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Geoffrey Major

This Guest Book will remain
online until 6/09/2017

Geoffrey Major

This Guest Book will remain online until 6/09/2017. Learn More
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Saturday, 5 August 2017

Please don't submit copyrighted work; original poems, songs or prayers welcomed. reviews all Guest Book entries to ensure appropriate content. Our staff does not correct grammar or spelling. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
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Preview Entry
Saturday, 5 August 2017

Please don't submit copyrighted work; original poems, songs or prayers welcomed. reviews all Guest Book entries to ensure appropriate content. Our staff does not correct grammar or spelling. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
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Wednesday, 2 August 2017
To Beth,Chris, Venetia, Jack and Redvers
To let you know all our love and thoughts are with you all.
With fondest memories of Geoff.
Heather and Allan and the Cox Family

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