Moving Up is an American reality television series that aired on The Learning Channel. The show originally ran from January 29, 2005 to October 17, 2009.
Moving Up sees each episode a family moving out of their home and then a new family that has purchased the house moving in and renovating it to their desired home. The old family then sees the changes to their old homes and provides feedback. The show is hosted by Doug Wilson, and he visits the renovation in progress and provides commentary.
The Learning Channel first premiered the show in 2005 with series one consisting of fifteen episodes. A second series consisted of twenty-four episodes, third having thirteen and a fourth containing ten episodes.
The sixth season of Parks and Recreation originally aired in the United States on the NBC television network, from September 26, 2013 with an hour long premiere, and concluded on April 24, 2014 with an hour-long finale. It premiered in its new Thursday 8:00 pm timeslot. This season consisted of 22 episodes. The show moved to Thursdays at 8:30 pm beginning with its 100th episode.
Much like the other seasons, Season 6 followed Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) and her co-workers in local government of fictional Indiana town, Pawnee. The season chronicled Leslie facing the recall vote from City Council, Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones) and Chris Traeger (Rob Lowe)'s move to Michigan to start their family, Andy Dwyer (Chris Pratt)'s career in London, and the city merger of Eagleton and Pawnee, resulting in the Unity Concert organized by Leslie.
rats, monkeys, mice - teach 'em little tricks stay far from creativity, and from politics cause the multinationals need a solid work force or their growing profit margins will be wiped out at the source conform to the status quo, set rules hold your mind into their fucking tool reciting back their facts and numbers - that don't make you smart there's much more to intelligence - and thinking for yourself would be a start it would be a start... start! pledge allegiance to a flag of which you're taught no history not mexico, granada, panama, or middle east but they're just a mere fraction of this country's shady past skeletons locked in the closet and i doubt they'll be the last "national interest, " defined for you... but who's it really serve? who's getting screwed? your prison warden is your school training you to be a social screw stage a jailbreak, swim against the flow show those motherfuckers what you know! i feel like i am suffocating i feel my life depreciating i know their teachings are riddled with lies, distortions, shit! it kills me knowing the masses are so brainwashed by it - brainwashed by it!