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Rich lister and bogan in a David and Goliath war of words

Collingwood, in Melbourne's inner north, does not scream glamour, so it's little wonder that you will find a self-proclaimed "bogan" in a stoush with a rich-lister over a casino-style property proposal.

Running smack bang into millionaire developer Tim Gurner is Yarra Council's Stephen Jolly, who told CBD the $67 million, 383-apartment plan was "better suited to Macau, Las Vegas, or even Monaco".

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Las Vegas comes to Collingwood

14-level casino-style property development is proposed for Wellington Street, Collingwood.

"It's just not the right development," Jolly, a poster boy for inner-city socialism says.

"Collingwood is an artistic community, and the sparkling white building looks like a magnet for every tagger [graffiti artist] in Melbourne."

But being a construction worker, and like all of us, needing to put food on the table, Jolly says he has worked on many sites for many developers, "no doubt some owned by Gurner".

He explains that situation to CBD thus:"You can work at a uranium mine, but still be opposed to nuclear weapons".


"I have to pay my bills and feed my kids like everyone else, I'm not a Nimby [not in my back yard], I just think they could have done a better design."

Wheatley returns

Having cut his teeth at JB Were and Goldman Sachs in research, then investment bank advisory, before taking a break to reconnect with his family, property supremo Simon Wheatley has returned in a new role with Fat Prophets' Angus Geddes, to manage a new real estate investment company.

Fat Prophets' Angus Geddes.

Fat Prophets' Angus Geddes. Photo: Rob Homer

​Known as Fat Prophets Global Property Fund, it will provide investors with exposure to a portfolio of global real estate listed companies, primarily REITs, with the aim of raising up to $220 million. LIC's are back in favour, even James Packer's Contango Asset Management forged ahead with a LIC focusing on global stocks.

And clients can be assured there will be no fear or favour by the managers when it comes to investing, as Wheatley, who once famously put a sell on Frank Lowy's Westfield, has also hired ex Perennial Investment Partners and former Macquarie Funds Management executive David Kivell, known as "killer" for his tough scrutiny on REIT managers, as the independent chairman of the LIC's investment committee.

It's online people.

Now CBD would not want anyone to think that our attendance record at university was spotless. This is no doubt ... pretty obvious to our regular readers.

However as an arts student the whole wide world is one's classroom, including the pub. We did think though that the kids heading single file in matching jumpers to the business school were much better at the nuts and bolts elements of university like turning up to class.

Lecturer Adrian Raftery posted this picture of his classroom.

Lecturer Adrian Raftery posted this picture of his classroom. Photo: Supplied

How times have changed, at least if an exasperated LinkedIn post from a Deakin Business School lecturer is any guide.

The complaint from associate professor Adrian Raftery led in with the question: "Should I use the ole size 16s?"

The post went mildly viral – it is LinkedIn after all – with most people sympathetic to his plight.

"I don't know about you but my generation always showed up for lectures and seminars, particularly at the start of semester. Here is my first class for 2nd semester which was supposed to have started 15 mins ago," he said.

"After being pumped up to give a great class, I am deflated that they couldn't bother their arse to show up."

In the comments section of the post, he notes that the class was not available online and would not be recorded.

He points out that estate planning is pretty tricky territory and one of the hardest in a course the students presumably wish to pass.

"Students don't realise that their lecturers could be their best advocates for getting a job. What would you do if you were in my shoes?"

Well that question sparked a lot of response with other lecturers suggesting the experience is not all that novel and maybe universities need to change to recognise how the young 'uns want to be taught these days – gasp! What would Simon Birmingham say?

Among the supporters is Telstra's chief spinner Jason Laird who replied: "We don't know each other but I just want to give you an "attaboy" and hope you don't worry that it reflects something about you."

Peter Borbiro, who is 14 years deep at the Australian Tax Office as director risk and intelligence management, says he has had similar experience when he teaches.

"I had one student turn up to an online tutorial where I discussed the final exam – told them I would discuss it but no interest shown – sigh. The subject was Superannuation Law. The one student who did turn up did very well," he replied.

Can CBD just point out this Borbiro tutorial was online. It was online!

As one financial planner on the feed drily noted appealing to self-interest might work: "Perhaps change the session to how your parents are spending your inheritance and you will not afford that new iPhone 20 in 2030?"