- published: 29 Mar 2017
- views: 193936
Social security is a concept enshrined in Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states:
In simple terms, the signatories agree that society in which a person lives should help them to develop and to make the most of all the advantages (culture, work, social welfare) which are offered to them in the country.
Social security may also refer to the action programs of government intended to promote the welfare of the population through assistance measures guaranteeing access to sufficient resources for food and shelter and to promote health and well-being for the population at large and potentially vulnerable segments such as children, the elderly, the sick and the unemployed. Services providing social security are often called social services.
Terminology in this area in the United States is somewhat different from in the rest of the English-speaking world. The general term for an action program in support of the well being of the population in the United States is welfare program and the general term for all such programs is simply welfare. In American society, the term welfare arguably has negative connotations. The term Social Security, in the United States, refers to a specific social insurance program for the retired and the disabled. Elsewhere the term is used in a much broader sense, referring to the economic security society offers when people are faced with certain risks. In its 1952 Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention (nr. 102), the International Labour Organization (ILO) defined the traditional contingencies covered by social security as including:
Social Security may refer to:
The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
The word "Social" derives from the Latin word socii ("allies"). It is particularly derived from the Italian Socii states, historical allies of the Roman Republic (although they rebelled against Rome in the Social War of 91-88 BC).
In the absence of agreement about its meaning, the term "social" is used in many different senses and regarded as a fuzzy concept, referring among other things to:
Attitudes, orientations, or behaviors which take the interests, intentions, or needs of other people into account (in contrast to anti-social behaviour) has played some role in defining the idea or the principle. For instance terms like social realism, social justice, social constructivism, social psychology, social anarchism and social capital imply that there is some social process involved or considered, a process that is not there in regular, "non-social" realism, justice, constructivism, psychology, anarchism, or capital.
Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, item, nation, or organization.
As noted by the Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM) in the OSSTMM 3, security provides "a form of protection where a separation is created between the assets and the threat." These separations are generically called "controls," and sometimes include changes to the asset or the threat.
Security has two dialogues. Negative dialogue is about danger, risk, threat and etc. Positive dialogue is about opportunities, Interests, profits and etc. Negative dialogue needs military equipment, armies, police. Positive dialogue needs social capital, Education, social interaction.
Perception of security may be poorly mapped to measureable objective security. For example, the fear of earthquakes has been reported to be more common than the fear of slipping on the bathroom floor although the latter kills many more people than the former. Similarly, the perceived effectiveness of security measures is sometimes different from the actual security provided by those measures. The presence of security protections may even be taken for security itself. For example, two computer security programs could be interfering with each other and even cancelling each other's effect, while the owner believes s/he is getting double the protection.
Social Security Cards Explained
How Does Social Security Really Work?
Tricks and tips for getting the most from Social Security
BREAKING Trump Announces Social Security Recipients Will Now Receive THIS Much Every Month
Social Security Changes For 2016/2017 Must Watch
Social Security Benefits - The #1 Mistake Made When Filing
Peter Schiff: Social Security’s Worst Nightmare
Donald Trump Budget Slashes Billions From Medicaid, Social Security | All In | MSNBC
Should I Draw Social Security At Age 62 or 66 or 70
Top 10 Must Know Facts About Your Social Security Benefits
The Social Security card and number explained. Discuss this video: http://reddit.com/r/cgpgrey Sponsor: www.squarespace.com/grey Special Thanks: Stephen P. Morse, PhD. http://stevemorse.org Ralph Gross, Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University. https://peexlab.com Alessandro Acquisti, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Mark Govea, Thomas J Miller Jr MD, Bob Kunz, John Buchan, Andres Villacres, Nevin Spoljaric, Christian Cooper, Michael Little, Ripta Pasay, Tony DiLascio, Richard Jenkins, Chris Chapin, Saki Comandao, Tod Kurt, Jason Lewandowski, Michael Mrozek, Phil Gardner, سليمان العقل, Jordan Melville, Martin , Steven Grimm, rictic , Ian , Faust Fairbrook, Chris Woodall, Kozo Ota, Colin Millions, Guillermo , Timothy Basanov, Chris Harshman, ChoiceMechanicalDenver.com ...
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Social Security disability funds are expected to run out as soon as next year. What exactly is Social Security and why should we care? Learn More: Social Security Basic Facts http://www.ssa.gov/news/press/basicfact.html “By 2033, the number of older Americans will increase from 46.6 million today to over 77 million.” A Summary of the Annual 2014 Reports http://www.ssa.gov/oact/trsum/ “Neither Medicare nor Social Security can sustain projected long-run program costs in full under currently scheduled financing, and legislative changes are necessary to avoid disruptive consequences for beneficiaries and taxpayers.” Social Security: The Big Picture https://www.jpmorganfunds.com/blobcontent/517/976/1323366831214_RI-SS-BIGPIC.pdf “There is n...
