Why the one-oven recipe is considered the holy grail of the simple cook

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This was published 7 years ago

Why the one-oven recipe is considered the holy grail of the simple cook

By Adam Liaw

It's a bit of a mystery why the one-pot wonder is the holy grail of simple home cooking. In truth, there are other ways to cook that require even less effort – and washing up. A pot on a stove still needs to be tended, stirred and watched – sometimes for hours. A wok, though, can make a whole table of different dishes with just a few quick rinses between frying, which will all be ready in minutes.

How about a simple steak and a salad? Surely that's easier than guarding a pot for half a day? The king of the easy dinner in my mind, however, is the tray-bake. Ingredients scattered on a baking tray (lined with a little baking paper to make the washing-up easier) can be a delicious and varied meal, with each retaining its own flavour rather than being mixed in a pot.

Just throw it n the oven and away you go.

Just throw it n the oven and away you go. Credit: William Meppem

Whether it's a tray of vegetables for a side dish or a full meal, give the oven a go. It couldn't be simpler, and will leave you time to prepare a delicious dessert.


Serves 4

The natural sweetness of the sweet potato complements the savoury sausages and tart salsa verde for a simple set-and-forget one-tray meal.

• 4 medium orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, scrubbed and unpeeled

• 8 good-quality beef, lamb or pork sausages

• 2 large red onions, peeled, cut into quarters


• 2 tbsp olive oil

• ½ cup sour cream, to serve

Rough salsa verde

• ½ cup each shredded flat-leaf parsley leaves, basil leaves and mint leaves

• 1 garlic clove, minced

• 4 cornichons, finely chopped

• 1 tsp capers, roughly chopped

• 1 anchovy fillet, minced (or 1 tsp fish sauce)

• 1 lemon, juiced

• ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

Heat your oven to 190°C. Prick the sweet potatoes all over with a fork and place to one side of a large roasting tray. Place the sausages and onion to the other side and drizzle them with olive oil. Roast uncovered for 50-60 minutes.

For the salsa verde, mix all ingredients together. To serve, split the sweet potatoes in half, top with the sausages and onions and then the sour cream and rough salsa verde.


Serves 6

Butterscotch pudding with salted cream and port raisins.

Butterscotch pudding with salted cream and port raisins.Credit: William Meppem

Raisins plumped in port are a perfect accompaniment to this rich custard pudding. They are also great served with a cheese platter.

• ½ cup raisins

• ½ cup port

• 1 cup caster sugar

• 85g butter

• 350ml milk

• 400ml thickened cream, plus 200ml for whipping

• 8 egg yolks

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• a good pinch of salt

Combine the raisins and port together in a small bowl and leave for at least two hours until the raisins absorb the port. Heat your oven to 150°C. Heat the caster sugar in a small saucepan on a medium-high heat until a dark caramel forms. Add the butter and 2 tbsp of water and whisk well until the caramel dissolves. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Add the milk and cream and whisk to combine.

Lightly beat the egg yolks in a heatproof bowl and strain about 60ml of the caramel mixture into the eggs while whisking to temper them. Strain the remaining caramel mixture and the vanilla and whisk until well combined. Pour through a sieve again into 6 separate ramekins. Place the ramekins in a deep baking dish and place into the oven. Pour boiling water around the ramekins until it reaches halfway up their sides.

Bake for 50 minutes until set (a slight wobble should remain in the centre). Remove from the oven and cool to room temperature, then chill in the fridge until ready to serve. You may also serve these slightly warm if you prefer. Lightly whip the cream with a good pinch of salt and serve the puddings with a dollop of salted cream and a big spoonful of the port raisins.

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