- published: 24 Mar 2017
- views: 2595973
PLS or Pls may refer to:
League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It is a free-to-play game supported by microtransactions and inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
In League of Legends, players assume the role of an unseen "summoner" that controls a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a structure which lies at the heart of a base protected by defensive structures. Each League of Legends match is discrete, with all champions starting off fairly weak but increasing in strength by accumulating items and experience over the course of the game.
League of Legends was generally well received at release, and grew in popularity in the years since. By July 2012, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played. As of January 2014, over 67 million people played League of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours.
Sam's feat. Sofiane - PLS | Daymolition
Nové úrovně, IB a odměny | Riot Pls – League of Legends
La PLS : la Position Latérale de Sécurité
Conan Pls - Warrior [TDP]
Conduite à tenir la PLS : Position Latérale de Sécurité - Protection Civile de Paris
my first car vlog! *not clickbait LIVE FOOTAGE* (pls watch it)
Eden Dillinger X Lord Esperanza - PLS (Prod. Piège) [CLIP]
Ottomans Pls (EUIV Meme)
PLS basics
pls watch this
PLS IGNORE DIS VIDJEO (dis is not vlog(
zalmi new song pls pakistan
Tutorial Salam Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah (PLS) 2017
psl 2017 final squad | pls final team squad | psl lahore 2017 | psl 2017 | psl | psl highlights
rito nerf Graves pls
Sam's Feat. Sofiane - PLS - Daymolition ABONNE-TOI ICI ☞ https://po.st/DAYMOLITION -- Les freestyles Daymolition: http://bit.ly/2fI2ezU Les lives Daymolition: http://bit.ly/2fI9TOx -- Retrouve Daymolition sur les réseaux sociaux: Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/Daymolition.fr/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daymolitionofficial/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/DAYMOLITION
Vrchní producent New001 přináší novinky o přepracovaných runách a změnách v systému nových úrovní, podrobnosti o přechodu na nové runy a mnoho dalšího! Více informací o změnách v systému úrovní a odměn: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/cs/news/riot-games/editorial/upcoming-changes-leveling-ip-rewards Obsah: 0:00 – Úvod / Aktualizace přepracovaných run 1:20 – Změny v postupu na nové úrovně a odměnách 3:41 – Co se stane s mými současnými runami? 6:01 – Požadavky hráčů 6:31 – Vyvážení hry pro MS a předsezónu Autorský blog League of Legends: http://nexus.leagueoflegends.com
La PLS : la Position Latérale de Sécurité, les gestes qui sauvent. Voici comment mettre une personne en position latérale de sécurité ou PLS. Cette position PLS s'applique pour les victimes inconscientes et qui respirent pour ne pas qu'elles s'étouffent. Merci aux sapeurs-pompiers du Rhône et du Vaucluse. Apprenez les gestes qui sauvent avec les sapeurs-pompiers : www.pompiers.fr
Buenas chavales hoy os traigo otro episodio del MASTERIZANDO A KAYN y esta vez vamos con el PELOPANTENE con la BUILD ONESHOT. Espero que os guste la partida recordar comentar que os pareció el vídeo, compartirlo por las redes sociales y darle un pedazo de LIKE! Runas y Maestrías: https://i.gyazo.com/b1ca16645cafda59eaf58c78ccc34186.png Sigueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeVemSka Discord: https://discord.gg/srQFVvw Canal de Garmy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTKC04r8tiJZUABrFdpQqww Canal de Gérier: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDL5sQSFNZCp9PkWv-lNLXw Canal de Phinphus: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOQchmj7a7xxcE523PYY64w Canal de Raul: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQrSt39l6jvGxmvmeYqT3Ag
Preacher takes on all 3 warrior challenges. Letsgo ---------- Swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/preachgaming Twitter: @Preachgaming Live Stream - twitch.tv/preachlfw The Good Book - https://www.facebook.com/preachgaming P.O. Box: Preach Gaming PO Box 420 SK14 9DR ---------
Position Latérale de Sécurité : PLS. Démonstration commentée en temps réel par la Protection Civile de Paris Découvrez sur notre site Internet toutes nos formations www.protectioncivile.org Plus de 480 bénévoles au sein de la Protection Civile de Paris ; pourquoi pas vous ? Avec le PSC 1, vous pouvez devenir sauveteur et participer aux missions sociales et humanitaires ; Avec le PSE1 et PSE2, vous pouvez devenir secouriste et participer pleinement aux dispositifs et missions de secours de la Protection Civile de Paris. Des formations internes permettent ensuite de continuer à progresser jusqu'au niveau de chef d'équipe de premiers secours N'hésitez pas à demander des informations à votre moniteur ou à l'une de nos équipes locales
hi starlings! you guys for some reason have really wanted a car vlog so here one is!! if you liked it let me know and i can keep doing more of them!! love you and enjoy and subscribe! ♡ S U B S C R I B E : http://bit.do/tQVe F O L L O W M E ♡ insta: toristerling_ ♡ snapchat: tori.sterling ♡ twitter: toristerling_ ♡ spotify: toristerling C O N T A C T M E ♡ business1@beaufreshmedia.com P O P U L A R V I D E O S ♡ Brow Routine: http://bit.ly/2m1yeGL ♡ How I Went from Black Hair to Blonde IN ONE DAY: http://bit.ly/2dwfjft ♡ Kylie Jenner Makeup Tutorial: http://bit.ly/17nXquY ♡ Prom Dress Shopping with Me: http://bit.ly/1HHvYDh ♡ PROM 2015 Get Ready with Me: http://bit.ly/2dWtsEj ♡ Everyday Summer Makeup Routine: http://bit.ly/2dXwiL3 ♡ Prom 2016 Get Ready with Me: http://bi...
