
21 July 2017

Release of Ring 1.0 - « Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité »

Savoir-faire Linux is proud to announce the official release of Ring 1.0 « Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité » - the free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms.

Ring is fully distributed, and depends on no central infrastructure or enterprise to work. Every Ring user is connected to his or her contacts via a fully distributed network.

Ring can be used to text and audio/video call more privately, securely, and reliably.

Main functionalities and features:

> Encrypted Audio, HD Video, and InstantMessaging communication (ICE, SIP, TLS)
> Screen sharing and conferencing (Win32 and GNU/Linux)
> Support of an Ethereum blockchain as a distributed public user database
> Distributed communication platform (OpenDHT)
> Platform support on GNU/Linux, Windows UWP (Windows 10 and Surface), Win32 (Windows 7, 8 and 8.1), and macOS (10.10+) and Android (4.0+)
> Distributed under GPLv3+ license

As a GNU package since October 2016, the Ring team wants to thank Dr. Richard Stallman and the FSF for their support for the Ring project.

Important links

> Download Ring
> Contribute to Ring
> Technical documentation

20 December 2016

Ring on UWP: genesis of a technical challenge

Ring's beta 2 version  is now available on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). It's not only a great step forward for Ring, an official GNU package, but a technical success for our development team.


16 November 2016

Blockchain, a revolutionary tool for Ring

Blockchain technology brings on a new revolution, as its advocates write on every wall, it is likely to deeply change our verticaly-shaped society.  Savoir-faire Linux uses its mechanism to develop Ring distributed ledger and users ID management.


4 November 2016

Ring Bêta 2 is now available

Ring, a GNU projet, is improving. Test the Gaston Miron version now!
Among the latest features in the beta 2 version, you will find :

  • A global account identification mechanism based on blockchain implementation on an Ethereum technology.
  • The multi-device
  • The IPv6 support

Learn more

4 November 2016

Ring, an official GNU package

Since October, Ring is officially a GNU package, following its integration into the GNU project.


12 April 2016

Take control of your communication with Ring [Video - Libre Planet]

Ring’s technology offers users a tool based on freedom. Two Savoir-faire Linux developers working on Ring- Adrien Béraud and Guillaume Roguez - demonstrated that during the Libre Planet conference on March 20th.

Libre Planet is an annual event organized by the famous Free Software Foundation which promote the use of free software around the world.

Watch the video (43:39)

21 March 2016

Join the Ring Project for the Summer

You're a student and you're looking for a unique opportunity to code with experts this Summer? Join the Ring team through the Google Summer of Code. You could receive 5,500 US dollars for 3 months.

To apply, it's easy! Before the March, 25th in the evening, follow these 3 steps:

1. Register yourself on Google Summer of Code and submit an application.

2. Send a email introducing yourself to <> and indicate "Ring - GSoC" as subject. Don't forget to tell us which topics you are interested in and which programming languages your are most confident with.

3. Create an application on this Debian wiki page. You can create a basic list of things you will work on.

Here are the main topics:

* Create Ring to SIP gateway * Create a Telepathy Connection Manager for Ring protocol * Create a browser plugin for Ring * Use ENUM for user discovery * Integrate Libpurple/Pdigin/Empathy * Other topics on

18 March 2016

The foundations of Ring

What is Ring? What is it for? And what is its business model?

Here are Cyrille Béraud responses, the President of Savoir-faire Linux.

Learn more

14 March 2016

Ring - Now in Beta

Ring is improving to deliver the best communication. Enjoy Papineau version now!

More practical, stable and simple, this beta includes news functionalities, especially thanks to the support of the community.

Take part in this adventure!

Learn more

3 March 2016

Soon Ring will be to Libre Planet and Fossasia

Two opportunities to better understand the foundations of Ring and travel in this exciting project!

From March 19th to 20th, three of our developers will be heading to Libre Planet (Boston) and Fossasia (Singapore) to explain that Ring is a tool based on freedom and why it is more than a real time communication software.

Learn more
