ACT News


Wonder Woman Gal Gadot sends special message to Canberra girl Frejya Christiansen

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has sent a personal message to Canberra girl and Wonder Woman fan Freyja Christiansen who is in Sydney hospital battling a rare cancer.

Gadot wished the five-year-old "health, luck and love and may you always be happy".

The movie star said she had heard "wonderful things" about the plucky schoolgirl and urged Freyja to look forward to things in the future.

"I want to send you a big, big, big, big hug all the way to Australia," Gal told her in the Facebook message.

Freyja's mum Lizzie said the message was organised by a family friend who was from Israel, like Gal.

"Next thing we know we received this message from out of the blue and Freyja was over the moon," she said.


Lizzie said the family was still looking to send Freyja to Germany for treatment, with fundraising continuing at

The little girl was recently re-diagnosed with Stage 4 Malignant Gastrointestinal Neuroectodermal Tumour, (GNET) Clear Cell Sarcoma. The cancer is aggressive, prone to relapse, malignant and its location in her neck makes it inoperable.

However, Lizzie said treatment at  the Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick was having an impact and there was still hope the cancer could be operated on in Australia.

The issue was finding a surgeon willing to do the procedure. So far the only one was in Germany. Regardless, further treatment will have take place in Germany in an attempt to save the little girl's life.

The family has raised close to $60,000 towards the overseas treatment.

Lizzie said whatever was not used by the family would be donated to the Sydney Children's Hospital Foundation and to purchasing equipment for the Canberra Hospital.