Barbara Roth
  • Female
  • Wonder Lake, IL
  • United States

Barbara Roth's Friends

  • Jane P.
  • Linda G.
  • Terri Carter
  • Cynthia Clements
  • eileen parrinello
  • Jaime Lambert
  • Christy M Drach
  • Teresa Sanchez Gardner
  • Monica Kay Bower
  • Carol Kayser
  • Sharon Ankrum
  • Pearl DeLaPena
  • Ellen Brant
  • Charlene Ozawa

Barbara Roth's Page

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Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Wilela, it's been 28 months since Jim left, and I still find myself thinking he'll be watching T.V. when I get home. Or I catch myself thinking that I have to tell him something. I don't think we will ever get over those feelings. Jim…"
Mar 1, 2013
Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Maggie, thanks for posting this. It's been close to 16 months since I lost Jim and I miss him so much. I would love to have copies of this and hand them out to all the people that think I should be over this. Hugs to all.  "
Feb 5, 2012
Jane P. left a comment for Barbara Roth
"Barbara, I think we will be good for each other, an odd number can brake a tie, incase we need to get over it! My personal e-mail is Ellen is such an inspiration to me and I am SO glad she has you to lean on.  I look forward…"
Jan 7, 2012
Jane P. left a comment for Barbara Roth
"Thank you for adding me as a friend. Ellen spoke so highly of you and it seems we all have too much in common.  I look forward communicating with you. Hugs, Jane"
Jan 6, 2012
Jane P. and Barbara Roth are now friends
Jan 6, 2012
Barbara Roth left a comment for Patricia L. Herrera
"Hi Pat,Thank you for your letter. It's nice to know that at least someone knows where Wonder Lake is at !!! I lost my husband Jim on Oct.21,2010 after a 11 month battle with Lung Cancer. I know only too well what it is like to watch your loved…"
Dec 21, 2011
Barbara Roth and Patricia L. Herrera are now friends
Dec 21, 2011
Patricia L. Herrera left a comment for Barbara Roth
"Hi Barbara, I haven't been on this website is quite awhile. The holidays are near again and I'm reaching out. My spouse (Ray) died 3-22-2010. We were married 34 yrs. we have two children, a son 35, and a daughter 27. What caught my eye…"
Dec 21, 2011
Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Melissa, I'm sorry that you had to come to this site. This is an extremely difficult time in your life. Take a deep breath, if you can ( lots of times it hurts too much to even breathe). There are alot of people here that will help you through…"
Dec 19, 2011
Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Cynthia, I was fortunate to have Jim at home and to be with him when he left. I remember now what you went through. Big hugs to you. I'm glad you can feel Gene around you. That's a blessing. Hugs to all."
Oct 23, 2011
Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Tess, last Friday (21st) it was one year since I lost Jim. I have given some of his things away, but not much. In fact I can picture Jim walking back in here and saying " What the heck have you been doing?!"  I know I have to tackle…"
Oct 23, 2011
Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"I guess I have alot to be thankful for. Jim had a very compassionate oncologist. Anytime we had a question, or a concern, his Dr. was right there. Our family Dr. was the same. When all hope was exhausted, and Hospice was called in, both Dr. hugged…"
Jul 24, 2011
Barbara Roth commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Thank you my friend, this brings me comfort also. Hope it brings some comfort to others. Hugs to all, and a Doug hug to you Ellen."
Jul 6, 2011
Barbara Roth replied to Ellen Brant's discussion Thank you for all your prayers, cards and calls..HUGS Ellen Brant in the group Bereaved Spouses
"Ellen,  It worked both ways --- great support team. Doug hugs to you."
Jul 4, 2011
Barbara Roth replied to Ellen Brant's discussion Thank you for all your prayers, cards and calls..HUGS Ellen Brant in the group Bereaved Spouses
"Welcome back friend :)"
Jul 3, 2011
Barbara Roth replied to Cathy Pisciottano's discussion Lung cancer in the group Bereaved Spouses
"We were very fortunate to have the spouses we had, and we were fortunate to have the love. I think that's why we miss them so much. People seem to think I am doing okay, even have my daughters fooled. Like you Kathleen, I cry at night when I go…"
Jul 3, 2011

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At 4:20am on January 7, 2012, Jane P. said…

Barbara, I think we will be good for each other, an odd number can brake a tie, incase we need to get over it! My personal e-mail is Ellen is such an inspiration to me and I am SO glad she has you to lean on.  I look forward hearing from you.