The longer you wait before cashing in on Social Security benefits, the greater the financial reward. But many don’t wait until age 70. There’s a range of loopholes and “secrets” that can improve your benefits, a fact economics correspondent Paul Solman discovered during a tennis game with friend and Social Security expert Larry Kotlikoff. Their new book, “Get What’s Yours,” shares that knowledge. Read the full story:http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/tricks-tips-getting-social-security/#transcript
www.TheNewsExposed.com Don't forget to subscribe and share . Breaking News Trending Viral SUPPORT N.E WITH THE LINK BELOW! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=LDA6KBYX283QU See more on this News Report here:https://www.ssa.gov/ Donate & Support News Exposed on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/newsexposed Patreon $5/mo: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=5022361&patAmt;=5 Give once: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=LDA6KBYX283QU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Never 4Get To Subscribe To Our Backup Youtube Channel In case This One Ever Goes Does: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMMiKCcqd8oYiYH1zVPqpw/featured or You Can always go to our website www.TheNewsExposed.com...
Social Security Benefits - The Mistake 48% of us make when filing for Social Security Benefits And How To Fix It - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erVOZPfUx4M Here's Your Complimentary Social Security Income Maximization Guide - http://americasretirementincome.com/social-security-maximization-analysis/ OOPS! In This Eye-Opening Video, we will discuss in detail the mistake that 48% of us make when filing for Social Security Benefits and show you How To Fix It! Also included in the video, You will see the top facts and questions about Social Security Benefits, and We will teach you about the Lifetime Value of Social Security and Explain Why it is NOW more important than ever to your retirement income needs. Make sure you stay tuned to the end of this short video. We will be giving to eve...
Among the $4 trillion in cuts proposed in the 2018 budget released today by the White House are billions and billions of dollars slashed from both Medicaid and Social Security. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit msnbc.com: http://on.msnbc.com/Readmsnbc Find MSNBC on Facebook: http://on.msnbc.com/Likemsnbc Follow MSNBC on Twitter: http://on.msnbc.com/Followmsnbc Follow MSNBC on Google+: http://on.msn...
If you've ever wondered, "Should I draw Social Security at age 62 or 66 or even age 70?" then here is one of the biggest factors you need to know about when it comes to the Social Security rules. To download the free e-report "How To Avoid Annuity Traps" just click here: http://retirementplanningmadeeasy.com/annuity-traps The difference between the best and worst Social Security claiming strategy can be over $100,000 of lifetime benefits. That's a lot of money on the table. So here is one important factor that affects your Social Security benefit. It has to do with your age. If your full retirement is 66 then here is how drawing early or later will affect your benefit. 62 - 75.0% 63 - 80.0% 64 - 86.7% 65 - 93.3% 66 - 100.0% 67 - 108.0% 68 - 116.0% 69 - 124.0% 70 - 132.0% It's impo...
Is the Social Security system really broke? How long can the Social Security Administration continue to keep paying on all of their promises? When will the Social Security Fund run out of money? Will I get back all of the money that I have put into the Social Security fund through my FICA taxes? When is the best time to take Social Security? To download the FREE Social Security Benefits report that accompanies this video, click http://retirethinktank.com/ These are all great questions that we hear on a monthly basis. There seems to be so many questions about Social Security and how to maximize Social Security Benefits, yet the government never gives any good advice on them. Even simple issues like when is the best time to turn on your Social Security Income don't get answered clear...
The Social Security card and number explained. Discuss this video: http://reddit.com/r/cgpgrey Sponsor: www.squarespace.com/grey Special Thanks: Stephen P. Morse, PhD. http://stevemorse.org Ralph Gross, Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University. https://peexlab.com Alessandro Acquisti, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Mark Govea, Thomas J Miller Jr MD, Bob Kunz, John Buchan, Andres Villacres, Nevin Spoljaric, Christian Cooper, Michael Little, Ripta Pasay, Tony DiLascio, Richard Jenkins, Chris Chapin, Saki Comandao, Tod Kurt, Jason Lewandowski, Michael Mrozek, Phil Gardner, سليمان العقل, Jordan Melville, Martin , Steven Grimm, rictic , Ian , Faust Fairbrook, Chris Woodall, Kozo Ota, Colin Millions, Guillermo , Timothy Basanov, Chris Harshman, ChoiceMechanicalDenver.com ...