DBZ DOKKAN BATTLE FR - YEKAIS : Boss Rush avec des types aléatoires + Restriction d'équipe !! Hors saison !! Autre duel prévu sur la chaîne de Sussucre ! ✮ Cartes Dokkan Battle par Téléphone ► https://goo.gl/mnKp08 ABONNE TOI ► https://goo.gl/tjjE99 FACEBOOK ► https://goo.gl/cCJURU TWITTER ► https://goo.gl/gSqlVP SNAPCHAT ► yekaiss
Premier titre du projet "Chambr Noir" de Piège Premier projet d'Eden Dillinger "OLAF" disponible hyperurl.co/OLAF Réalisé par Mims (https://facebook.com/MimsVideo/) Enregistré/Mixé par Larry Staw & Pi, High Five Crew studio Typo de Ajile : https://ajile.myportfolio.com/ Merci à Ground Effect pour la galerie : https://www.facebook.com/LaGalerieUrbaine/ Pages perso : Eden Dillinger : https://facebook.com/EdenDillinger https://soundcloud.com/EdenDillinger https://twitter.com/EdenDillinger Lord Esperanza : https://facebook.com/lordesperanza23 https://twitter.com/Lordesperanza https://soundcloud.com/lord-esperanza https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE4Ykh2JJKBmS_Gf2o5cqIg Piège : https://facebook.com/piegepi https://twitter.com/piegepi https://soundcloud.com/pi_ege
This webinar will cover the basic concepts in multivariate data analysis, with special emphasis on partial least squares regression (PLS).
just give me a chance to do different content pls
PLS IGNORE DIS VIDJEO (dis is not vlog(
Selamat datang calon siswa-siswi baru SMA Katolik St.Louis 1 Surabaya.... Ikuti informasi dan kegiatan terbaru tentang SMA Katolik St.Louis 1 Surabaya hanya di SINLUI TV (Penuh Kreasi) Created by : Cinema Team Tutor PLS 2017
psl 2017 final squad | pls final lahore pishawar zalmi team squad | psl lahore 2017 | psl 2017 | psl | psl player list final , Darren Sammy (captain), Shahid Afridi, Sohaib Maqsood, Eoin Morgan, Wahab Riaz, Tilakaratne Dilshan, Mohammad Hafeez, Chris Jordan, Samit Patel, Kamran Akmal, Iftikhar Ahmed, Harris Sohail, Hasan Ali, Mohammad Asghar, Marlon Samuels, Andre Fletcher, Khushdil Shah, Shakib Al Hasan, Tamim Iqbal, Imran Khan (jr), Junaid Khan, M. Irfan Khan
On en repasse une couche, après la fin de la fausse histoire, on passe en revue tous les faits et on les brises en deux! les liens utiles: mon twitter: https://twitter.com/Norajdspartan mon facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Norajdspartan/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_norajd_/ snapchat: Norajd.spartan Le tipeee pour me soutenir: https://www.tipeee.com/norajd laisse poce bleu, partage cette vidéo, Et abonne toi! C'est por experience social!
Nouvelle parodie ! Cette fois ci sur PNL avec un Feat. de SCH ! Je ne me moque pas des personnes mais plutôt des styles/personnages ! Merci de prendre cela au second degrés ! (Comme d'hab' frère !) ➤ Retrouves les vrais gestes de secours ici ( je veux pas etre responsable si tu appliques les conseils de la vidéo XD) :http://www.croix-rouge.fr/Je-me-forme/Particuliers/Les-6-gestes-de-base ➤ MON TIPEE ! https://www.tipeee.com/youtunes -------------------------------------------------- ✔ Twitter : https://twitter.com/tunes_you ✔ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/youtunesoff/ ✔ ABONNE TOI POUR PLUS DE PARODIES : http://tinyurl.com/glkgr7s -------------------------------------------------- ➤ Texte : Jordan (Youtunes) 1 er "PNL" (ADEMO) : Jordan (Youtunes) 2 em "PNL" ( N.O.S) : Florent S...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelolhounds1 League of Legends (LOL) Season 7 Patch 7.9. Graves Gameplay video featuring ability rundown and why Graves is so good in the jungle. Graves Cigar returns as well (a buff). Subscribe to thelolhounds for more spectates, gameplays, guides, montages and more. Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOiC3g6YSjM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttTMNtypfYE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISWVbKsmz7w
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick, good dick,good dick
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick,
good dick,good dick
good dick committee;i'm the president!
frist class dick; i got the evidence 5 star dick; dick is elegant. heavy weight dic; check the measurements! gimme ah purple heart; i'm a dick vertern one shot of this ya mans irrevelant.
i call it swaet meat;it's hard like peppermint. i (?)by tomorrow; dick will pay the rent.
ask everytime; dick worth every cent. no tight jeans; dick will show the print fuck her '98;been fucking her ever since.
she want ah wedding ring she merried to the dick.
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick, good dick,good dick
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick,
good dick,good dick
Grade \"A\" dick; i'm talking top chef
millionaire dick: I'm talking bout myself this that Oh'10;this aint that Oh'7 take careof problems; dick like medicine. yeah,i talk shit; cuhz i can back it up or i can fuck again,every hoe that i done fucked real(?) when i'm in the guts finesse 'em from the back; kill em in the buck
na she sweatin me ; since i fucked her good. say don't like me drunk; she like she sucking wood.
dickk too good i can sell mine
#1 pick; talking first round.
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick, good dick,good dick
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick,
good dick,good dick
could be ah pornstar; star in my own flick i got amazing head; but even better dick.she call me t-bone; dick is super thickshe say her last man was like a toothpick . she love when i beat her; she will slit her wrist . energizer bunny; dick wil never quit. put on my headstone ; he died with good dick