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John Hewson: Egos driving same-sex marriage vote ignore issues of the majority

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I watch on in total dismay and disappointment as a handful of dissidents, a mix of so-called progressives and conservatives, wrangle in the media over same-sex marriage, slowly destroying Turnbull and his government.

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It's a delaying tactic: Shorten

As talk turns to whether the government will hold a postal plebiscite on same sex marriage, Bill Shorten says the PM is only considering it because of the "right wing dinosaurs" of the Liberal Party.

To be clear, I support same-sex marriage, and like so many who do, don't, and are just a bit "here and there", I would like to have seen the matter dealt with expeditiously, given what is perceived as widespread community support.

But, it is simply not a "top of mind" issue for most voters, despite their personal preferences, at a time where so many are struggling with their costs of living, with excessive debts, their wages flatlining, and mounting job insecurity.

The matter was essentially off the agenda, for this parliamentary term at least, with the Senate vote against a plebiscite. It is now only dominating the day-to-day political debate and media because a mere handful, driven by personal egos in quest of their moment in the sun, or for some irrelevant factional "power" game, or whatever, have put it there, and been given the leeway to do so.

Threats of a "new process" – Really? Threats of crossing the floor – Really? Threats of moving to the crossbenches – Really? A new leadership team – Really? Just blatant disloyalty!


What the hell is their end game? Do these people really believe that even if they "win", by forcing what is ultimately a successful parliamentary vote, that it will help them win the next election? Do they really want to feed, if not ensure, the prospect of yet another PM being replaced mid-term?

The electoral take out can only be negative. To the "silent majority" these dissidents are confirming all that is "wrong" with our so-called democratic system – where a vocal and organised minority can drive our governments, at the expense of the more significant issues of the majority.

Voters simply see "disunity", and vested interests "winning" at their expense. In their minds, this is just further evidence of them being "left behind" and "neglected" by the self-absorbed "political elite", at a time where they are actually craving for good government that listens, understands, and addresses, their needs and aspirations.

These dissidents need to stop and think. Do they really believe that a successful outcome on same-sex marriage will count for more at the next election than believable unity, and an effective response on issues such as electricity prices, the costs of childcare and health, genuine new employment opportunities, and improved job security?

Malcolm, of course, has got himself into an extremely compromised position on the issue, and with his leadership. He initially opposed the Abbott proposal for a plebiscite, a proposal designed to simply delay a parliamentary vote. Then, in order to secure the leadership he committed to retain the Party position on a plebiscite. He met that commitment by taking it to an election and, even with a narrow win, was able to claim a "mandate". He then initiated a parliamentary process on the plebiscite, but lost.

I was somewhat surprised that Malcolm didn't seize the moment created by that lost Senate vote and move quickly to a full parliamentary conscience vote, just managing any minor Party fallout. The electoral commitment of a plebiscite had essentially been met. It was an opportunity for confident leadership. That opportunity was unfortunately lost.

Of course, you can read too much into this so-called "mandate". It's not as if voters were given a second line box to tick in relation to a plebiscite. The story of Turnbull's narrow survival is much bigger than this, and the lessons have since been largely ignored.

Apart from running a poor campaign, leaving Shorten the almost unbounded capacity to look good, and to run successful, albeit dishonest, scare campaigns, the message for Turnbull was clear – you have failed to meet the expectations created as you seized the leadership from Abbott, essentially to lead and to provide good and effective government.

To allow these few dissidents to dominate and drive the debate in recent days has again seen Turnbull look weak, hoist with his own petard.

When a football team goes into the second half behind, say NRL, the sage advice is to stick with the basics, with focus and discipline – complete the sets, stick with the game plan, maximise the opportunities as they will inevitably come.

The captain must lead by example, and while other individual performances can really matter, it's the teamwork that will ultimately be decisive.

Voters simply want a government that understands and delivers against their needs, while setting a clear sense of strategy and vision within which the longer-term structural challenges can be effectively met.

Turnbull's first challenge is to start to deliver the leadership he promised, and the first stage of that is to re-establish unity, and an electorally significant purpose.

The joint party room is the venue for a once-and-for all debate and binding secret ballot. Turnbull must demonstrate clear leadership by leading and controlling that debate. His cabinet and ministry simply must support him. Discipline must then be enforced on the outcome, and the government's focus moved back to delivering against voter expectations.

To do otherwise will ensure a Shorten victory.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.