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Social Security disability funds are expected to run out as soon as next year. What exactly is Social Security and why should we care? Learn More: Social Security Basic Facts http://www.ssa.gov/news/press/basicfact.html “By 2033, the number of older Americans will increase from 46.6 million today to over 77 million.” A Summary of the Annual 2014 Reports http://www.ssa.gov/oact/trsum/ “Neither Medicare nor Social Security can sustain projected long-run program costs in full under currently scheduled financing, and legislative changes are necessary to avoid disruptive consequences for beneficiaries and taxpayers.” Social Security: The Big Picture https://www.jpmorganfunds.com/blobcontent/517/976/1323366831214_RI-SS-BIGPIC.pdf “There is n...
The longer you wait before cashing in on Social Security benefits, the greater the financial reward. But many don’t wait until age 70. There’s a range of loopholes and “secrets” that can improve your benefits, a fact economics correspondent Paul Solman discovered during a tennis game with friend and Social Security expert Larry Kotlikoff. Their new book, “Get What’s Yours,” shares that knowledge. Read the full story:http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/tricks-tips-getting-social-security/#transcript
www.TheNewsExposed.com Don't forget to subscribe and share . Breaking News Trending Viral SUPPORT N.E WITH THE LINK BELOW! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=LDA6KBYX283QU See more on this News Report here:https://www.ssa.gov/ Donate & Support News Exposed on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/newsexposed Patreon $5/mo: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=5022361&patAmt;=5 Give once: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=LDA6KBYX283QU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Never 4Get To Subscribe To Our Backup Youtube Channel In case This One Ever Goes Does: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMMiKCcqd8oYiYH1zVPqpw/featured or You Can always go to our website www.TheNewsExposed.com...
Social Security Benefits - The Mistake 48% of us make when filing for Social Security Benefits And How To Fix It - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erVOZPfUx4M Here's Your Complimentary Social Security Income Maximization Guide - http://americasretirementincome.com/social-security-maximization-analysis/ OOPS! In This Eye-Opening Video, we will discuss in detail the mistake that 48% of us make when filing for Social Security Benefits and show you How To Fix It! Also included in the video, You will see the top facts and questions about Social Security Benefits, and We will teach you about the Lifetime Value of Social Security and Explain Why it is NOW more important than ever to your retirement income needs. Make sure you stay tuned to the end of this short video. We will be giving to eve...
Among the $4 trillion in cuts proposed in the 2018 budget released today by the White House are billions and billions of dollars slashed from both Medicaid and Social Security. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit msnbc.com: http://on.msnbc.com/Readmsnbc Find MSNBC on Facebook: http://on.msnbc.com/Likemsnbc Follow MSNBC on Twitter: http://on.msnbc.com/Followmsnbc Follow MSNBC on Google+: http://on.msn...
If you've ever wondered, "Should I draw Social Security at age 62 or 66 or even age 70?" then here is one of the biggest factors you need to know about when it comes to the Social Security rules. To download the free e-report "How To Avoid Annuity Traps" just click here: http://retirementplanningmadeeasy.com/annuity-traps The difference between the best and worst Social Security claiming strategy can be over $100,000 of lifetime benefits. That's a lot of money on the table. So here is one important factor that affects your Social Security benefit. It has to do with your age. If your full retirement is 66 then here is how drawing early or later will affect your benefit. 62 - 75.0% 63 - 80.0% 64 - 86.7% 65 - 93.3% 66 - 100.0% 67 - 108.0% 68 - 116.0% 69 - 124.0% 70 - 132.0% It's impo...
Is the Social Security system really broke? How long can the Social Security Administration continue to keep paying on all of their promises? When will the Social Security Fund run out of money? Will I get back all of the money that I have put into the Social Security fund through my FICA taxes? When is the best time to take Social Security? To download the FREE Social Security Benefits report that accompanies this video, click http://retirethinktank.com/ These are all great questions that we hear on a monthly basis. There seems to be so many questions about Social Security and how to maximize Social Security Benefits, yet the government never gives any good advice on them. Even simple issues like when is the best time to turn on your Social Security Income don't get answered clear...
I'm a punk get off my ass
because I'm fucking working classs
I get up everyday and go to work
I'm treated like a fucking jerk
They suck my money every week
now my future's looking bleak
they say the money's almost gone
but what will I do when my time comes
hey! hey! hey!
Blue collar job you and I
kiss your hard-earned dough goodbye
Soon you'll be old you'll be gray
And how will you earn your pay
For over 40 years you broke your back
But they gave your money to some bum on crack
they say we won't get it
but fucking the govt's leeches are still money sucking
hey! hey! hey!
Did you hear what they want to do to you and me