych. But reform has been slow in coming. To be fair, President …

Posted in News Coverage, Opinion Editorial, RSC News Coverage
June 23, 2017

Panama Has Ditched Taiwan. Here’s Why It Matters for America.

Originally published in The National Interest, 22 June 2017
Last week’s sudden announcement by Panamanian president Juan Carlos Varela that Panama would henceforth be shifting its diplomatic relations from Taiwan to mainland China was not entirely unexpected in Taipei. Tsai Ing-wen …

Posted in China, News Coverage, Opinion Editorial, Taiwan
June 15, 2017

Judy Asks: Is Britain Lost?

Carnegie Europe’s Judy Dempsey asked a panel of security policy experts, “Is Britain Lost?”
James Rogers, Director of the Global Britain Programme at the Henry Jackson Society, offered his thoughts:
“From my window at the top of Millbank Tower, with the awesome …

Posted in News Coverage
June 7, 2017

Judy Asks: Who Will Lead the West?

By James Rogers.
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
James writes “It is true that the president of the United States has been traditionally …

Posted in News Coverage

London attack linked to hate preacher Anjem Choudary’s extremist network

By Nikita Malik.
This article originally appeared in the Independent.
The bloody rampage that left seven people dead and dozens injured on a busy Saturday night in London Bridge is the latest atrocity to be tied to Anjem Choudary’s network of extremists, …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, News Coverage
June 6, 2017

May is blind to the threat of extremism

This article originally appeared in The Times.
We may never know whether the Manchester and London Bridge terror attacks were meant to disrupt the election campaign, but it would certainly be in keeping with the extremists’ desire to undermine our democracy. …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, News Coverage

Can Britain Really Do Much More to Tighten Security?

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
LONDON — British police and security services already have some of the most powerful surveillance laws in the world, with weak judicial oversight and little criticism on privacy issues from a public …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, News Coverage
May 23, 2017

Terror warning: Experts fear more evil attacks at busy venues after Manchester explosion

This article originally appeared in The Express
A lone suicide bomber killed 22 people and injured 59 others at a performance by US singer Ariana Grande last night.
And counter-terror experts believe said the blast at Manchester Arena was planned to cause as much …

Posted in News Coverage

Manchester bombing: Isis claims responsibility for concert attack as part of ‘shock and awe’ tactics, analysts say

This article originally appeared in The Independent
Isis’ claim it was behind an attack that left at least 22 people dead in Manchester is part of a “shock and awe” strategy to maintain momentum as its territories shrink, analysts have said.
The terrorist group …

Posted in CRT, CRT Editorial, CRT News Coverage, News Coverage
May 20, 2017

Is Europe committing suicide? Controversial book claims elites in UK and the Continent are encouraging mass immigration because they’ve lost faith in historic Christian values

This article originally appeared in The Daily Mail
A couple of days ago, I saw TV footage of the outspoken Labour MP Jess Phillips on the campaign trail, seeking re-election in her suburban Birmingham constituency.
She was asked which issues voters mentioned most …

Posted in News Coverage
May 10, 2017

Raqqa and the Conundrum of Arming the Kurds

This article originally appeared in National Review.
Trump’s decision to back the SDF comes with potentially great rewards. He will have to mitigate its risks if he wants it to pay off.
Preparing to retake Raqqa, the ISIS capital, the U.S. announced yesterday …

Posted in News Coverage
May 3, 2017

KIM BOMB ‘EM? Could Kim Jong-un unleash his anthrax-tipped artillery shells on next year’s Winter Olympics… just 50 MILES from North Korean border?

This article originally appeared in The Sun.
THOUSANDS of visitors at next year’s Winter Olympics in South Korea will be at the mercy of Kim Jong-un’s military, a leading expert has warned.
People from all around the world will descend on Pyeongchang – …

Posted in News Coverage
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