Hugs Jane

At 3:46am on January 6, 2012, Jane P. said…

Thank you for adding me as a friend. Ellen spoke so highly of you and it seems we all have too much in common.  I look forward communicating with you. Hugs, Jane

At 7:20am on December 21, 2011, Patricia L. Herrera said…

Hi Barbara,

I haven't been on this website is quite awhile. The holidays are near again and I'm reaching out. My spouse (Ray) died 3-22-2010. We were married 34 yrs. we have two children, a son 35, and a daughter 27. What caught my eye about you was that your from Wonder Lake, IL. I have a stepson that lives in Wonder Lake. His name is Rudy Herrera and he lives there with his friend Sharon. Anyway, I always like to talk with people that live in Illinois, I'm originally from Chicago but married my husband and we moved to Texas in 1981. Anyway, I haven't been able to read your story of your loss. Did you lose a spouse also? This is the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. I miss my Ray so much! They say it gets better with time, I don't know about that. These holidays are tearing me apart. I had a wonderful marriage and a great husband. Don't get me wrong, we had our spats now and then but I can say our marriage was mostly wonderful. Ray was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis on 2005. It's a terminal lung disease very similar to black lung disease. We don't know how he contacted it but there is no cure or medication to help patients with this illness. He had gone on oxygen almost immediately. It was a rough disease seeing your loved one who just deteriorated into a frail person. He was a very strong man, hardly ever sick in his life and then he got this horrid illness. What really hurts was to see this man have such a sharp mind, even till the end, but his body just weakened day by day. Since Ray's passing, my health has also deteriorated. I thank God that he let all this happen after Ray died so I was able to take care of him to the end. Anyway Barbara, I would like to chat with you and see how your handling your grief. My mind so wants to do things but my body won't and I so want to just be with my Ray. I have grown children and grand children but I just can't find a purpose in life anymore. I keep praying and asking God what does he want me to do to have a different outlook on my life. So many people just pick up the pieces and go on with their life, I can't get that feeling. Would you be so kind to share your experience with me? I would appreciate talking with someone who is going through the same thing that I am. I hope to hear from you and that I didn't come across to you as a nut case. You know, it's always nicer to talk to people from area's where you once lived or live where you know someone who lives close to them. Well dear, again, I hope to hear from you. 

God bless,

Pat Herrera

Bryan, TX

At 7:23am on March 16, 2011, Christy said…

Dear Barbara,

Thanks so much for sharing. I am facing my husband's birthday soon also and I'm scared! That's crazy, but that's how I feel. I don't want to go there. How can I face that day without him? By you sharing your experience, I now feel less anxiety about it. I can take cues from you to help me get through it. Larry would be 39 yrs. old on April 15. I gave him a surprise party in 2009 which was his very first birthday party ever! He loved it. I am so thankful to have done that for him. He was the easiest person in the world to please, & nobody deserved the best in life more than he! He is so precious to me. I don't know how much longer I can get by without him it hurts so bad. I know you know this feeling all to well. God bless you & thanks again for your post.

