Daily Life


Mistletoe, friend or foe? Melbourne Council arborists embrace a former pest

Australian wildlife might well have an unexpected friend.

Traditionally, when gardeners found mistletoe lurking in a tree, they cut it out quickly, lest the parasitic intruder cause branches to break or entire canopies to die. But in recent years the tide has been turning. Not only have Australian mistletoes been cleared of harming their hosts, they are being credited with all sorts of benefits we are only just starting to understand.

In a new trial in Melbourne, arborists are encouraging native mistletoe to grow in street trees in a bid to boost biodiversity. Over four days this month arborists armed with one kilogram of fleshy, ripe mistletoe fruit stepped onto cherry pickers, were lifted up to the canopy of 50 plane trees and, like birds, wiped the fruits' sticky seeds onto branches.

We are waiting to see what happens next. The trees, in West Melbourne, North Melbourne, Parkville, South Yarra and Southbank, are being closely monitored to assess how much mistletoe germinates (it can be hard to establish) and the effect it then has on city wildlife.

The trial, believed to be a world-first, is being done by the City of Melbourne together with ecologist David Watson, a mistletoe expert from Charles Sturt University. 

Watson has long been an influential figure in the world of mistletoe. One of his most significant studies was done in the mid-2000s in woodland remnants just north of Albury in New South Wales. In separate sets of woodlands, mistletoes were either left or completely removed, while control groups were established to guard against the findings being affected by other influences. Cutting out mistletoe was found to have a rapid effect on bird life. 

In the mistletoe-cleared patch, the number of bird species dropped by more than one-third within three years. But that wasn't all. Most of the birds that disappeared were the ones that ate insects and spiders, which had been attracted to the mistletoe leaf litter on the forest floor. Watson found that mistletoe provided a complex web of benefits from the ground up the canopy. He calls mistletoes "keystone" species for their disproportionately large effect on other organisms.


The chair of the City of Melbourne's environment portfolio, Cr Cathy Oke, wants to see whether the benefits are replicated in urban settings. "This trial will look at whether mistletoe is equally as vital and important to ecology in our urban forests as it is outside of the city," she says. "Through this trial we hope to see the mistletoes germinate and establish in our tree canopies, leading to birds and butterflies returning to our parks and gardens in the months and years to come."

There are more than 1500 mistletoe species around the world, including more than 90 in Australia, and six that are indigenous to Melbourne. Muellerina eucalyptoides (Creeping Mistletoe), which is endemic to Australia's eastern states, was chosen for the trial. While it is hosted by eucalypt species in natural forests, it can also grow on the sort of exotic deciduous trees that line many inner-city streets. 

In the wild, it is spread by red mistletoe birds, which feed on the fruits and defecate the seeds that then become attached to branches and send out modified roots that probe into the tree's water and mineral resources. 

High hopes are being pinned on what creeping mistletoe might do for London plane trees, which stand up well to pollution and Melbourne's increasingly hot and dry climate but are sometimes criticised for not providing enough habitat and other resources for Australian wildlife. 

Oke says the mistletoe provides "highly nutritious pollen, nectar, fruit and leaves" as well as "cool, leafy places to hide and build nests". The trial will explore the role mistletoe might play in reducing pollution and mitigating the urban heat island effect. 

But there are no promises. Because most mistletoe research has been done in natural forests or agricultural landscapes, little is known about mistletoe ecology in urban settings. This is an attempt to change that.