HUGS, Christy

At 7:52pm on March 7, 2011, Linda G. said…

Barbara, I'm so sorry you had to let your husbands truck go back. I know that had to be hard. Every so often I just go and sit in Neal's truck just to smell his smell. But his smell is fading out of his truck and that makes me sad. I have not gone through any of Neal's stuff either. I don't want to nor do I think I could now. I can not believe it has already been 5 months. It seem like it was just yesterday that Neal passed away. People tell me to just give it time. I am so tired of hearing that phrase. I miss him so much. I love my 2 sons and my 3 grandsons dearly, but I just can't see myself ever being ever really happy again with Neal here with me. He was, is and will always be the love of my life. Hugs to you. Linda


At 9:43pm on February 20, 2011, Carol Kayser said…

Hi back, yes February has/is hard for many things happened in February last year.  Of course try not to carry them with me, but it is difficult.  I really can't wait for February to be over.  I am with you Barb, I so miss Jack, it hurts doesn't it?  Little everyday things that one took for granted and we don't have any more.  Just the laughs, the love, the hugs, the conversations, even the disagreements...they were all wonderful.


I think the one big thing, and I sense an underlying message in so many stories, is the loss of identity, and where do we fit now?  I feel quite "out of place", even around my kids.  Funny feeling really.  We were all out, two young couples, so they had their arms around each other.  How can one not feel jealous of that?  Makes it kind of hard to enjoy yourself.


How old are your children?  My girls are grown up, although their dad always treated them like little ones. 


Well it's been quite the long day, so (I am a tea drinker) I will go and relax for a bit.  


Hang in there and have some good days too....:)  Hugs,


At 1:56pm on February 20, 2011, Carol Kayser said…

Hi Barb, just wanted to see how you are doing these past days?  Today here it is wonderful and sunny, however then I just think of my husband who loved the sun, and so I am determined that "we" will enjoy the day today, in his honor because I know he would!


I see you mentioning funny.  My best friend and her husband are down in Ft. Lauderdale watching the race today.  I always went in her husband's Nascar race pool although I don't know a thing about racing! 

My Jack loved cars, but mostly BMW's and 2 months before he passed away we got a BMW convertible.  He loved that car so much but barely had a chance to enjoy it.   Now my daughter drives it mostly. 


I want you to know I think about you, and today I hope you are doing a bit better....:)  Hugs.  Carol

At 9:37pm on February 15, 2011, NANCY CHRISSE said…
I though for sure I would have heard from you this week. Guess I'll have to wait until thursday. How was Valentine Day? Bad is all I can say. I hate holidays. I'm going on a cruise with a girlfriend from high school Feb 28th. I can't wait to get some sun and just relax. My friend lost her husband 6 years ago, and when were in Tampa another girlfriend from school will meet us at the airport before we head home. She lost her husband a month before me. So gee a widow's lunch.  How sad. There are so many of us. What the heck? Take care and see you Thurs.
At 8:18pm on February 15, 2011, CINDY POWELL said…
hi barbara, just wanted to check in with you to see how you survived valentines day? my day was just a normal sad day. noone wished me a happy valentines until my son called around 9 pm. i kept remembering last year when my husband as sick as he was had asked his brother to get me a card.then he passed away 12 days later. i am just having such a difficult time with all of this, i am so sorry to be a downer for anyone, but i just cant seem to get over this horrible loss in my life.i saw someone at work tonight that i hadnt seen in quite awhile and she asked me how i was doing and i said i am still having a really hard time and she acted so surprised. i cant help but wonder if when you get really close to that one year mark everyone expects you to be ok. i hope you had a good valentines day and please let me hear from you. at least the weather in texas has really gotten nice.
At 9:21pm on February 10, 2011, Susan Mayer said…

Hi Barbara,

Hope you're surviving the cold.  The piles of snow everywhere make going out such a logistical nightmare for me.  Coupled with the grief, it's all had my mood pretty dark.  I started a new grief group last night, but... everyone was a lot older than I, married for 50 or more years... no one in my situation exactly.  Well, maybe it will work out.  I'm trying to view it as a chance to get out, talk with others, and get more involved with this organization's ongoing drop-in support (you have to attend a formal group first).  Still, I can't say I wasn't disappointed; I felt like I was in a group with my parent's friends.  Know what I mean?

I'm looking forward to the predicted thaw next week.  Any improvement in the weather will help my mood.  And then perhaps we can start thinking about meeting for lunch one day.  Hope you're doing well and hanging in there.  Take care.


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